
  * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: compatibility
  * version of {@link #START_STICKY} that does not guarantee that
  * {@link #onStartCommand} will be called again after being killed.
 public static final int START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY = 0;


  * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: if this service's
  * process is killed while it is started (after returning from
  * {@link #onStartCommand}), then leave it in the started state but
  * don't retain this delivered intent.  Later the system will try to
  * re-create the service.  Because it is in the started state, it will
  * guarantee to call {@link #onStartCommand} after creating the new
  * service instance; if there are not any pending start commands to be
  * delivered to the service, it will be called with a null intent
  * object, so you must take care to check for this.
  * <p>This mode makes sense for things that will be explicitly started
  * and stopped to run for arbitrary periods of time, such as a service
  * performing background music playback.
 public static final int START_STICKY = 1;



  * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: if this service's
  * process is killed while it is started (after returning from
  * {@link #onStartCommand}), and there are no new start intents to
  * deliver to it, then take the service out of the started state and
  * don't recreate until a future explicit call to
  * {@link Context#startService Context.startService(Intent)}.  The
  * service will not receive a {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)}
  * call with a null Intent because it will not be re-started if there
  * are no pending Intents to deliver.
  * <p>This mode makes sense for things that want to do some work as a
  * result of being started, but can be stopped when under memory pressure
  * and will explicit start themselves again later to do more work.  An
  * example of such a service would be one that polls for data from
  * a server: it could schedule an alarm to poll every N minutes by having
  * the alarm start its service.  When its {@link #onStartCommand} is
  * called from the alarm, it schedules a new alarm for N minutes later,
  * and spawns a thread to do its networking.  If its process is killed
  * while doing that check, the service will not be restarted until the
  * alarm goes off.
 public static final int START_NOT_STICKY = 2;


该常量的作用:如果服务进程在启动之后(执行完onStartCommand方法之后)被杀死了,并且没有新的启动intent,那么将会把这个服务脱离started状态并且不会recreate直到一个显示的调用startService到来。这个service不会受到带有null intent对象的onStartCommand的调用,如果没有等待的Intents,它不会被系统重启。

这个模式的使用场景:做一些工作由于被启动,但是能够被停止当内存不够的时候,并且将会在之后显示启动自己来做更多的工作。一个例子就是从服务器拉取数据:安排一个alarm,这个alarm每隔n分钟来启动服务获取数据,当服务的onStartCommand方法被alarm调用的时候,它将会安排一个新的alarm设定N分钟之后触发,并 开启一个线程来做网络请求。如果在做检查的时候进程被杀死了,这个服务知道alarm触发才会被重新创建。

  * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: if this service's
  * process is killed while it is started (after returning from
  * {@link #onStartCommand}), then it will be scheduled for a restart
  * and the last delivered Intent re-delivered to it again via
  * {@link #onStartCommand}.  This Intent will remain scheduled for
  * redelivery until the service calls {@link #stopSelf(int)} with the
  * start ID provided to {@link #onStartCommand}.  The
  * service will not receive a {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)}
  * call with a null Intent because it will will only be re-started if
  * it is not finished processing all Intents sent to it (and any such
  * pending events will be delivered at the point of restart).
 public static final int START_REDELIVER_INTENT = 3;




根据源码的注释可以知道,只有START_STICKY和START_REDELIVER_INTENT常量才会是服务被杀死后有系统重启,那么系统能否保证重启service,在何种条件下才会重启service,什么时候不会重启service呢。我们先来测试一下START_STICKY常量,服务被杀的方法进行两种:1、调用stopService自杀;2、手动强杀进程。下面是测试结果(我的测试设备是android 7.0的)。


08-02 17:39:58.545 6384-6384 D/MyService: onCreate
 08-02 17:39:58.547 6384-6384 D/MyService: onStartCommand
 08-02 17:40:01.644 6384-6384 D/MyService: onclick
 08-02 17:40:01.650 6384-6384 D/MyService: onDestroy
 08-02 17:41:18.160 6384-6384 D/MyService: onCreate
 08-02 17:41:26.161 6384-6384 D/MyService: onDestroy



08-02 20:04:36.365 8580-8580 D/MyService: onCreate
 08-02 20:04:36.365 8580-8580 D/MyService: onStartCommand
 08-02 20:04:36.367 8580-8580 D/MyService: intent = Intent { cmp=*****.MyService }
 08-02 20:04:50.974 8638-8638 D/MyService: onCreate
 08-02 20:04:50.977 8638-8638 D/MyService: onStartCommand
 08-02 20:04:50.979 8638-8638 D/MyService: intent = null




08-02 20:15:06.212 8810-8810 D/MyService: onCreate
 08-02 20:15:06.213 8810-8810 D/MyService: onStartCommand
 08-02 20:15:09.018 8810-8810 D/MyService: onclick
 08-02 20:15:09.022 8810-8810 D/MyService: onDestroy
 08-02 20:17:17.222 8810-8810 D/MyService: onCreate
 08-02 20:17:25.226 8810-8810 D/MyService: onDestroy



08-02 20:26:25.647 9092-9092 D/MyService: onCreate
 08-02 20:26:25.647 9092-9092 D/MyService: onStartCommand
 08-02 20:26:25.648 9092-9092 D/MyService: intent = Intent { cmp=***.MyService }
 08-02 20:26:44.246 9144-9144 D/MyService: onCreate
 08-02 20:26:44.249 9144-9144 D/MyService: onStartCommand
 08-02 20:26:44.256 9144-9144 D/MyService: intent = Intent { cmp=***.MyService }

