/** Tracks memory consumption.
  * It throws an exception if amount of consumed memory become greater than certain limit.
  * The same memory tracker could be simultaneously used in different threads.
class MemoryTracker
    std::atomic<Int64> amount {0};
    std::atomic<Int64> peak {0};
    std::atomic<Int64> hard_limit {0};
    std::atomic<Int64> profiler_limit {0};    Int64 profiler_step = 0;
    /// To test exception safety of calling code, memory tracker throws an exception on each memory allocation with specified probability.
    double fault_probability = 0;    /// Singly-linked list. All information will be passed to subsequent memory trackers also (it allows to implement trackers hierarchy).
    /// In terms of tree nodes it is the list of parents. Lifetime of these trackers should "include" lifetime of current tracker.就树节点而言,它是父节点的列表。这些跟踪器的生命周期应该包括当前跟踪器的生命周期。
    std::atomic<MemoryTracker *> parent {};    /// You could specify custom metric to track memory usage.
    CurrentMetrics::Metric metric = CurrentMetrics::end();    /// This description will be used as prefix into log messages (if isn't nullptr)
    const char * description = nullptr;public:
    MemoryTracker(VariableContext level_ = VariableContext::Thread) : level(level_) {}
    MemoryTracker(MemoryTracker * parent_, VariableContext level_ = VariableContext::Thread) : parent(parent_), level(level_) {}    ~MemoryTracker();
    VariableContext level;
    /** Call the following functions before calling of corresponding operations with memory allocators.
    void alloc(Int64 size);    void realloc(Int64 old_size, Int64 new_size)
        Int64 addition = new_size - old_size;
        if (addition > 0)
    }    /** This function should be called after memory deallocation.
    void free(Int64 size);    Int64 get() const
        return amount.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    }    Int64 getPeak() const
        return peak.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    }    /** Set limit if it was not set.
      * Otherwise, set limit to new value, if new value is greater than previous limit.
    void setOrRaiseHardLimit(Int64 value);
    void setOrRaiseProfilerLimit(Int64 value);    void setFaultProbability(double value)
        fault_probability = value;
    }    void setProfilerStep(Int64 value)
        profiler_step = value;
    }    /// next should be changed only once: from nullptr to some value.
    /// NOTE: It is not true in MergeListElement//next只应更改一次:从nullptr更改为某个值
    void setParent(MemoryTracker * elem)
    {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    }    MemoryTracker * getParent()
        return parent.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    }    /// The memory consumption could be shown in realtime via CurrentMetrics counter
    void setMetric(CurrentMetrics::Metric metric_)
        metric = metric_;
    }    void setDescription(const char * description_)
        description = description_;
    }    /// Reset the accumulated data
    void resetCounters();    /// Reset the accumulated data and the parent.
    void reset();    /// Prints info about peak memory consumption into log.
    void logPeakMemoryUsage() const;    /// To be able to temporarily stop memory tracker
    DB::SimpleActionBlocker blocker;
};/// Convenience methods, that use current thread's memory_tracker if it is available.
namespace CurrentMemoryTracker
    void alloc(Int64 size);
    void realloc(Int64 old_size, Int64 new_size);
    void free(Int64 size);
}/// Holding this object will temporarily disable memory tracking.
DB::SimpleActionLock getCurrentMemoryTrackerActionLock(); 
#include "MemoryTracker.h"
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include "Common/TraceCollector.h"
#include <Common/CurrentThread.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <Common/formatReadable.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>namespace DB
    namespace ErrorCodes
        extern const int MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
}static constexpr size_t log_peak_memory_usage_every = 1ULL << 30;
/// Each thread could new/delete memory in range of (-untracked_memory_limit, untracked_memory_limit) without access to common counters.//每个线程都可以在(-untracked_memory_limit,untracked_memory_limit)范围内新建/删除内存,而无需访问公共计数器。
static constexpr Int64 untracked_memory_limit = 4 * 1024 * 1024;MemoryTracker::~MemoryTracker()
    if (static_cast<int>(level) < static_cast<int>(VariableContext::Process) && peak)
        catch (...)
            /// Exception in Logger, intentionally swallow.
    }    /** This is needed for next memory tracker to be consistent with sum of all referring memory trackers.
      * Sometimes, memory tracker could be destroyed before memory was freed, and on destruction, amount > 0.
      * For example, a query could allocate some data and leave it in cache.
      * If memory will be freed outside of context of this memory tracker,
      *  but in context of one of the 'next' memory trackers,
      *  then memory usage of 'next' memory trackers will be underestimated,
      *  because amount will be decreased twice (first - here, second - when real 'free' happens).
    if (auto value = amount.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
}void MemoryTracker::logPeakMemoryUsage() const
        "Peak memory usage" << (description ? " " + std::string(description) : "")
        << ": " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(peak) << ".");
}static void logMemoryUsage(Int64 amount)
        "Current memory usage: " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(amount) << ".");
}void MemoryTracker::alloc(Int64 size)
    if (blocker.isCancelled())
        return;    /** Using memory_order_relaxed means that if allocations are done simultaneously,
      *  we allow exception about memory limit exceeded to be thrown only on next allocation.
      * So, we allow over-allocations.
    Int64 will_be = size + amount.fetch_add(size, std::memory_order_relaxed);    if (metric != CurrentMetrics::end())
        CurrentMetrics::add(metric, size);    Int64 current_hard_limit = hard_limit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    Int64 current_profiler_limit = profiler_limit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);    /// Using non-thread-safe random number generator. Joint distribution in different threads would not be uniform.
    /// In this case, it doesn't matter.
    if (unlikely(fault_probability && drand48() < fault_probability))
        free(size);        /// Prevent recursion. Exception::ctor -> std::string -> new[] -> MemoryTracker::alloc
        auto untrack_lock = blocker.cancel(); // NOLINT        std::stringstream message;
        message << "Memory tracker";
        if (description)
            message << " " << description;
        message << ": fault injected. Would use " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(will_be)
            << " (attempt to allocate chunk of " << size << " bytes)"
            << ", maximum: " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(current_hard_limit);        throw DB::Exception(message.str(), DB::ErrorCodes::MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
    }    if (unlikely(current_profiler_limit && will_be > current_profiler_limit))
        auto no_track = blocker.cancel();
        DB::TraceCollector::collect(DB::TraceType::Memory, StackTrace(), size);
        setOrRaiseProfilerLimit((will_be + profiler_step - 1) / profiler_step * profiler_step);
    }    if (unlikely(current_hard_limit && will_be > current_hard_limit))
        free(size);        /// Prevent recursion. Exception::ctor -> std::string -> new[] -> MemoryTracker::alloc
        auto untrack_lock = blocker.cancel(); // NOLINT        std::stringstream message;
        message << "Memory limit";
        if (description)
            message << " " << description;
        message << " exceeded: would use " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(will_be)
            << " (attempt to allocate chunk of " << size << " bytes)"
            << ", maximum: " << formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(current_hard_limit);        throw DB::Exception(message.str(), DB::ErrorCodes::MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
    }    auto peak_old = peak.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    if (will_be > peak_old)        /// Races doesn't matter. Could rewrite with CAS, but not worth.
    {, std::memory_order_relaxed);        if (level == VariableContext::Process && will_be / log_peak_memory_usage_every > peak_old / log_peak_memory_usage_every)
    }    if (auto loaded_next = parent.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
}void MemoryTracker::free(Int64 size)
    if (blocker.isCancelled())
        return;    if (level == VariableContext::Thread)
        /// Could become negative if memory allocated in this thread is freed in another one
        amount.fetch_sub(size, std::memory_order_relaxed);
        Int64 new_amount = amount.fetch_sub(size, std::memory_order_relaxed) - size;        /** Sometimes, query could free some data, that was allocated outside of query context.
          * Example: cache eviction.
          * To avoid negative memory usage, we "saturate" amount.
          * Memory usage will be calculated with some error.
          * NOTE: The code is not atomic. Not worth to fix.
        if (unlikely(new_amount < 0))
            size += new_amount;
    }    if (auto loaded_next = parent.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
        loaded_next->free(size);    if (metric != CurrentMetrics::end())
        CurrentMetrics::sub(metric, size);
}void MemoryTracker::resetCounters()
{, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
}void MemoryTracker::reset()
    if (metric != CurrentMetrics::end())
        CurrentMetrics::sub(metric, amount.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));    resetCounters();
}void MemoryTracker::setOrRaiseHardLimit(Int64 value)
    /// This is just atomic set to maximum.
    Int64 old_value = hard_limit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    while (old_value < value && !hard_limit.compare_exchange_weak(old_value, value))
}void MemoryTracker::setOrRaiseProfilerLimit(Int64 value)
    Int64 old_value = profiler_limit.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
    while (old_value < value && !profiler_limit.compare_exchange_weak(old_value, value))
}namespace CurrentMemoryTracker
    void alloc(Int64 size)
        if (auto memory_tracker = DB::CurrentThread::getMemoryTracker())
            Int64 & untracked = DB::CurrentThread::getUntrackedMemory();
            untracked += size;
            if (untracked > untracked_memory_limit)
                /// Zero untracked before track. If tracker throws out-of-limit we would be able to alloc up to untracked_memory_limit bytes
                /// more. It could be useful to enlarge Exception message in rethrow logic.
                Int64 tmp = untracked;
                untracked = 0;
    }    void realloc(Int64 old_size, Int64 new_size)
        Int64 addition = new_size - old_size;
        addition > 0 ? alloc(addition) : free(-addition);
    }    void free(Int64 size)
        if (auto memory_tracker = DB::CurrentThread::getMemoryTracker())
            Int64 & untracked = DB::CurrentThread::getUntrackedMemory();
            untracked -= size;
            if (untracked < -untracked_memory_limit)
                untracked = 0;
}DB::SimpleActionLock getCurrentMemoryTrackerActionLock()
    auto memory_tracker = DB::CurrentThread::getMemoryTracker();
    if (!memory_tracker)
        return {};
    return memory_tracker->blocker.cancel();