dimension - Java的一个类


与Dimension类相关方法:getSize()和setSize(Dimension size)。分别用来获得和设置方格的大小。







Dimension(String, String)




AddToContainer(IContainer) AddToContainer(IContainer) AddToContainer(IContainer)

ModelComponent 对象添加到指定的容器。 Adds a ModelComponent object to the specified container.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

AfterInsert(Int32) AfterInsert(Int32) AfterInsert(Int32)

在添加指定的索引后,显示 ModelComponent 对象。 Displays a ModelComponent object after added to the specified index.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

AfterMove(Int32, Int32) AfterMove(Int32, Int32) AfterMove(Int32, Int32)

在移动指定的索引后,显示 ModelComponent 对象。 Displays a ModelComponent object after moving to the specified index.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

AfterRemove(ModelComponentCollection) AfterRemove(ModelComponentCollection) AfterRemove(ModelComponentCollection)

删除 ModelComponentCollection 对象后,显示 ModelComponent。 Displays a ModelComponentCollection after a ModelComponent object is removed.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

BeforeRemove(Boolean) BeforeRemove(Boolean) BeforeRemove(Boolean)

清除前删除 ModelComponent对象。 Removes the ModelComponent object before the cleanup.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

CanProcess(ProcessType) CanProcess(ProcessType) CanProcess(ProcessType)

向服务器发送一个处理类型,并指示对于 Dimension 对象是否可执行该处理类型。 Sends a processing type to the server and indicates whether that process type can take place for the Dimension object.

Clone() Clone() Clone()

创建 Dimension 对象的全新完整副本。 Creates a new, full copy of a Dimension object.

Clone(Boolean) Clone(Boolean) Clone(Boolean)

创建 MajorObject 对象的新副本。 Creates a new copy of the MajorObject object.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

CopyTo(Dimension) CopyTo(Dimension) CopyTo(Dimension)

副本Dimension到指定的对象的对象。 Copies a Dimension object to the specified object.

CopyTo(MajorObject, Boolean) CopyTo(MajorObject, Boolean) CopyTo(MajorObject, Boolean)

将该对象复制到指定目标。 Copies the object to the specified destination.

(Inherited from ProcessableMajorObject)

CopyTo(ModelComponent) CopyTo(ModelComponent) CopyTo(ModelComponent)

副本ModelComponent到指定的对象的对象。 Copies a ModelComponent object to the specified object.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

CopyTo(NamedComponent) CopyTo(NamedComponent) CopyTo(NamedComponent)

副本NamedComponent到指定的对象的对象。 Copies a NamedComponent object to the specified object.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Drop() Drop() Drop()

删除当前对象并更新服务器。 Removes current object and updates server.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Drop(DropOptions) Drop(DropOptions) Drop(DropOptions)

使用指定选项删除当前对象并更新服务器。 Removes current object and updates server using specified options.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection) Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection) Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection)

使用指定选项删除当前对象并更新服务器。 Removes current object and updates server using specified options. 对指定的 warnings 对象返回了由删除操作引发的警告。 Warnings resulting from drop operation are returned on the specified warnings object.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection) Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection) Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection)

使用指定选项删除当前对象并更新服务器。 Removes current object and updates server using specified options. 对指定的 warnings 变量返回了由删除操作引发的警告,并且对指定的 impactResult 变量返回了操作中受影响对象的结果。 Warnings resulting from drop operation are returned on the specified warnings variable and results for affected objects in operation are returned on specified impactResult variable.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean) Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean) Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean)

使用指定选项删除当前对象并更新服务器。 Removes current object and updates server using specified options. 对指定的 warnings 变量返回了由删除操作引发的警告,并且对指定的 impactResult 变量返回了操作中受影响对象的结果。 Warnings resulting from drop operation are returned on the specified warnings variable and results for affected objects in operation are returned on specified impactResult variable.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

GetCreateReferences(Hashtable, Boolean, Boolean) GetCreateReferences(Hashtable, Boolean, Boolean) GetCreateReferences(Hashtable, Boolean, Boolean)

获取 Hashtable 以创建引用。 Gets a Hashtable to create references.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

GetDependents(Hashtable) GetDependents(Hashtable) GetDependents(Hashtable)

将挖掘结构和后续依赖项添加到指定Hashtable。 Adds the mining structures and subsequent dependents to the specified Hashtable.

GetDropDependents(Hashtable, Hashtable) GetDropDependents(Hashtable, Hashtable) GetDropDependents(Hashtable, Hashtable)

获取删除依赖关系。 Gets the drop dependents.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

GetReferences(Hashtable, Boolean) GetReferences(Hashtable, Boolean) GetReferences(Hashtable, Boolean)

获取该维度引用的对象。 Gets the objects that the dimension references.

GetUpdateOverwrites(Boolean) GetUpdateOverwrites(Boolean) GetUpdateOverwrites(Boolean)

获取覆盖更新的 Hashtable 的 MajorObject 对象。 Gets the Hashtable object that overwrites the updated MajorObject.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Process() Process() Process()

进程ProcessableMajorObject。 Processes the ProcessableMajorObject.

(Inherited from ProcessableMajorObject)




package zzh;
import java.awt.AWTException;
 import java.awt.Dimension;
 import java.awt.Rectangle;
 import java.awt.Robot;
 import java.awt.Toolkit;import javax.swing.JFrame;
 import javax.swing.JLabel;
 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class LocationScreen {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         int choic = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,"请求控制对方电脑?","私人专属定制",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTI
         if(choic == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION){
         JFrame jFrame = new JFrame("远程监控");
         Toolkit kt = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
         Dimension dm = kt.getScreenSize();
        //这行代码和下面的代码实现效果是一样的              System.out.println(dm.getwidth(),dm.getheight());
         JLabel jLabel = new JLabel();
         try {
             Robot robot = new Robot();
             new Rectangle(jFrame.getWidth(), 0, (int)dm.getWidth()-jFrame.getWidth(), (int)jFrame.getHeight());
         } catch (Exception e) {




java dimension命令 java中dimension使用方法_使用方法


java dimension命令 java中dimension使用方法_使用方法_02



