下午帮忙看了一个web问题,index.html中嵌入<iframe>来加载同文件目录下的一个页面,在多个浏览器下测试,发现IE浏览器中会出现问题,<iframe>不能正常加载,显示空白页,右键属性为"_blank" 。












      后来经过大勇的测试发现,将index.html页面头部的<!--saved from url=(0022)http://www.yoururl.com -->代码去掉之后,页面加载问题解决了,但是这行代码的作用何在?




To allow active content or scripting to run in a web page without the 
	Information Bar appearing, you can add "Mark of the Web" code, 
	so that the file is run in a zone other than the Local Machine zone, 
	for example the Internet zone or the Intranet zone.
	 The following code is an example of a Mark of the Web: 
	<!-- saved from url=(0022)http://www.yoururl.com -->
	To include the code above in your projects, change the URL 
	to point to your domain, and change the number (0022) to the
	 correct number for your domain. This number indicates 
	how many characters are in your domain name (beginning with
	 the "h" in "http", and ending with the last letter of your domain;
	for example, the "m" in ".com"). 
	A generic way of writing the Mark of the Web code is as follows: 
	<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
	about:internet will place the page in the Internet zone, 
	allowing the page to bypass the Local Machine zone lockdown.


