

5.1.1 Data Collection and Storage
(v) Account Sign-In: If your app doesn’t include significant account-based features, let people use it without a login. If your app supports account creation, you must also offer account deletion within the app. Apps may not require users to enter personal information to function, except when directly relevant to the core functionality of the app or required by law. If your core app functionality is not related to a specific social network (e.g. Facebook, WeChat, Weibo, Twitter, etc.), you must provide access without a login or via another mechanism. Pulling basic profile information, sharing to the social network, or inviting friends to use the app are not considered core app functionality. The app must also include a mechanism to revoke social network credentials and disable data access between the app and social network from within the app. An app may not store credentials or tokens to social networks off of the device and may only use such credentials or tokens to directly connect to the social network from the app itself while the app is in use.



(v) 帐户登录:如果你的应用程序不包含重要的基于帐户的功能,请允许用户无需登录即可使用。如果你的应用程序支持创建帐户,你还必须在应用程序中提供帐户删除。应用程序可能不要求用户输入个人信息才能运行,除非与应用程序的核心功能直接相关或法律要求。如果您的核心应用程序功能与特定社交网络(如Facebook、微信、微博、Twitter等)无关,则您必须提供无需登录或通过其他机制的访问权限。拉取基本个人资料信息、共享到社交网络或邀请朋友使用该应用程序不被视为核心应用程序功能。应用程序还必须包括一种机制,用于吊销社交网络凭据,并从应用程序内部禁用应用程序与社交网络之间的数据访问。应用程序不能将凭据或令牌存储到设备之外的社交网络,只能在应用程序使用时使用此类凭据或令牌从应用程序本身直接连接到社交网络。



Account deletion guidance

Account deletion is a significant decision for the user, and the process for initiating and confirming deletion should be straightforward and transparent:

  • Make the account deletion option easy to find in your app. Typically, it’s included in the app’s account settings.
  • Offer to delete the entire account record, along with associated personal data. You may include additional options, but only offering to temporarily deactivate or disable an account is insufficient.
  • If people need to visit a website to finish deleting their account, include a link directly to the page on your website where they can complete the process.
  • Keep users informed. If the deletion request will take additional time to complete, let them know. If your app supports in-app purchases, help people understand how billing and cancellations will be handled. For additional guidance, read the Human Interface Guidelines.

Note: Follow applicable legal requirements for storing and retaining user account information and for handling account deletion. This includes complying with local laws where your apps are available. If you have questions regarding your legal obligations, check with your legal counsel.




  • 在应用程序中轻松找到帐户删除选项。通常,它包含在应用程序的帐户设置中。
  • 提供删除整个帐户记录以及相关的个人数据。您可以包括其他选项,但仅提供临时停用或禁用帐户是不够的。
  • 如果用户需要访问某个网站以完成删除其帐户,请在您的网站上添加一个直接指向该页面的链接,以便完成删除过程。
  • 随时通知用户。如果删除请求需要额外的时间才能完成,请告知他们。如果您的应用程序支持应用内购买,请帮助人们了解如何处理计费和取消。有关其他指南,请阅读人机界面指南。







