一、首先根据HDFS的API写一段程序,然后是用Eclipse进行debug 单步跟踪,从而查看源码执行流程:

import java.net.URI;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;

public class testRead1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        //String uri = args[0];
        String uri = "hdfs://localhost:9000/user/mmliu/test01.txt";
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(uri), conf);
        FSDataInputStream in = null;
        try {
            in = fs.open(new Path(uri));
            IOUtils.copyBytes(in, System.out, 4096, false);
            IOUtils.copyBytes(in, System.out, 4096, false);
        } finally {


Hadoop3 HDFS源码剖析 hdfs源代码_Hadoop3 HDFS源码剖析


可以看到一开始当get一个FileSystem类的实例的时候,最终会根据我们提供的uri和conf 创建了一个DistributedFileSystem的实例对象,并完成了初始化的过程,初始化函数主要是完成了RPCNamenode和namenode的创建,而这两个变量都是ClientProtocol类型的,ClientProtocol本质上是一个接口,最终完成的是RPC操作。

private static ClientProtocol createRPCNamenode(InetSocketAddress nameNodeAddr,
      Configuration conf, UserGroupInformation ugi) 
    throws IOException {
    return (ClientProtocol)RPC.getProxy(ClientProtocol.class,
        ClientProtocol.versionID, nameNodeAddr, ugi, conf,
        NetUtils.getSocketFactory(conf, ClientProtocol.class));


public FSDataInputStream open(Path f, int bufferSize) throws IOException {
    return new DFSClient.DFSDataInputStream(
          dfs.open(getPathName(f), bufferSize, verifyChecksum, statistics));


   * DFSInputStream provides bytes from a named file.  It handles 
   * negotiation of the namenode and various datanodes as necessary.
  public class DFSInputStream extends FSInputStream {


private long prefetchSize = 10 * defaultBlockSize;

     * Grab the open-file info from namenode
    synchronized void openInfo() throws IOException {
      LocatedBlocks newInfo = callGetBlockLocations(namenode, src, 0, prefetchSize);
      if (newInfo == null) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist: " + src);

      // I think this check is not correct. A file could have been appended to
      // between two calls to openInfo().
      if (locatedBlocks != null && !locatedBlocks.isUnderConstruction() &&
          !newInfo.isUnderConstruction()) {
        Iterator<LocatedBlock> oldIter = locatedBlocks.getLocatedBlocks().iterator();
        Iterator<LocatedBlock> newIter = newInfo.getLocatedBlocks().iterator();
        while (oldIter.hasNext() && newIter.hasNext()) {
          if (! oldIter.next().getBlock().equals(newIter.next().getBlock())) {
            throw new IOException("Blocklist for " + src + " has changed!");
      this.locatedBlocks = newInfo;
      this.currentNode = null;

private static LocatedBlocks callGetBlockLocations(ClientProtocol namenode,
      String src, long start, long length) throws IOException {
    try {
      return namenode.getBlockLocations(src, start, length);
    } catch(RemoteException re) {
      throw re.unwrapRemoteException(AccessControlException.class,

LocatedBlocks主要包含文件长度信息lo ng fileLength和一个链表的List<LocatedBlock> blocks,其中每个LocatedBlock包含如下信息:

private Block b;
private long offset;  // offset of the first byte of the block in the file
private DatanodeInfo[] locs;

b 存储block相关的信息,offset 指向的是该block 在文件中的偏移量,locs记录了存储该block的datanode的信息



Hadoop3 HDFS源码剖析 hdfs源代码_hadoop_02


/** {@inheritDoc} */
  public LocatedBlocks   getBlockLocations(String src, 
                                          long offset, 
                                          long length) throws IOException {
    return namesystem.getBlockLocations(getClientMachine(), 
                                        src, offset, length);


保存的是NameNode的name space树,其中一个重要的成员变量为FSDirectory dir。 FSDirectory主要包括FSImage fsImage,用于读写硬盘上的fsimage文件,FSImage类有成员变量FSEditLog editLog,用于读写硬盘上的edit文件,这两个文件的关系和作用已经在之前的文章中提到过了,并且也解释了INode, INodeFile, 以及INodeDeirectory等之间的关系。

   * Get block locations within the specified range.
   * @see #getBlockLocations(String, long, long)
  LocatedBlocks getBlockLocations(String clientMachine, String src,
      long offset, long length) throws IOException {
    LocatedBlocks blocks = getBlockLocations(src, offset, length, true, true);
    if (blocks != null) {
      //sort the blocks
      DatanodeDescriptor client = host2DataNodeMap.getDatanodeByHost(
          clientMachine);  // 根据client的主机IP等找到一个在该主机上运行的DataNode(如果存在的话)
      for (LocatedBlock b : blocks.getLocatedBlocks()) {
        clusterMap.pseudoSortByDistance(client, b.getLocations()); // 根据网络拓扑结构,将每个block的datanode按照距离client最近的标准进行排序
    return blocks;

   * Get block locations within the specified range.
   * @see ClientProtocol#getBlockLocations(String, long, long)
  public LocatedBlocks getBlockLocations(String src, long offset, long length,
      boolean doAccessTime, boolean needBlockToken) throws IOException {
    if (isPermissionEnabled) {
      checkPathAccess(src, FsAction.READ);

    if (offset < 0) {
      throw new IOException("Negative offset is not supported. File: " + src );
    if (length < 0) {
      throw new IOException("Negative length is not supported. File: " + src );
    final LocatedBlocks ret = getBlockLocationsInternal(src, 
        offset, length, Integer.MAX_VALUE, doAccessTime, needBlockToken);  // 实际工作者 
    if (auditLog.isInfoEnabled() && isExternalInvocation()) {
                    "open", src, null, null);
    return ret;


private synchronized LocatedBlocks getBlockLocationsInternal(String src,
                                                       long offset, 
                                                       long length,
                                                       int nrBlocksToReturn,
                                                       boolean doAccessTime, 
                                                       boolean needBlockToken)
                                                       throws IOException {
    INodeFile inode = dir.getFileINode(src); // 通过路径名从文件系统树中找到要打开的文件的INodeFile,其中保存了该文件的INode信息 
    if(inode == null) {
      return null;
    if (doAccessTime && isAccessTimeSupported()) {
      dir.setTimes(src, inode, -1, now(), false);
    Block[] blocks = inode.getBlocks();
    if (blocks == null) {
      return null;
    if (blocks.length == 0) {
      return inode.createLocatedBlocks(new ArrayList<LocatedBlock>(blocks.length));
    List<LocatedBlock> results;
    results = new ArrayList<LocatedBlock>(blocks.length);

    int curBlk = 0;
    long curPos = 0, blkSize = 0;
    int nrBlocks = (blocks[0].getNumBytes() == 0) ? 0 : blocks.length;
    for (curBlk = 0; curBlk < nrBlocks; curBlk++) {   // 这个循环的目的是找到offset所在的block的位置
blkSize = blocks[curBlk].getNumBytes();        // curBlk就指向了offset所在的block
      assert blkSize > 0 : "Block of size 0";  
      if (curPos + blkSize > offset) {
      curPos += blkSize;
    if (nrBlocks > 0 && curBlk == nrBlocks)   // offset >= end of file
      return null;
    long endOff = offset + length;   // 找到用户请求的length长度的data在文件中的结束位置 
    do {   // 该循环将涉及到从offset开始到endOff结束这段长度的data的block信息收集起来,然后组合成LocatedBlock
      // get block locations
      int numNodes = blocksMap.numNodes(blocks[curBlk]);
      int numCorruptNodes = countNodes(blocks[curBlk]).corruptReplicas();
      int numCorruptReplicas = corruptReplicas.numCorruptReplicas(blocks[curBlk]); 
      if (numCorruptNodes != numCorruptReplicas) {
        LOG.warn("Inconsistent number of corrupt replicas for " + 
            blocks[curBlk] + "blockMap has " + numCorruptNodes + 
            " but corrupt replicas map has " + numCorruptReplicas);
      DatanodeDescriptor[] machineSet = null;
      boolean blockCorrupt = false;
      if (inode.isUnderConstruction() && curBlk == blocks.length - 1
          && blocksMap.numNodes(blocks[curBlk]) == 0) {
        // get unfinished block locations
        INodeFileUnderConstruction cons = (INodeFileUnderConstruction)inode;
        machineSet = cons.getTargets();
        blockCorrupt = false;
      } else {
        blockCorrupt = (numCorruptNodes == numNodes);
        int numMachineSet = blockCorrupt ? numNodes : 
                            (numNodes - numCorruptNodes);
        machineSet = new DatanodeDescriptor[numMachineSet]; // 找到block对应的machineSet信息并将为损坏的放入集合中
        if (numMachineSet > 0) {
          numNodes = 0;
          for(Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> it = 
              blocksMap.nodeIterator(blocks[curBlk]); it.hasNext();) {
            DatanodeDescriptor dn = it.next();
            boolean replicaCorrupt = corruptReplicas.isReplicaCorrupt(blocks[curBlk], dn);
            if (blockCorrupt || (!blockCorrupt && !replicaCorrupt))
              machineSet[numNodes++] = dn;
      LocatedBlock b = new LocatedBlock(blocks[curBlk], machineSet, curPos,
      if(isAccessTokenEnabled && needBlockToken) {
      results.add(b);  // 将machineSet以及block构造的LocatedBlock放入到链表中
      curPos += blocks[curBlk].getNumBytes();
    } while (curPos < endOff 
          && curBlk < blocks.length 
          && results.size() < nrBlocksToReturn);
    return inode.createLocatedBlocks(results); // 使用LocatedBlock链表构造一个LocatedBlocks对象然后返回
