
The 8K memory pool of named cache default data cache (cache id 0, cachelet id 1) is co

nfigured too small for current demands (state 2). Transaction progress may cease or response time may increase.

信息,意思就是default data cache配置的的太小针对当前的需求,事物进程也许会停止或者响应时间增加。


1.先查看数据库服务器的物理总内存 (linux操作系统)

cat /proc/meminfo




sp_configure "max memory"


4.根据物理总内存配置规则,给数据库配25g总内存完全不成问题,给default cache配个20g,马上联系运维部门,



sp_configure "max memory",12582912

6.调整“allocate max shared memory”,pass

sp_configure,“allocate max shared memory”,1

7.调整“default data cache"到16g,服务进程直接down掉,出现问题了

sp_cacheconfig "default data cache","16384M"


Allocating a shared memory segment of size 17510002688 bytes.

os_create_region: shmget(0xf5035c7a): No space left on device

kbcreate: couldn't create server region 0.

Retrying shared memory allocation with smaller size 8755001344 bytes.





最大内存改为10g,default cache改为8g,重新启动数据库服务成功。


因为只有在操作系统的共享内存足够大情况下>=24g,才能使得数据库max memory 配的上24g,

进而使得数据库的default data chche配上足够大接近24g的容量


vi /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
 kernel.shmmax = 32212254720
 net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300
 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
 net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 4096
 net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries = 2
 net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 2
 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 32768
 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 32768
 net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0



没有kernel.shmall 参数设置。

kernel.shmall 参数是控制共享内存页数 。Linux 共享内存页大小为4KB, 共享内
要共享内存页数是 30GB/4KB=31457280KB/4KB=7864320 (页),也就是64Bit 系统下
30GB 物理内存,设置 kernel.shmall = 7864320 才符合要求(几乎是原来设置2097152
的4倍)。这时可以将shmmax 参数调整到 30G 了.

kernel.shmmni ----
shmmni 内核参数是共享内存段的最大数量(注意这个参数不是 shmmin,是
shmmni, shmmin 表示内存段最小大小 ) 。shmmni 缺省值 4096 ,一般肯定是够用了 。


kernel.shmall = 268435456 --1T

10.开始重新调整数据库服务内存,再次调整max memory到24g,

default data cache到16g结果服务还是马上down掉,这个问题到底出现在哪儿





13.查找到了一则关于步骤7中出现问题os_create_region Errors 的官方文档:

os_create_region Errors

Error message text

os_create_region: shmget (0x%x): %s

os_create_region: Shared memory segment %d is in the way

os_create_region: uninitialized shared memory descriptor

os_create_region: shmat (%d): %s

os_create_region: can't allocate %d bytes

This error may be caused by a hardware problem.


Adaptive Server uses the following functions to manage shared memory:

  • os_get_shmid- create a shared memory identifier
  • os_create_region- create a region based on a shared memory identifier
  • os_attach_region- attach to a region based on a shared memory identifier
  • os_detach_region- detach from (and delete) the shared region
  • os_format_shmid- format a shared memory identifier for printing

Whenos_create_regionerrors occur, Adaptive Server will not start.

The message texts shown here apply to UNIX systems only. Other operating systems raise slightly different errors.

os_create_region: shmget (0x%x): %s

This message is written to the error log when Adaptive Server fails to get a shared memory segment. In this message,%xis a shared memory key based on the shared memory identifier and%sis an operating system error message.

os_create_region: Shared memory segment %d is in the way

This error follows theshmgetmessage and is also written to the Adaptive Server error log. A value of -1 for%dmeans the region does not exist.

os_create_region: uninitialized shared memory descriptor

During creation of a shared memory region, Adaptive Server attempts to validate the descriptor for the memory region. This message is written to the error log if the descriptor is found to be invalid.

os_create_region: shmat (%d): %s

This message is written to the error log when Adaptive Server fails to attach at an address. In this message,%dis the shared memory identifier and%sis an operating system error message.

os_create_region: can't allocate %d bytes

Adaptive Server was unable to allocate the number of bytes it requested for the shared memory region.


  1. At the operating system level, check which shared memory processes are using and whether shared memory segments are being used by Adaptive Server.
    To check this on UNIX, run this command as the "sybase" user:
% ipcs -m
IPC status from workstation1 as of Fri May 26 14:08:25 1995
T     ID     KEY         MODE     OWNER    GROUP
Shared Memory:
m    256 0x699b7e24 --rw-------   sybase   sybase
m    257 0x699b7e25 --rw-------   sybase   sybase

If shared memory segments are being used by Adaptive Server, reboot the operating system to clear shared memory or remove them using theipcrmoperating system command.

Before removing the shared memory segments, identify the process that created them using the command "ipcs -ma" to make sure you only remove the appropriate segments.

  1. Check the$SYBASEdirectory to determine whether there are any*.krgor*.srgfiles left from an abnormal Adaptive Server exit. If any such files exist, delete them.
  2. os_create_regionerrors can occur when shared memory is not configured properly on your operating system. For information about configuring shared memory properly, refer to the Adaptive Server installation and configuration guide for your platform.

Shared Memory Error on Digital Unix

os_create_region: can't allocate %d bytesindicates that one or more kernel parameters needs to be reset. Logically, resettingshm-maxshould allow Adaptive Server to configure shared memory. However, other operating system kernel parameters also affect allocation. Consult your operating system documentation for details.

Additional information

Refer to the operating systemmanpages for theshget()andshmat()system calls.

Refer to the operating systemmanpages foripcsandipcrm.

根据以上说明删除了*.krg *.srg文件并进行服务器重新启动后,问题解决,配上了25g最大内存,18g default data cache