怎么把音频文件放入PYTHON 怎么把音频导入文件_python


A cool trick I learned the other day is inserting an audio file into word documents.  There are several instances where this comes in handy.  Here we will take a look at a couple different ways to insert the sound files into Word 2007.

前几天我学到的一个很酷的技巧是将音频文件插入Word文档中。 在许多情况下这很方便。 在这里,我们将介绍将声音文件插入Word 2007的几种不同方法。

To insert an existing sound file open Word and click the Insert tab on the Ribbon then in the Text section click on the Object button.

要插入现有的声音文件,请打开Word,然后单击功能区上的“ 插入”选项卡,然后在“文本”部分中单击“ 对象”按钮。

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In the Object window click the “Create from File” tab.  Then browse to the location of the file you want to add to the document.  You can choose to display as an icon as well.

在“对象”窗口中,单击“从文件创建”选项卡。 然后浏览到要添加到文档中的文件的位置。 您也可以选择显示为图标。

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As you can see it is possible to change the sound file icon by default you can choose only three different icons. 


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However, by not checking that option it will show up as the icon for the default audio player which in my case is VLC.  If you send it on to someone else it will still show as your default player’s icon but will play in their default player.  All a user needs to do is double click that sound file in the document for it to play.

但是,如果不选中该选项,它将显示为默认音频播放器的图标,在我的情况下为VLC。 如果将其发送给其他人,它将仍然显示为默认播放器的图标,但将在其默认播放器中播放。 用户所需要做的就是双击文档中的声音文件以使其播放。

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Another cool way to add sound to a Word document is by inserting a file from Clip Organizer.  With the Word document open again select the Insert tab on the Ribbon.  In the Illustrations section click on Clip Art.  A Clip Art task pane will open and at the bottom click on Organize Clips.

向Word文档添加声音的另一种很酷的方法是从Clip Organizer插入文件。 再次打开Word文档时,选择功能区上的“ 插入”选项卡。 在“插图”部分中,单击“ 剪贴画” 。 剪贴画任务窗格将打开,并在底部单击“ 整理剪辑”

怎么把音频文件放入PYTHON 怎么把音频导入文件_mysql_06

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In the Clip Organizer I find it easiest to search for sound clips.  On the toolbar select Search and make sure most options are checked where to search.  Also, to limit the search to just sounds make sure only sounds is checked for what the results should be.

在剪辑管理器中,我发现搜索声音剪辑最容易。 在工具栏上,选择“搜索”,并确保选中了大多数选项以搜索位置。 另外,要将搜索范围限制为仅声音,请确保仅检查声音以获取结果。

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My search for music resulted in several files to choose from.  You can scroll through and preview each one if you want.  By searching the online Microsoft Clip Art Database

我对音乐的搜索产生了几个文件可供选择。 您可以根据需要滚动浏览和预览每个。 通过搜索在线Microsoft剪贴画数据库,您正在搜索150,000多种免费图像和声音。

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Another thing you might want to try is record a message about your document for co-workers through Sound Recorder or other audio recording program and insert that into a document as well.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80016/insert-audio-into-word-2007-documents-2/
