Python List sort() method sorts the list elements in the natural ordering. The sorting happens in-place, so the list is modified.

Python List sort()方法以自然顺序对列表元素进行排序。 排序发生在原位,因此列表被修改。

Python has a built-in function – sorted() – which is used to create a sorted list from an iterable.

Python具有内置函数sorted() ,该函数用于从可迭代对象创建排序列表。

(1. Python Sort List in Natural Order)

When we sort a list of numbers, the natural ordering is to sort them in the increasing order.


numbers_list = [3.4, 5.1, 2.2, 4.1, 1.0, 3.8]

print(f'Before sorting: {numbers_list}')


print(f'After sorting: {numbers_list}')



Before sorting: [3.4, 5.1, 2.2, 4.1, 1.0, 3.8]
After sorting: [1.0, 2.2, 3.4, 3.8, 4.1, 5.1]

Recommended Read: 推荐阅读Python f-strings Python f字符串

The default sorting is implemented for strings also. Here is a simple example to sort a list of strings.

默认排序也针对字符串实现。 这是一个对字符串列表进行排序的简单示例。

str_list = ['a', 'c', 'd', 'b', 'B', 'C', '1']
print(str_list)  # ['1', 'B', 'C', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

(2. Sorting a List in Reverse Order)

If you want the sorting to be done in the reversed order, pass the reverse argument as True. We can use this to sort a list of numbers in the descending order.

如果您希望以相反的顺序进行排序,请将reverse参数传递为True。 我们可以使用它来按降序对数字列表进行排序。

numbers_list = [3.4, 5.1, 2.2, 4.1, 1.0, 3.8]

print(f'Before sorting: {numbers_list}')


print(f'After sorting: {numbers_list}')



Before sorting: [3.4, 5.1, 2.2, 4.1, 1.0, 3.8]
After sorting: [5.1, 4.1, 3.8, 3.4, 2.2, 1.0]

(3. Sorting a Nested List)

If we call the sort() function on a nested list, only the first elements from the list elements are used for the sorting. Let’s understand this with a simple example.

如果我们在嵌套列表上调用sort()函数,则仅将列表元素中的前几个元素用于排序。 让我们用一个简单的例子来理解这一点。

numbers = [[1, 2], [2, 1], [4, 3], [5, 2], [3, 3]]

print(f'Before sorting: {numbers}')


print(f'After sorting: {numbers}')



Before sorting: [[1, 2], [2, 1], [4, 3], [5, 2], [3, 3]]
After sorting: [[1, 2], [2, 1], [3, 3], [4, 3], [5, 2]]

It’s clear that the sorting is performed based on the first element in the nested list.


But, sometimes we want to sort the nested list based on different elements position.


Let’s say the nested list contains information about a Persons’ name, age, and gender. Let’s see how to sort this nested list based on the age, which is the second element in the nested list.

假设嵌套列表包含有关人员姓名,年龄和性别的信息。 让我们看看如何根据年龄对嵌套列表进行排序,这是嵌套列表中的第二个元素。

def custom_key(people):
    return people[1]  # second parameter denotes the age

persons = [['Alice', 26, 'F'], ['Trudy', 25, 'M'], ['Bob', 25, 'M'], ['Alexa', 22, 'F']]

print(f'Before sorting: {persons}')


print(f'After sorting: {persons}')



Before sorting: [['Alice', 26, 'F'], ['Trudy', 25, 'M'], ['Bob', 25, 'M'], ['Alexa', 22, 'F']]
After sorting: [['Alexa', 22, 'F'], ['Trudy', 25, 'M'], ['Bob', 25, 'M'], ['Alice', 26, 'F']]

We are using the key argument to specify the element to be used for the sorting purpose. The custom_key function returns the key to sort the list.

我们使用key参数来指定要用于排序目的的元素。 custom_key函数返回用于对列表进行排序的键。

(4. Custom Logic to Sort a List)

We can also implement your own logic to sort the list elements.


In the last example, we used the age as the key element to sort our list.


But there goes a saying, “Ladies first!”.


So, we want to sort our list in such a way that the female gender gets priority over the male. If the gender of two persons matches, the younger one gets a higher priority.

因此,我们希望对列表进行排序,以使女性优先于男性。 如果两个人的性别匹配,则年龄较小的人会获得更高的优先级。

So, we have to use the key argument in our sort function. But the compare function needs to be converted into a key.

因此,我们必须在我们的排序函数中使用key参数。 但是比较功能需要转换为键。

So, we need to import a library called functools. We will use the function cmp_to_key() to convert our compare function into a key.

因此,我们需要导入一个名为functools的库。 我们将使用功能cmp_to_key()将比较功能转换为键。

import functools

def compare_function(person_a, person_b):
    if person_a[2] == person_b[2]:  # if their gender become same
        return person_a[1] - person_b[1]  # return True if person_a is younger
    else:  # if their gender not matched
        if person_b[2] == 'F':  # give person_b first priority if she is female
            return 1
        else:  # otherwise give person_a first priority
            return -1

persons = [['Alice', 26, 'F'], ['Trudy', 25, 'M'], ['Bob', 24, 'M'], ['Alexa', 22, 'F']]

print(f'Before sorting: {persons}')


print(f'After sorting: {persons}')



Before sorting: [['Alice', 26, 'F'], ['Trudy', 25, 'M'], ['Bob', 24, 'M'], ['Alexa', 22, 'F']]
After sorting: [['Alexa', 22, 'F'], ['Alice', 26, 'F'], ['Bob', 24, 'M'], ['Trudy', 25, 'M']]

The list is sorted based on the gender first. Then it’s sorted based on the age of the persons.

该列表首先基于性别进行排序。 然后根据人员的年龄进行排序。

(5. Sorting a List of Objects)

The default sorting works on numbers and strings. But, it won’t work on the list of custom objects.

默认排序适用于数字和字符串。 但是,它不适用于自定义对象列表。

Let’s see what happens when we try to run the default sorting on a list of objects.


class Employee:

    def __init__(self, n, a, gen): = n
        self.age = a
        self.gender = gen

    def __str__(self):
        return f'Emp[{}:{self.age}:{self.gender}]'

    # List uses __repr__, so overriding it to print useful information
    __repr__ = __str__

e1 = Employee('Alice', 26, 'F')
e2 = Employee('Trudy', 25, 'M')
e3 = Employee('Bob', 24, 'M')
e4 = Employee('Alexa', 22, 'F')

emp_list = [e1, e2, e3, e4]

print(f'Before Sorting: {emp_list}')

except TypeError as te:



Before Sorting: [Emp[Alice:26:F], Emp[Trudy:25:M], Emp[Bob:24:M], Emp[Alexa:22:F]]
'<' not supported between instances of 'Employee' and 'Employee'

In this case, we have to mandatorily provide the key function to specify the objects’ field to be used for sorting.


# sorting based on age
def sort_by_age(emp):
    return emp.age

print(f'After Sorting By Age: {emp_list}')



After Sorting By Age: [Emp[Alexa:22:F], Emp[Bob:24:M], Emp[Trudy:25:M], Emp[Alice:26:F]]

We can also utilize the functools module to create custom sorting logic for the list elements.


References: Official API Documentation

