


  • Python中关于判断列表list是否相等的问题
  • 0.问题起源
  • 1.用==操作判断列表是否相等
  • 2.用is操作判断列表是否相等
  • 3.用operator.eq()操作判断列表是否相等
  • 4.小结





# 1.使用 == 判断两个列表是否相同
a = [1, 2, 'apple']
b = [1, 2, 'apple']
c = ['apple', 1, 2]
result_a_b = (a == b)
print("result_a_b = {}".format(result_a_b))
print("type(result_a_b) is {}".format(type(result_a_b)))
print("The result of a == b is : {}".format(a == b))
print("The result of a == c is : {}".format(a == c))
print("The result of b == c is : {}".format(b == c))


result_a_b = True
type(result_a_b) is <class 'bool'>
The result of a == b is : True
The result of a == c is : False
The result of b == c is : False



# 2.使用 is 操作判断两个列表是否相等
a = [1, 2, 'apple']
b = [1, 2, 'apple']
c = ['apple', 1, 2]
d = a
print("The result of 'a is b' is : {}".format(a is b))
print("The result of 'a is c' is : {}".format(a is c))
print("The result of 'b is c' is : {}".format(b is c))
print("The result of 'a is d' is : {}".format(a is d))   # 因为列表d是列表a的简单赋值操作,所以是相等的


The result of 'a is b' is : False
The result of 'a is c' is : False
The result of 'b is c' is : False
The result of 'a is d' is : True




# 3.使用operator.eq()操作判断两个列表是否相等
from operator import *
x = [1, 2, 'apple']
y = [1, 2, 'apple']
z = ['apple', 1, 2]
result_x_y = eq(x, y)
print("The type of result_x_y is : {}".format(type(result_x_y)))
print("The result of eq(x,y) is : {}".format(eq(x, y)))
print("The result of eq(x,z) is : {}".format(eq(x, z)))
print("The result of eq(y,z) is : {}".format(eq(y, z)))


The type of result_x_y is : <class 'bool'>
The result of eq(x,y) is : True
The result of eq(x,z) is : False
The result of eq(y,z) is : False

