您发现的是伪代码Pseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating

principle of a computer program or other algorithm.







帕斯卡式伪码procedure fizzbuzz
For i := 1 to 100 do
set print_number to true;
If i is divisible by 3 then
print "Fizz";
set print_number to false;
If i is divisible by 5 then
print "Buzz";
set print_number to false;
If print_number, print i;
print a newline;
C型伪码void function fizzbuzz
For (i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
set print_number to true;
If i is divisible by 3
print "Fizz";
set print_number to false;
If i is divisible by 5
print "Buzz";
set print_number to false;
If print_number, print i;
print a newline;
