
Log由一系列LogSegment组成,每个LogSegment都有一个base offset,表示该段中的第一条消息。




  • dir


  • LogStartOffset


  1. 用户调用deleteRecordsRequest删除日志
  2. broker的log retention
  3. broker的日志截断


日志删除。nextOffset小于Log的LogSegment的LogSegment可以被删除。如果active segment被删除了,也有可能触发日志回滚。

在ListOffsetRequest中会返回Log的LogStartOffset。为了避免OffsetOutofRange异常,必须确保logStartOffset <= Log的highWatermarker。

  • activeSegment

指的是该 Log 管理的 segments 中那个最新的 segment(这里叫做活跃的 segment),一个 Log 中只会有一个活跃的 segment,其他的 segment 都已经被持久化到磁盘了;

  • logEndOffset

表示下一条消息的 offset,实际上就是activeSegment的下一个偏移量

class Log(@volatile var dir: File,
          @volatile var config: LogConfig,
          @volatile var logStartOffset: Long,
          @volatile var recoveryPoint: Long,
          scheduler: Scheduler,
          brokerTopicStats: BrokerTopicStats,
          val time: Time,
          val maxProducerIdExpirationMs: Int,
          val producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs: Int,
          val topicPartition: TopicPartition,
          val producerStateManager: ProducerStateManager,
          logDirFailureChannel: LogDirFailureChannel) extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup {

  /* The earliest offset which is part of an incomplete transaction. This is used to compute the
   * last stable offset (LSO) in ReplicaManager. Note that it is possible that the "true" first unstable offset
   * gets removed from the log (through record or segment deletion). In this case, the first unstable offset
   * will point to the log start offset, which may actually be either part of a completed transaction or not
   * part of a transaction at all. However, since we only use the LSO for the purpose of restricting the
   * read_committed consumer to fetching decided data (i.e. committed, aborted, or non-transactional), this
   * temporary abuse seems justifiable and saves us from scanning the log after deletion to find the first offsets
   * of each ongoing transaction in order to compute a new first unstable offset. It is possible, however,
   * that this could result in disagreement between replicas depending on when they began replicating the log.
   * In the worst case, the LSO could be seen by a consumer to go backwards.
  @volatile var firstUnstableOffset: Option[LogOffsetMetadata] = None

  /* Keep track of the current high watermark in order to ensure that segments containing offsets at or above it are
   * not eligible for deletion. This means that the active segment is only eligible for deletion if the high watermark
   * equals the log end offset (which may never happen for a partition under consistent load). This is needed to
   * prevent the log start offset (which is exposed in fetch responses) from getting ahead of the high watermark.
  @volatile private var replicaHighWatermark: Option[Long] = None

  /* the actual segments of the log */
  private val segments: ConcurrentNavigableMap[java.lang.Long, LogSegment] = new ConcurrentSkipListMap[java.lang.Long, LogSegment]

  // Visible for testing
  @volatile var leaderEpochCache: Option[LeaderEpochFileCache] = None

   * The active segment that is currently taking appends
  def activeSegment = segments.lastEntry.getValue

   * The offset metadata of the next message that will be appended to the log
  def logEndOffsetMetadata: LogOffsetMetadata = nextOffsetMetadata

   * The offset of the next message that will be appended to the log
  def logEndOffset: Long = nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset


添加records到Log的active segmenet,必要时滚动创建新的 segment



  • 对写入的消息进行检测,主要是检查消息的大小及 crc 校验;
  •  迭代每个record,并设置每个record的offset从当前Log的LEO处开始递增,并对msg做进一步的检验;
  • 每条 msg 都会有一个对应的时间戳记录,如果timestamp 的类型设置为日志追加时间,则将logAppendTime设置为当前时间;
  • 判断Segment是否满了,如果满了进行日志滚动,创建新的LogSegment;
  • 将record添加到LogSegment;
  • 更新LEO,新的LEO = 未追加前的LEO + records.size;
   * @param records The log records to append
   * @param isFromClient Whether or not this append is from a producer
   * @param interBrokerProtocolVersion Inter-broker message protocol version
   * @param assignOffsets Should the log assign offsets to this message set or blindly apply what it is given
   * @param leaderEpoch The partition's leader epoch which will be applied to messages when offsets are assigned on the leader
   * @throws KafkaStorageException If the append fails due to an I/O error.
   * @throws OffsetsOutOfOrderException If out of order offsets found in 'records'
   * @throws UnexpectedAppendOffsetException If the first or last offset in append is less than next offset
   * @return Information about the appended messages including the first and last offset.
  private def append(records: MemoryRecords, isFromClient: Boolean, interBrokerProtocolVersion: ApiVersion, assignOffsets: Boolean, leaderEpoch: Int): LogAppendInfo = {
    maybeHandleIOException(s"Error while appending records to $topicPartition in dir ${dir.getParent}") {
//对写入的消息进行检测,主要是检查消息的大小及 crc 校验;
      val appendInfo = analyzeAndValidateRecords(records, isFromClient = isFromClient)

      // return if we have no valid messages or if this is a duplicate of the last appended entry
      if (appendInfo.shallowCount == 0)
        return appendInfo

      // trim any invalid bytes or partial messages before appending it to the on-disk log
      var validRecords = trimInvalidBytes(records, appendInfo)

      // they are valid, insert them in the log
      lock synchronized {
        if (assignOffsets) {
          // assign offsets to the message set
          val offset = new LongRef(nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset)
          appendInfo.firstOffset = Some(offset.value)
          val now = time.milliseconds
          val validateAndOffsetAssignResult = try {
          } catch {
            case e: IOException =>
              throw new KafkaException(s"Error validating messages while appending to log $name", e)
          validRecords = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.validatedRecords
          appendInfo.maxTimestamp = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.maxTimestamp
          appendInfo.offsetOfMaxTimestamp = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp
//offset在不断自增,作为每个record的offset后,此时的offset = 未追加前的LEO + records.size
          appendInfo.lastOffset = offset.value - 1
          appendInfo.recordConversionStats = validateAndOffsetAssignResult.recordConversionStats
//在新版的 Kafka 中,每条 msg 都会有一个对应的时间戳记录,producer 端可以设置这个字段 message.timestamp.type 来选择 timestamp 的类型,默认为创建时间,如果设置为日志追加时间
          if (config.messageTimestampType == TimestampType.LOG_APPEND_TIME)
            appendInfo.logAppendTime = now

          // re-validate message sizes if there's a possibility that they have changed (due to re-compression or message
          // format conversion)
          if (validateAndOffsetAssignResult.messageSizeMaybeChanged) {
            for (batch <- validRecords.batches.asScala) {
              if (batch.sizeInBytes > config.maxMessageSize) {
                // we record the original message set size instead of the trimmed size
                // to be consistent with pre-compression bytesRejectedRate recording
                throw new RecordTooLargeException(s"Message batch size is ${batch.sizeInBytes} bytes in append to" +
                  s"partition $topicPartition which exceeds the maximum configured size of ${config.maxMessageSize}.")
        } else {
          // we are taking the offsets we are given
          if (!appendInfo.offsetsMonotonic)
            throw new OffsetsOutOfOrderException(s"Out of order offsets found in append to $topicPartition: " +

          if (appendInfo.firstOrLastOffsetOfFirstBatch < nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset) {
            // we may still be able to recover if the log is empty
            // one example: fetching from log start offset on the leader which is not batch aligned,
            // which may happen as a result of AdminClient#deleteRecords()
            val firstOffset = appendInfo.firstOffset match {
              case Some(offset) => offset
              case None => records.batches.asScala.head.baseOffset()

            val firstOrLast = if (appendInfo.firstOffset.isDefined) "First offset" else "Last offset of the first batch"
            throw new UnexpectedAppendOffsetException(
              s"Unexpected offset in append to $topicPartition. $firstOrLast " +
              s"${appendInfo.firstOrLastOffsetOfFirstBatch} is less than the next offset ${nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset}. " +
              s"First 10 offsets in append: ${records.records.asScala.take(10).map(_.offset)}, last offset in" +
              s" append: ${appendInfo.lastOffset}. Log start offset = $logStartOffset",
              firstOffset, appendInfo.lastOffset)

        // update the epoch cache with the epoch stamped onto the message by the leader
        validRecords.batches.asScala.foreach { batch =>
          if (batch.magic >= RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2)
            maybeAssignEpochStartOffset(batch.partitionLeaderEpoch, batch.baseOffset)

        // check messages set size may be exceed config.segmentSize
        if (validRecords.sizeInBytes > config.segmentSize) {
          throw new RecordBatchTooLargeException(s"Message batch size is ${validRecords.sizeInBytes} bytes in append " +
            s"to partition $topicPartition, which exceeds the maximum configured segment size of ${config.segmentSize}.")

        // now that we have valid records, offsets assigned, and timestamps updated, we need to
        // validate the idempotent/transactional state of the producers and collect some metadata
        val (updatedProducers, completedTxns, maybeDuplicate) = analyzeAndValidateProducerState(validRecords, isFromClient)
        maybeDuplicate.foreach { duplicate =>
          appendInfo.firstOffset = Some(duplicate.firstOffset)
          appendInfo.lastOffset = duplicate.lastOffset
          appendInfo.logAppendTime = duplicate.timestamp
          appendInfo.logStartOffset = logStartOffset
          return appendInfo

        // maybe roll the log if this segment is full
        val segment = maybeRoll(validRecords.sizeInBytes, appendInfo)

        val logOffsetMetadata = LogOffsetMetadata(
          messageOffset = appendInfo.firstOrLastOffsetOfFirstBatch,
          segmentBaseOffset = segment.baseOffset,
          relativePositionInSegment = segment.size)
        segment.append(largestOffset = appendInfo.lastOffset,
          largestTimestamp = appendInfo.maxTimestamp,
          shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp = appendInfo.offsetOfMaxTimestamp,
          records = validRecords)

        // update the producer state
        for ((_, producerAppendInfo) <- updatedProducers) {

        // update the transaction index with the true last stable offset. The last offset visible
        // to consumers using READ_COMMITTED will be limited by this value and the high watermark.
        for (completedTxn <- completedTxns) {
          val lastStableOffset = producerStateManager.completeTxn(completedTxn)
          segment.updateTxnIndex(completedTxn, lastStableOffset)

        // always update the last producer id map offset so that the snapshot reflects the current offset
        // even if there isn't any idempotent data being written
        producerStateManager.updateMapEndOffset(appendInfo.lastOffset + 1)

        // increment the log end offset
        updateLogEndOffset(appendInfo.lastOffset + 1)

        // update the first unstable offset (which is used to compute LSO)

        trace(s"Appended message set with last offset: ${appendInfo.lastOffset}, " +
          s"first offset: ${appendInfo.firstOffset}, " +
          s"next offset: ${nextOffsetMetadata.messageOffset}, " +
          s"and messages: $validRecords")

        if (unflushedMessages >= config.flushInterval)




   * Roll the log over to a new empty log segment if necessary.
   * @param messagesSize The messages set size in bytes.
   * @param appendInfo log append information
   * @return The currently active segment after (perhaps) rolling to a new segment
  private def maybeRoll(messagesSize: Int, appendInfo: LogAppendInfo): LogSegment = {
    val segment = activeSegment
    val now = time.milliseconds

    val maxTimestampInMessages = appendInfo.maxTimestamp
    val maxOffsetInMessages = appendInfo.lastOffset
    if (segment.shouldRoll(RollParams(config, appendInfo, messagesSize, now))) {
      debug(s"Rolling new log segment (log_size = ${segment.size}/${config.segmentSize}}, " +
        s"offset_index_size = ${segment.offsetIndex.entries}/${segment.offsetIndex.maxEntries}, " +
        s"time_index_size = ${segment.timeIndex.entries}/${segment.timeIndex.maxEntries}, " +
        s"inactive_time_ms = ${segment.timeWaitedForRoll(now, maxTimestampInMessages)}/${config.segmentMs - segment.rollJitterMs}).")

        maxOffsetInMessages - Integer.MAX_VALUE is a heuristic value for the first offset in the set of messages.
        Since the offset in messages will not differ by more than Integer.MAX_VALUE, this is guaranteed <= the real
        first offset in the set. Determining the true first offset in the set requires decompression, which the follower
        is trying to avoid during log append. Prior behavior assigned new baseOffset = logEndOffset from old segment.
        This was problematic in the case that two consecutive messages differed in offset by
        Integer.MAX_VALUE.toLong + 2 or more.  In this case, the prior behavior would roll a new log segment whose
        base offset was too low to contain the next message.  This edge case is possible when a replica is recovering a
        highly compacted topic from scratch.
        Note that this is only required for pre-V2 message formats because these do not store the first message offset
        in the header.
      appendInfo.firstOffset match {
        case Some(firstOffset) => roll(Some(firstOffset))
        case None => roll(Some(maxOffsetInMessages - Integer.MAX_VALUE))
    } else {



  1. 当前日志分段的大小加上消息的大小超过了日志分段的阈值(log.segment.bytes);
  2. 距离上次创建日志分段的时间达到了一定的阈值(log.roll.hours),并且数据文件有数据;
  3. 索引文件满了;
  4. 时间索引文件满了;
  5. 最大的 offset,其相对偏移量超过了正整数的阈值。
def shouldRoll(rollParams: RollParams): Boolean = {
    val reachedRollMs = timeWaitedForRoll(rollParams.now, rollParams.maxTimestampInMessages) > rollParams.maxSegmentMs - rollJitterMs
    size > rollParams.maxSegmentBytes - rollParams.messagesSize ||
      (size > 0 && reachedRollMs) ||
      offsetIndex.isFull || timeIndex.isFull || !canConvertToRelativeOffset(rollParams.maxOffsetInMessages)


从当前的LEO开始,滚动日志创建新的active segment

   * Roll the log over to a new active segment starting with the current logEndOffset.
   * This will trim the index to the exact size of the number of entries it currently contains.
   * @return The newly rolled segment
  def roll(expectedNextOffset: Option[Long] = None): LogSegment = {
    maybeHandleIOException(s"Error while rolling log segment for $topicPartition in dir ${dir.getParent}") {
      val start = time.hiResClockMs()
      lock synchronized {
        val newOffset = math.max(expectedNextOffset.getOrElse(0L), logEndOffset)
        val logFile = Log.logFile(dir, newOffset)

        if (segments.containsKey(newOffset)) {
          // segment with the same base offset already exists and loaded
          if (activeSegment.baseOffset == newOffset && activeSegment.size == 0) {
            // We have seen this happen (see KAFKA-6388) after shouldRoll() returns true for an
            // active segment of size zero because of one of the indexes is "full" (due to _maxEntries == 0).
            warn(s"Trying to roll a new log segment with start offset $newOffset " +
                 s"=max(provided offset = $expectedNextOffset, LEO = $logEndOffset) while it already " +
                 s"exists and is active with size 0. Size of time index: ${activeSegment.timeIndex.entries}," +
                 s" size of offset index: ${activeSegment.offsetIndex.entries}.")
          } else {
            throw new KafkaException(s"Trying to roll a new log segment for topic partition $topicPartition with start offset $newOffset" +
                                     s" =max(provided offset = $expectedNextOffset, LEO = $logEndOffset) while it already exists. Existing " +
                                     s"segment is ${segments.get(newOffset)}.")
        } else if (!segments.isEmpty && newOffset < activeSegment.baseOffset) {
          throw new KafkaException(
            s"Trying to roll a new log segment for topic partition $topicPartition with " +
            s"start offset $newOffset =max(provided offset = $expectedNextOffset, LEO = $logEndOffset) lower than start offset of the active segment $activeSegment")
        } else {
          val offsetIdxFile = offsetIndexFile(dir, newOffset)
          val timeIdxFile = timeIndexFile(dir, newOffset)
          val txnIdxFile = transactionIndexFile(dir, newOffset)

          for (file <- List(logFile, offsetIdxFile, timeIdxFile, txnIdxFile) if file.exists) {
            warn(s"Newly rolled segment file ${file.getAbsolutePath} already exists; deleting it first")


        // take a snapshot of the producer state to facilitate recovery. It is useful to have the snapshot
        // offset align with the new segment offset since this ensures we can recover the segment by beginning
        // with the corresponding snapshot file and scanning the segment data. Because the segment base offset
        // may actually be ahead of the current producer state end offset (which corresponds to the log end offset),
        // we manually override the state offset here prior to taking the snapshot.
        val segment = LogSegment.open(dir,
          baseOffset = newOffset,
          time = time,
          fileAlreadyExists = false,
          initFileSize = initFileSize,
          preallocate = config.preallocate)
        // We need to update the segment base offset and append position data of the metadata when log rolls.
        // The next offset should not change.
        // schedule an asynchronous flush of the old segment
        scheduler.schedule("flush-log", () => flush(newOffset), delay = 0L)

        info(s"Rolled new log segment at offset $newOffset in ${time.hiResClockMs() - start} ms.")
