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Making and answering calls on your iPad is a little-known feature that can be pretty amazing in use, and all you need is to have your tablet and your iPhone near one another. Thanks to the magic of Apple’s Continuity features, handling calls on an iPad is one of those features that you might forget exists, but can be handy if you already have your tablet in front of you.

在iPad上拨打和接听电话是一项鲜为人知的功能,在使用中可能会非常惊人,而您所需要的只是让平板电脑和iPhone彼此靠近。 得益于Apple Continuity功能的神奇之处,在iPad上处理呼叫是您可能会忘记存在的那些功能之一,但是如果您已经将平板电脑放在自己的面前,就可以派上用场。

(Before You Get Started)

If you want to use your iPad as a big phone, you’ll need to have a couple of prerequisites ticked off before getting started. You’ll need to have an iPhone and iPad that are:

如果您想将iPad用作大型手机,则需要先满足一些先决条件,然后再开始使用。 您需要拥有以下iPhone和iPad:

  • Connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • Logged into the same iCloud account in Settings.
  • Running iOS 8.1 or later, which shouldn’t be too hard at this point.

Assuming all of those boxes are checked, let’s move on.


(How to Tell Your iPhone About Your iPad)

If you’re going to have your calls routed to and from your iPad, you need to make sure that your iPhone knows that’s the plan. You only need to flick a couple of switches, and they’re both easy to find. Start by opening the Settings app and then tapping on the “Phone” entry.

如果您要将呼叫路由到iPad或从iPad路由,则需要确保iPhone知道这是计划。 您只需要轻击几个开关,它们都很容易找到。 首先打开“设置”应用,然后点击“电话”条目。

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Next, tap “Calls on Other Devices” and turn on the “Allow Calls on Other Devices” toggle. This will reveal a list of the devices that are signed into your Apple ID. Make sure that you enable any device on which you want to make or answer calls—like your iPad.

接下来,点击“在其他设备上通话”,然后打开“在其他设备上通话”开关。 这将显示已登录您的Apple ID的设备列表。 确保启用要在其上拨打或接听电话的任何设备,例如iPad。

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Once this is done, you’re ready to move on to your iPad.


(How to Enable Calls on Your iPad)

Now that your iPhone is all set up, open the Settings app on your iPad and tap the “FaceTime” entry.

既然您的iPhone已全部设置完毕,请在iPad上打开“设置”应用程序,然后点击“ FaceTime”条目。

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Turn on the “Calls from iPhone” toggle. It’s likely that this setting is already enabled, but it’s worth checking to be sure.

打开“来自iPhone的呼叫”开关。 此设置可能已启用,但是值得确认一下。

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Now, whenever you receive a call you can answer it on your iPad by tapping the “Answer” button.


(How to Make a Call From Your iPad)

To make a call from your iPad, first, open the Contacts app (since there’s no Phone app). Next, tap the name of the contact you want to call.

要通过iPad拨打电话,请首先打开“通讯录”应用(因为没有“电话”应用)。 接下来,点击您要呼叫的联系人的姓名。

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On the contact’s page, tap the blue “call” button below their name. Alternatively, tap the phone number you want to call.

在联系人页面上,点击联系人姓名下方的蓝色“通话”按钮。 或者,点击您要拨打的电话号码。

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That’s all there is to it. Congratulations, you just turned your iPad into the world’s largest phone.

这里的所有都是它的。 恭喜,您刚刚将iPad变成了世界上最大的手机。
