主角:Javascript Obfuscator v4.0
点评:Javascript Obfuscator v4.0比JS Min和YUI Compressor的压缩率要高,并且混淆效果更好,可以很方便的人工控制哪些名称混淆哪些不混淆,界面也非常的美观。
- 能自动处理html文件中的javascript标签,html页面文件引用的关联.js文件。就像处理单独的.js文件一样方便
- 移除注释与空白,减小文件尺寸,使载入时间减到最少。(注:这没什么,最基本的)
- 将代码压缩为长长的一行
- 必需的时候自动添加分号结束符
- 创建函数名与变量名的列表
- 根据用户的设定,生成难以读懂的或指定修改函数名和变量名
- 同时也支持命令行
New! Javascript Obfuscator v4.0 :Best JavaScript compression ratio on the Web!
Javascript Obfuscator converts the JavaScript source codeinto scrambled and completely unreadable form, preventing it from analysing and theft.
Javascript Obfuscator can
- process javascript tags in html files and all .js files associated with html pages as well as separate .js files
- remove comments and white spaces, reducing the file size and minimizing the loading time
- pack the code as a long line
- add finishing ";" when appropriate
- create a list of function and variable names
- generate new non-understandable names and rename functions and variables depending on user settings
- work with command line
Comparison Table
| JSMin | YUI Compressor | Javascript Obfuscator v4.0 |
Jquery 1.3.2 124 995 bytes | 74 121 bytes59% | 73 117 bytes58% | 44 429 bytes35% |
MooTools 1.2.2 103 064 bytes | 78 412 bytes76% | 64 503 bytes63% | 47 026 bytes46% |
Prototype 130 349 bytes | 93 955 bytes72% | 73 511 bytes56% | 48 244 bytes37% |
Compare how the same piece of code looks before:
and after processing by Javascript Obfuscator:
You can see the difference, can't you?
Download free trial version of Javascript Obfuscator
主角:Javascript Obfuscator v4.0
点评:Javascript Obfuscator v4.0比JS Min和YUI Compressor的压缩率要高,并且混淆效果更好,可以很方便的人工控制哪些名称混淆哪些不混淆,界面也非常的美观。
- 能自动处理html文件中的javascript标签,html页面文件引用的关联.js文件。就像处理单独的.js文件一样方便
- 移除注释与空白,减小文件尺寸,使载入时间减到最少。(注:这没什么,最基本的)
- 将代码压缩为长长的一行
- 必需的时候自动添加分号结束符
- 创建函数名与变量名的列表
- 根据用户的设定,生成难以读懂的或指定修改函数名和变量名
- 同时也支持命令行
New! Javascript Obfuscator v4.0 :Best JavaScript compression ratio on the Web!
Javascript Obfuscator converts the JavaScript source codeinto scrambled and completely unreadable form, preventing it from analysing and theft.
Javascript Obfuscator can
- process javascript tags in html files and all .js files associated with html pages as well as separate .js files
- remove comments and white spaces, reducing the file size and minimizing the loading time
- pack the code as a long line
- add finishing ";" when appropriate
- create a list of function and variable names
- generate new non-understandable names and rename functions and variables depending on user settings
- work with command line
Comparison Table
| JSMin | YUI Compressor | Javascript Obfuscator v4.0 |
Jquery 1.3.2 124 995 bytes | 74 121 bytes59% | 73 117 bytes58% | 44 429 bytes35% |
MooTools 1.2.2 103 064 bytes | 78 412 bytes76% | 64 503 bytes63% | 47 026 bytes46% |
Prototype 130 349 bytes | 93 955 bytes72% | 73 511 bytes56% | 48 244 bytes37% |
Compare how the same piece of code looks before:
and after processing by Javascript Obfuscator:
You can see the difference, can't you?
Download free trial version of Javascript Obfuscator