% robot --help
Robot Framework -- A generic automation framework
Version: 4.1 (Python 3.7.9 on darwin)
Usage: robot [options] paths
or: python -m robot [options] paths
or: python path/to/robot [options] paths
or: java -jar robotframework.jar [options] paths
Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework for acceptance
testing, acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) and robotic process
automation (RPA). It has simple, easy-to-use syntax that utilizes the
keyword-driven automation approach. Keywords adding new capabilities are
implemented in libraries using either Python or Java. New higher level
keywords can also be created using Robot Framework's own syntax.
The easiest way to execute Robot Framework is using the `robot` command created
as part of the normal installation. Alternatively it is possible to execute
the `robot` module directly like `python -m robot`, where `python` can be
replaced with any supported Python interpreter such as `jython`, `ipy` or
`python3`. Yet another alternative is running the `robot` directory like
`python path/to/robot`. Finally, there is a standalone JAR distribution
Tests (or tasks in RPA terminology) are created in files typically having the
`*.robot` extension. Files automatically create test (or task) suites and
directories with these files create higher level suites. When Robot Framework
is executed, paths to these files or directories are given to it as arguments.
By default Robot Framework creates an XML output file and a log and a report in
HTML format, but this can be configured using various options listed below.
Outputs in HTML format are for human consumption and XML output for integration
with other systems. XML outputs can also be combined and otherwise further
post-processed with the Rebot tool that is an integral part of Robot Framework.
Run `rebot --help` for more information.
Robot Framework is open source software released under Apache License 2.0.
For more information about the framework and the rich ecosystem around it
see http://robotframework.org/.
--rpa Turn on the generic automation mode. Mainly affects
terminology so that "test" is replaced with "task"
in logs and reports. By default the mode is got
from test/task header in data files. New in RF 3.1.
-F --extension value Parse only files with this extension when executing
a directory. Has no effect when running individual
files or when using resource files. If more than one
extension is needed, separate them with a colon.
Examples: `--extension txt`, `--extension robot:txt`
Starting from RF 3.2 only `*.robot` files are parsed
by default.
-N --name name Set the name of the top level suite. By default the
name is created based on the executed file or
-D --doc documentation Set the documentation of the top level suite.
Simple formatting is supported (e.g. *bold*). If the
documentation contains spaces, it must be quoted.
If the value is path to an existing file, actual
documentation is read from that file.
Examples: --doc "Very *good* example"
--doc doc_from_file.txt
-M --metadata name:value * Set metadata of the top level suite. Value can
contain formatting and be read from a file similarly
as --doc. Example: --metadata Version:1.2
-G --settag tag * Sets given tag(s) to all executed tests.
-t --test name * Select tests by name or by long name containing also
parent suite name like `Parent.Test`. Name is case
and space insensitive and it can also be a simple
pattern where `*` matches anything, `?` matches any
single character, and `[chars]` matches one character
in brackets.
--task name * Alias to --test. Especially applicable with --rpa.
-s --suite name * Select suites by name. When this option is used with
--test, --include or --exclude, only tests in
matching suites and also matching other filtering
criteria are selected. Name can be a simple pattern
similarly as with --test and it can contain parent
name separated with a dot. For example, `-s X.Y`
selects suite `Y` only if its parent is `X`.
-i --include tag * Select tests by tag. Similarly as name with --test,
tag is case and space insensitive and it is possible
to use patterns with `*`, `?` and `[]` as wildcards.
Tags and patterns can also be combined together with
`AND`, `OR`, and `NOT` operators.
Examples: --include foo --include bar*
--include fooANDbar*
-e --exclude tag * Select test cases not to run by tag. These tests are
not run even if included with --include. Tags are
matched using same rules as with --include.
-R --rerunfailed output Select failed tests from an earlier output file to be
re-executed. Equivalent to selecting same tests
individually using --test.
-S --rerunfailedsuites output Select failed suites from an earlier output
file to be re-executed.
--runemptysuite Executes suite even if it contains no tests. Useful
e.g. with --include/--exclude when it is not an error
that no test matches the condition.
--skip tag * Tests having given tag will be skipped. Tag can be
a pattern. New in RF 4.0.
--skiponfailure tag * Tests having given tag will be skipped if they fail.
Tag can be a pattern. New in RF 4.0.
-n --noncritical tag * Alias for --skiponfailure. Deprecated since RF 4.0.
-c --critical tag * Opposite of --noncritical. Deprecated since RF 4.0.
-v --variable name:value * Set variables in the test data. Only scalar
variables with string value are supported and name is
given without `${}`. See --variablefile for a more
powerful variable setting mechanism.
--variable str:Hello => ${str} = `Hello`
-v hi:Hi_World -E space:_ => ${hi} = `Hi World`
-v x: -v y:42 => ${x} = ``, ${y} = `42`
-V --variablefile path * Python or YAML file file to read variables from.
Possible arguments to the variable file can be given
after the path using colon or semicolon as separator.
Examples: --variablefile path/vars.yaml
--variablefile environment.py:testing
-d --outputdir dir Where to create output files. The default is the
directory where tests are run from and the given path
is considered relative to that unless it is absolute.
-o --output file XML output file. Given path, similarly as paths given
to --log, --report, --xunit, and --debugfile, is
relative to --outputdir unless given as an absolute
path. Other output files are created based on XML
output files after the test execution and XML outputs
can also be further processed with Rebot tool. Can be
disabled by giving a special value `NONE`.
Default: output.xml
-l --log file HTML log file. Can be disabled by giving a special
value `NONE`. Default: log.html
Examples: `--log mylog.html`, `-l NONE`
-r --report file HTML report file. Can be disabled with `NONE`
similarly as --log. Default: report.html
-x --xunit file xUnit compatible result file. Not created unless this
option is specified.
--xunitskipnoncritical Deprecated since RF 4.0 and has no effect anymore.
-b --debugfile file Debug file written during execution. Not created
unless this option is specified.
-T --timestampoutputs When this option is used, timestamp in a format
`YYYYMMDD-hhmmss` is added to all generated output
files between their basename and extension. For
example `-T -o output.xml -r report.html -l none`
creates files like `output-20070503-154410.xml` and
--splitlog Split the log file into smaller pieces that open in
browsers transparently.
--logtitle title Title for the generated log file. The default title
is `<SuiteName> Test Log`.
--reporttitle title Title for the generated report file. The default
title is `<SuiteName> Test Report`.
--reportbackground colors Background colors to use in the report file.
Order is `passed:failed:skipped`. Both color names
and codes work. `skipped` can be omitted.
Examples: --reportbackground green:red:yellow
--reportbackground #00E:#E00
--maxerrorlines lines Maximum number of error message lines to show in
report when tests fail. Default is 40, minimum is 10
and `NONE` can be used to show the full message.
-L --loglevel level Threshold level for logging. Available levels: TRACE,
DEBUG, INFO (default), WARN, NONE (no logging). Use
syntax `LOGLEVEL:DEFAULT` to define the default
visible log level in log files.
Examples: --loglevel DEBUG
--loglevel DEBUG:INFO
--suitestatlevel level How many levels to show in `Statistics by Suite`
in log and report. By default all suite levels are
shown. Example: --suitestatlevel 3
--tagstatinclude tag * Include only matching tags in `Statistics by Tag`
in log and report. By default all tags are shown.
Given tag can be a pattern like with --include.
--tagstatexclude tag * Exclude matching tags from `Statistics by Tag`.
This option can be used with --tagstatinclude
similarly as --exclude is used with --include.
--tagstatcombine tags:name * Create combined statistics based on tags.
These statistics are added into `Statistics by Tag`.
If the optional `name` is not given, name of the
combined tag is got from the specified tags. Tags are
matched using the same rules as with --include.
Examples: --tagstatcombine requirement-*
--tagstatcombine tag1ANDtag2:My_name
--tagdoc pattern:doc * Add documentation to tags matching the given
pattern. Documentation is shown in `Test Details` and
also as a tooltip in `Statistics by Tag`. Pattern can
use `*`, `?` and `[]` as wildcards like --test.
Documentation can contain formatting like --doc.
Examples: --tagdoc mytag:Example
--tagdoc "owner-*:Original author"
--tagstatlink pattern:link:title * Add external links into `Statistics by
Tag`. Pattern can use `*`, `?` and `[]` as wildcards
like --test. Characters matching to `*` and `?`
wildcards can be used in link and title with syntax
%N, where N is index of the match (starting from 1).
Examples: --tagstatlink mytag:http://my.domain:Title
--tagstatlink "bug-*:http://url/id=%1:Issue Tracker"
--expandkeywords name:<pattern>|tag:<pattern> *
Matching keywords will be automatically expanded in
the log file. Matching against keyword name or tags
work using same rules as with --removekeywords.
Examples: --expandkeywords name:BuiltIn.Log
--expandkeywords tag:expand
New in RF 3.2.
--removekeywords all|passed|for|wuks|name:<pattern>|tag:<pattern> *
Remove keyword data from the generated log file.
Keywords containing warnings are not removed except
in the `all` mode.
all: remove data from all keywords
passed: remove data only from keywords in passed
test cases and suites
for: remove passed iterations from for loops
wuks: remove all but the last failing keyword
inside `BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds`
name:<pattern>: remove data from keywords that match
the given pattern. The pattern is matched
against the full name of the keyword (e.g.
'MyLib.Keyword', 'resource.Second Keyword'),
is case, space, and underscore insensitive,
and may contain `*`, `?` and `[]` wildcards.
Examples: --removekeywords name:Lib.HugeKw
--removekeywords name:myresource.*
tag:<pattern>: remove data from keywords that match
the given pattern. Tags are case and space
insensitive and patterns can contain `*`,
`?` and `[]` wildcards. Tags and patterns
can also be combined together with `AND`,
`OR`, and `NOT` operators.
Examples: --removekeywords foo
--removekeywords fooANDbar*
--flattenkeywords for|foritem|name:<pattern>|tag:<pattern> *
Flattens matching keywords in the generated log file.
Matching keywords get all log messages from their
child keywords and children are discarded otherwise.
for: flatten for loops fully
foritem: flatten individual for loop iterations
name:<pattern>: flatten matched keywords using same
matching rules as with
`--removekeywords name:<pattern>`
tag:<pattern>: flatten matched keywords using same
matching rules as with
`--removekeywords tag:<pattern>`
--listener class * A class for monitoring test execution. Gets
notifications e.g. when tests start and end.
Arguments to the listener class can be given after
the name using a colon or a semicolon as a separator.
Examples: --listener MyListenerClass
--listener path/to/Listener.py:arg1:arg2
--nostatusrc Sets the return code to zero regardless of failures
in test cases. Error codes are returned normally.
--dryrun Verifies test data and runs tests so that library
keywords are not executed.
-X --exitonfailure Stops test execution if any critical test fails.
--exitonerror Stops test execution if any error occurs when parsing
test data, importing libraries, and so on.
--skipteardownonexit Causes teardowns to be skipped if test execution is
stopped prematurely.
--randomize all|suites|tests|none Randomizes the test execution order.
all: randomizes both suites and tests
suites: randomizes suites
tests: randomizes tests
none: no randomization (default)
Use syntax `VALUE:SEED` to give a custom random seed.
The seed must be an integer.
Examples: --randomize all
--randomize tests:1234
--prerunmodifier class * Class to programmatically modify the test suite
structure before execution.
--prerebotmodifier class * Class to programmatically modify the result
model before creating reports and logs.
--console type How to report execution on the console.
verbose: report every suite and test (default)
dotted: only show `.` for passed test, `f` for
failed non-critical tests, and `F` for
failed critical tests
quiet: no output except for errors and warnings
none: no output whatsoever
-. --dotted Shortcut for `--console dotted`.
--quiet Shortcut for `--console quiet`.
-W --consolewidth chars Width of the console output. Default is 78.
-C --consolecolors auto|on|ansi|off Use colors on console output or not.
auto: use colors when output not redirected (default)
on: always use colors
ansi: like `on` but use ANSI colors also on Windows
off: disable colors altogether
Note that colors do not work with Jython on Windows.
-K --consolemarkers auto|on|off Show markers on the console when top level
keywords in a test case end. Values have same
semantics as with --consolecolors.
-P --pythonpath path * Additional locations (directories, ZIPs, JARs) where
to search test libraries and other extensions when
they are imported. Multiple paths can be given by
separating them with a colon (`:`) or by using this
option several times. Given path can also be a glob
pattern matching multiple paths.
--pythonpath libs/ --pythonpath resources/*.jar
--pythonpath /opt/testlibs:mylibs.zip:yourlibs
-A --argumentfile path * Text file to read more arguments from. Use special
path `STDIN` to read contents from the standard input
stream. File can have both options and input files
or directories, one per line. Contents do not need to
be escaped but spaces in the beginning and end of
lines are removed. Empty lines and lines starting
with a hash character (#) are ignored.
Example file:
| --include regression
| --name Regression Tests
| # This is a comment line
| my_tests.robot
| path/to/test/directory/
--argumentfile argfile.txt --argumentfile STDIN
-h -? --help Print usage instructions.
--version Print version information.
Options that are marked with an asterisk (*) can be specified multiple times.
For example, `--test first --test third` selects test cases with name `first`
and `third`. If an option accepts a value but is not marked with an asterisk,
the last given value has precedence. For example, `--log A.html --log B.html`
creates log file `B.html`. Options accepting no values can be disabled by
using the same option again with `no` prefix added or dropped. The last option
has precedence regardless of how many times options are used. For example,
`--dryrun --dryrun --nodryrun --nostatusrc --statusrc` would not activate the
dry-run mode and would return a normal return code.
Long option format is case-insensitive. For example, --SuiteStatLevel is
equivalent to but easier to read than --suitestatlevel. Long options can
also be shortened as long as they are unique. For example, `--logti Title`
works while `--lo log.html` does not because the former matches only --logtitle
but the latter matches --log, --loglevel and --logtitle.
Environment Variables
ROBOT_OPTIONS Space separated list of default options to be placed
in front of any explicit options on the command line.
ROBOT_SYSLOG_FILE Path to a file where Robot Framework writes internal
information about parsing test case files and running
tests. Can be useful when debugging problems. If not
set, or set to a special value `NONE`, writing to the
syslog file is disabled.
ROBOT_SYSLOG_LEVEL Log level to use when writing to the syslog file.
Available levels are the same as with --loglevel
command line option and the default is INFO.
ROBOT_INTERNAL_TRACES When set to any non-empty value, Robot Framework's
internal methods are included in error tracebacks.
# Simple test run using `robot` command without options.
$ robot tests.robot
# Using options.
$ robot --include smoke --name "Smoke Tests" path/to/tests.robot
# Executing `robot` module using Python.
$ python -m robot path/to/tests
# Running `robot` directory with Jython.
$ jython /opt/robot tests.robot
# Executing multiple test case files and using case-insensitive long options.
$ robot --SuiteStatLevel 2 --Metadata Version:3 tests/*.robot more/tests.robot
# Setting default options and syslog file before running tests.
$ export ROBOT_OPTIONS="--outputdir results --suitestatlevel 2"
$ export ROBOT_SYSLOG_FILE=/tmp/syslog.txt
$ robot tests.robot