android 触发指定应用 gc_android


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Launchers. They’re not exactly in short supply in Google Play. While there are many to choose from, each with a slightly different approach to things, they all tend to work in the same general way. The same cannot be said of Trigger, which makes it possible to put your device’s touchscreen to the best possible use by using gestures to launch apps, access settings and more.

发射器。 它们在Google Play中并不完全短缺。 尽管有很多可供选择的方式,每种方式的处理方式略有不同,但它们都倾向于以相同的通用方式工作。 对于Trigger来说,情况并非如此,这可以通过使用手势来启动应用程序,访问设置等来使设备的触摸屏得到最佳利用。

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This is not the first time a gesture launcher has been developed to help ease the chore of getting programs up and running. Windows users have tools such as StrokesPlus that enables mouse gestures to be used as triggers, and Google Gesture Search brings gestured –based searching to Android.

这不是第一次开发手势启动器来帮助减轻启动和运行程序的麻烦。 Windows用户拥有诸如StrokesPlus之类的工具,该工具允许将鼠标手势用作触发器,而Google Gesture Search将基于手势的搜索引入了Android。

Trigger takes this further, making it possible to assign more actions to gestures. The concept is a simple one, but it is simultaneously revolutionary and a great time saver. With a quick gesture, you can toggle features such as Bluetooth and wifi, launch specific apps or do things like compose a new text message or email.

触发器使这一点更进一步,从而可以为手势分配更多的动作。 这个概念很简单,但同时具有革命性和省时性。 快速手势,您可以切换诸如蓝牙和wifi之类的功能,启动特定的应用程序或进行诸如编写新短信或电子邮件之类的操作。

To start a gesture you can opt to either press the trigger (calling up a hotzone in which gestures can be drawn), or pull it to a hotspot to trigger an action. The trigger icon need not be displayed at all times and you can call it up whenever you need it – just hit the search button, shake your phone or access it form the notification bar. Or of course, you can leave it on permanent display.

要开始手势,您可以选择按下触发器(调出可在其中绘制手势的热点),或将其拉到热点以触发动作。 触发图标不必始终显示,您可以在需要时随时调用它-只需按搜索按钮,摇动手机或从通知栏访问它即可。 或者,当然,您可以将其永久显示。

There’s a brief introductory tutorial to walk through, and you can then start setting up your own gestures and actions. Start by selecting the type of action that should be triggered by a gesture – Apps lets you launch apps, Settings provides access to system settings, etc – and then tap the + button.

这里有一个简短的入门教程,您可以开始设置自己的手势和动作。 首先选择手势应触发的操作类型-“应用程序”可以启动应用程序,“设置”提供对系统设置的访问权限,等等–然后点按+按钮。

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Depending on which section you have chosen you will then need to select the app, setting, web site or action that this trigger should launch. Make your selection by tapping the list and then draw the gesture that is to be used in the scratch pad and then tap the tick button.

然后,根据您选择的部分,您将需要选择该触发器应启动的应用程序,设置,网站或操作。 通过单击列表进行选择,然后在暂存器中绘制要使用的手势,然后单击对勾按钮。

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Obviously it’s going to be difficult to perfectly replicate a particular gesture every time you want to use it so it’s a good idea to practice. You should run through the Gesture Test to configure the level of sensitivity and accuracy you want to use.

显然,每次要使用特定手势都很难完美复制,因此练习是一个好主意。 您应该运行“手势测试”以配置要使用的灵敏度和准确性级别。

Draw your gesture in the scratch pad and it will be rated by the app. Initially, you are working towards an accuracy level of 2.0, but you can increase or decrease this using the < and > buttons as you see fit.

在便签本中绘制手势,该手势将由应用评估。 最初,您正在朝着2.0的精度级别努力,但是您可以根据需要使用<和>按钮来提高或降低精度。

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There is a wealth of gestures that can prove immensely useful. If you need a quick way to enter airplane mode, or to add a new calendar event Trigger can be used to reduce these common tasks to a quick gesture.

有很多手势可以证明非常有用。 如果您需要快速进入飞行模式或添加新日历事件的方法,可以使用触发器将这些常见任务简化为快速手势。

To make some actions even easier to access, swipes can also be used. Head to Settings in the apps and scroll to the Swipe Effects section. Tap one of the compass directions and then indicate what should happen when the Trigger icon is dragged in that direction.

为了使某些操作更易于访问,也可以使用滑动。 转到应用程序中的“设置”,然后滚动到“滑动效果”部分。 点按指南针方向之一,然后指示在该方向上拖动“触发”图标时将发生的情况。

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Trigger is available in two varieties. The free version is ad supported and imposes a limit of six gestures, while the paid-for version removes both of these limitations.

触发器有两个品种。 免费版受广告支持,并限制了六个手势,而付费版则消除了这两个限制。

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