
ImportError: cannot import name urlopen,出现该问题的原因,主要是因为我的目录下有一个socket.py的问题,这个文件正好和socke模块中的socket.py文件名重名导致的。

root@team:~/python# ls
char_format.py numberlines.py socket.pyc
test_help.py test_search.py test_translate.py
drawing re_split.py test_copy.py test_if.py
test_sequeue.py test_wordbook1.py
heap.py reverseargs.py test_fibs.py
test_index.py test_slices.py test_wordbook.py
hello.py socket.py test_for.py test_in.py test_sys.py
root@team:~/python# socket.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./socket.py", line 2, in
from urllib import urlopen
"/usr/lib/python2.6/urllib.py", line 26, in
import socket
File "/home/zfz/python/socket.py",
line 2, in
from urllib import urlopen
ImportError: cannot
import name urlopen


Actually, modules are searched in the
list of directories given by the variable sys.path which is initialized from
the directory containing the input script (or the current directory),
PYTHONPATH and the installation- dependent default. This allows Python programs
that know what they’re doing to modify or replace the module search path. Note
that because the directory containing the script being run is on the search
path, it is important that the script not have the same name as a standard
module, or Python will attempt to load the script as a module when that module
is imported.


import sys,pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(sys.path)
['', //表示的是当前路径,也就是现在python测试程序的路径



python# cat test_import_exam.py
import test_import
root@team:~/python# cat test_import.py
root@team:~/python# cat test_import.pyc



pyc是一种二进制文件,是由py文件经过编译后,生成的文件,是一种byte code,py文件变成pyc文件后,加载的速度有所提高,而且pyc是一种跨平台的字节码,是由python的虚拟机来执行的,这个是类似于JAVA或者.NET的虚拟机的概念。pyc的内容,是跟python的版本相关的,不同版本编译后的pyc文件是不同的,2.5编译的pyc文件,2.4版本的python是无法执行的。