







void main()
    int rtn; /*子进程的返回数值*/
    if ( fork() == 0 ) {/* 子进程执行此命令 */
        execlp(“ls”,”ls”,”-al”,”/etc/passwd”,(char *)0);
        /* 如果exec函数返回,表明没有正常执行命令,退出子进程*/
        _exit( errno );
    else {/* 父进程, 等待子进程结束,并打印子进程的返回值 */
        wait ( &rtn );
        printf( " child process return %d\n", rtn );

上面通过执行_exit 退出后,不会执行atexit注册的清理函数,所以也不会进行C++全局变量的析构,因此规避了前面提到的析构不完整对象的问题


void _exit(int status);

        The  function  _exit  terminates the calling process "immediately". Any open file descriptors belonging to
        the process are closed; any children of the process are inherited by process 1, init,  and  the  process's
        parent is sent a SIGCHLD signal.
From POSIX programmers' guide

 Calling exit()
 The exit() function causes normal program termination. The EXIT_SUCCESS macro can
 be used to indicate successful termination. Since the POSIX standard requires that
 EXIT_SUCCESS be defined as zero, it is safe to write exit(0), keeping with historical
 practice. The call exit(0) is extremely portable.
 The exit() function performs the following functions:
 1. All functions registered by the Standard C atexit() function are called in the reverse
 order of registration. If any of these functions calls exit(), the results are not portable.
 2. All open output streams are flushed (data written out) and the streams are closed.
 3. All files created by tmpfile() are deleted.
 4. The _exit() function is called.

 Calling _exit()
 The _exit() function performs operating system-specific program termination functions.
 These include:
 1. All open file descriptors and directory streams are closed.
 2. If the parent process is executing a wait() or waitpid(), the parent wakes up and
 status is made available.
 3. If the parent is not executing a wait() or waitpid(), the status is saved for return to
 the parent on a subsequent wait() or waitpid().
 4. Children of the terminated process are assigned a new parent process ID. Note: the
 termination of a parent does not directly terminate its children.
 5. If the implementation supports the SIGCHLD signal, a SIGCHLD is sent to the parent.
 6. Several job control signals are sent.最后的建议:
 Portable programs should use exit() instead of _exit(). The _exit() function exists
 mainly because of the structure of traditional implementations and also the structure of
 standards committees. The exit() function is defined by the C standard with some features
 that are beyond the scope of POSIX. The only reason for an application to call _exit() is to
 defeat the flushing of streams and the calling of functions registered by atexit().