android实现强制停止 强行停止android系统_android实现强制停止


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It’s not uncommon for an application to stop responding on Windows 10. When it happens, you can force the app to shut down, effectively unfreezing said application. Here’s how to force quit an app on Windows 10.

应用程序在Windows 10上停止响应的情况并不少见。发生这种情况时,您可以强制应用程序关闭,从而有效地解冻该应用程序。 以下是在Windows 10上强制退出应用程序的方法。

(Try a Keyboard Shortcut)

It’s frustrating when an app you’re using suddenly freezes. We’ve all done it—exasperatingly clicking the “X” button at least 20 times to close the frozen program. There’s a better way.

当您使用的应用突然冻结时,这令人沮丧。 我们已经完成了—至少单击20次“ X”按钮以关闭冻结的程序。 有更好的方法。

With the frozen application in focus, press Alt+F4 on your keyboard to close it. If the Windows desktop is in focus instead, you’ll see a “Shut Down Windows” prompt instead.

聚焦冻结的应用程序后,按键盘上的Alt + F4将其关闭。 如果将Windows桌面放在焦点上,则会看到“关闭Windows”提示。

This won’t always work—some frozen applications just won’t respond.


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(Force Quit Using Task Manager)

As the name implies, Task Manager is a tool that shows which apps are currently running (as well as other information like resource usage and process stats) and allows you to manage them appropriately.

顾名思义, 任务管理器是一种工具,用于显示当前正在运行的应用程序(以及其他信息,例如资源使用情况和进程统计信息),并允许您适当地管理它们。

To open Task Manager, you can press Ctrl+Shift+Esc on your keyboard or right-click the Windows task bar and select “Task Manager” from the menu.

打开任务管理器 ,可以按键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + Esc或右键单击Windows任务栏,然后从菜单中选择“任务管理器”。

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With Task Manager open, select the task you want to force quit, and then select “End Task.”


If you don’t see the name of the app in the list here, click “More Details” and find it in the list on the Processes tab.


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The frozen program will now close.


(Force Quit an App Using Command Prompt)

You can find and force quit tasks from the Command Prompt. Open Command Prompt by typing “cmd” in the Windows search bar, and then selecting the “Command Prompt” app from the search results.

您可以从命令提示符中查找并强制退出任务。 通过在Windows搜索栏中键入“ cmd” 打开命令提示符 ,然后从搜索结果中选择“命令提示符”应用程序。

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In Command Prompt, type tasklist and press “Enter.” Once executed, Command Prompt will display a list of currently running programs, services, and tasks.

在命令提示符中,键入tasklist ,然后按“ Enter”。 执行后,命令提示符将显示当前正在运行的程序,服务和任务的列表。

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The list can admittedly be a bit overwhelming, so just remember to append .exe to the end of the program name. Once you’re ready to force quit the program, execute this command:

列表肯定会有些庞大,因此只需记住在程序名称的末尾附加.exe 。 准备好强制退出程序后,执行以下命令:

taskkill /im <program>.exe

So, if I wanted to force quit Notepad, I’d run this command:


taskkill /im notepad.exe

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A success message will be returned, letting you know you’ve successfully force quit the problematic application.


Of course, you can always reboot or shut down your PC to close an app that’s really stuck.


