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One current aspect that is forming a large part of technology policy in many businesses is virtualisation. Virtualisation as a concept takes physical hardware, and with the use of some software trickery, the hardware can be used to host multiple instances or “guests” which are simply virtual computers. You may have come across virtualisation previously as it is the core foundation of cloud hosting, but as well as being used for consolidating servers, it is also common on the desktop where multiple desk computers are hosted on a single server and then accessed by colleagues at their desks through the network.

虚拟化是当前在许多企业中构成技术政策很大一部分的一个方面。 虚拟化作为一个概念需要物理硬件,并且通过使用一些软件欺骗手段,可以将硬件用于托管多个实例或“来宾”,它们仅仅是虚拟计算机。 您可能曾经遇到过虚拟化,因为它是云托管的核心基础,但是它不仅可以用于整合服务器,而且在台式机上也很常见,在台式机上,多台台式机托管在一台服务器上,然后由通过网络他们的办公桌。

Virtualisation on the desktop


Rather than lowering costs, the main benefit of using virtualisation on the desktop is that it removes many of the headaches associated with managing a network of desktop computers as IT managers are able to deliver colleague’s desktops from a centrally managed server. To setup a desktop virtualisation infrastructure is going to take time and money; as well as having the knowledge in place to create and maintain the infrastructure, a range of hardware including fast servers and fast storage options is going to be a necessity if the infrastructure is to deliver a level of performance on par of what you see with desktop computing. A redundant and resilient network infrastructure will also be necessary so that colleagues can still access their managed desktops in the event that one part of the network fails.

与降低成本相比,在桌面上使用虚拟化的主要好处是,由于IT经理能够从集中管理的服务器交付同事的桌面,因此消除了与管理桌面计算机网络相关的许多麻烦。 设置桌面虚拟化基础架构需要花费时间和金钱。 除了具备创建和维护基础架构的知识外,如果基础架构要提供与台式机相同的性能水平,则必须配备一系列硬件,包括快速服务器和快速存储选件计算。 还需要冗余且具有弹性的网络基础结构,以便在网络的一部分出现故障的情况下,同事仍可以访问其托管桌面。

Desktop virtualisation isn’t recommended for scenarios where you have high-end workstations or workstations that are being used for graphics intensive purposes, but it shouldn’t hurt to retain a few of these units so that your business still has the equipment necessary to fulfil this role.


Virtualisation applications can also let you run one operating system inside another, an example of such an application would be VMWare Fusion. If you are a user of Mac OSX for example and require the use of a few applications on the Windows platform, then Fusion would let you setup a VM running Windows that will run inside OSX. You can then click in-between your Windows VM and OSX desktops seamlessly, enabling you to use applications on both operating systems side-by-side.

虚拟化应用程序还可以让您在另一个操作系统中运行一个操作系统,例如VMWare Fusion。 例如,如果您是Mac OSX的用户,并且要求在Windows平台上使用一些应用程序,那么Fusion将让您设置运行Windows的VM,该VM将在OSX内运行。 然后,您可以在Windows VM和OSX桌面之间无缝单击,使您可以并排使用两个操作系统上的应用程序。

Consolidating servers


Virtualisation gives you an opportunity to consolidate your physical servers into more manageable virtual machines, providing you with the same power and redundancy in a reduced footprint. Virtual servers are most common in a cloud environment primarily because the abundance of resources in the cloud allows for near-instant provisioning of virtual machines so when additional servers are required, it only takes someone to enter a few details and the machine comes online in a few minutes; this is in comparison with the provisioning of physical servers, which can take ours to setup – potentially even longer if the hardware needs to be ordered in.

虚拟化为您提供了将物理服务器整合为更易于管理的虚拟机的机会,从而以减少的占地面积为您提供了相同的功能和冗余。 虚拟服务器在云环境中最常见,主要是因为云中的资源丰富,可以近乎即时地配置虚拟机,因此当需要其他服务器时,只需要输入一些细节即可使计算机在线上运行。一会儿; 这与物理服务器的配置比较,后者可能需要我们进行设置-如果需要订购硬件,则可能需要更长的时间。

Choosing the public cloud provides scope for great scalability and the primary benefit of using the shared environment is that you aren’t responsible for the management of it, but more importantly resources should always be available on tap. Although some may potentially be put off by the shared nature of the public cloud, it is the most cost effective option for small businesses looking to cut costs but don’t have the demanding requirements that would constitute the need for a private cloud.

选择公共云为扩大可伸缩性提供了空间,使用共享环境的主要好处是您无需对其进行管理,但更重要的是,资源应始终可用。 尽管某些可能因公共云的共享特性而推迟,但对于希望削减成本但又没有构成私有云需求的苛刻要求的小型企业来说,它是最具成本效益的选择。

A private cloud a more complex and expensive alternative, but promises to deliver improved security and the option for scalability without introducing any downtime into the equation. Because of the way that many hypervisor applications work, new hardware can be introduced to the configuration relatively simply and downtime-free. This in-turn guarantees a scalable environment that can be adapted depending on a business’s individual requirements.

私有云是更复杂,更昂贵的替代方案,但承诺提供更高的安全性和可伸缩性选项,而不会引起停机时间。 由于许多管理程序应用程序的工作方式,因此可以相对简单且无停机地将新硬件引入配置。 反过来,这保证了可扩展的环境,可以根据企业的个别要求进行调整。

As a conclusion, I would say that virtualisation as an overall concept can bring with it many benefits to businesses of all sizes. Rather than having to rely on large amounts of hardware, all of which could be geographically dispersed over a wide area, virtualisation enables IT managers to take central control of their desktop and server networks so that changes, updates and improvements can be rolled out much more quickly and in a more cost effective manner.

最后,我想说虚拟化作为一个整体概念可以为各种规模的企业带来许多好处。 虚拟化无需依赖大量的硬件,而所有这些硬件都可以在地理上分散在广阔的区域,而是使IT经理可以集中控制其台式机和服务器网络,从而可以更广泛地进行更改,更新和改进快速且更具成本效益的方式。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/virtualisation-business/

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