PictureSelector 并将拍摄的照片放到系统默认的相册中 如何将照片默认存入sd卡_数据库

High quality camera phones and their ease of use make it really easy to quickly clutter up your phone’s limited internal storage with photos. Let’s take a look at how you can shift the default location from your phone’s internal memory to the more spacious SD card.

高品质的照相手机及其易用性使您很容易快速将照片的手机内部存储空间弄得乱七八糟。 让我们看一下如何将默认位置从手机内存转移到更宽敞的SD卡。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My Android phone recently started complaining it was running out of storage space but that seemed odd given that I don’t install that many apps and the phone has 16GB internal memory and a 32GB microSD card I installed awhile back. I used the check-storage trick in your Android article Managing Your Device’s Storage and Backups and found that nearly all of my internal memory is chewed up by photos and videos I’ve taken.

我的Android手机最近开始抱怨它的存储空间所剩无几但似乎有些奇怪因为我不安装许多应用程序和手机拥有16GB的内存和32GB的microSD卡我一会儿回来安装。 我在Android文章“ 管理设备的存储和备份”中使用了检查存储技巧,发现我几乎所有的内部内存都被我拍摄的照片和视频所占用。

Doing a better job pruning my photos is a different task altogether though. The real reason I’m writing in is that I can’t figure out how to switch the camera from saving the photos to the /DCIM/ folder on the internal memory to any folder at all on the SD card (by the way, bonus question, why does every digital camera I have use a /DCIM/ folder to stop pictures?)

不过,更好地修剪照片是完全不同的任务。 我写的真正原因是我无法弄清楚如何将相机从将照片保存到内存的/ DCIM /文件夹切换到SD卡上的所有文件夹(顺便说一句,问题,为什么我拥有的每个数码相机都使用/ DCIM /文件夹来停止图片?)

I’ve absolutely poured over the Android settings menu to no avail in my search for a way to change things around. Fingers crossed I don’t have to root the phone or do any crazy editing to get what I want!

我绝对将Android设置菜单倾注在搜索更改方面无济于事。 手指交叉我不必扎根手机或进行任何疯狂的编辑即可得到我想要的东西!



Photo Full


Before we answer your original question, let’s answer your bonus question as we’re sure you’re not the only one that has puzzled over the DCIM folder before. DCIM stands for “Digital Camera IMage” and is a nomenclature that has been in use for over a decade now; from high-end cameras to camera phones the /DCIM/ folder is just about ubiquitous at this point.

在回答您的原始问题之前,让我们回答您的红利问题,因为我们确定您不是唯一一个对DCIM文件夹感到困惑的人。 DCIM代表“数码相机图像”,并且已经使用了十多年了。 从高端相机到照相手机,/ DCIM /文件夹在这一点上无处不在。

As for changing the default save location of your photos and videos, that’s a pretty straight forward fix. We see you did your due diligence in looking for a setting to change but the problem is the setting you’re looking for is located in the settings menu of the actual camera application and not in the settings menu of the greater Android operating system.

至于更改照片和视频的默认保存位置,这是一个非常简单的解决方法。 我们看到您在进行更改设置时进行了尽职调查,但是问题是您要查找的设置位于实际相机应用程序的设置菜单中,而不是在较大的Android操作系统的设置菜单中。

Don’t feel bad about it; aside from turning the flash on and off most of us hardly open the menu on the camera, and it’s very easy to overlook the menu. To make the change open the camera app and tap your phone’s menu button.

不要为此感到难过; 除了打开和关闭闪光灯外,我们大多数人几乎都无法打开相机上的菜单,而且很容易忽略菜单。 要进行更改,请打开相机应用程序,然后点击手机的菜单按钮。

PictureSelector 并将拍摄的照片放到系统默认的相册中 如何将照片默认存入sd卡_python_02

Select Setting (the central icon in the arc that looks like a set of sliders) and then, within the Settings menu itself, select Settings yet again (the set of sliders on the far right).


PictureSelector 并将拍摄的照片放到系统默认的相册中 如何将照片默认存入sd卡_java_03

Now you’re finally out of icons-as-menu land and have some actual text to read. Select “Storage” at the top of the menu and, when prompted in the next menu, select “SD Card.”

现在,您终于摆脱了“图标即菜单”的局面,需要阅读一些实际的文本。 选择菜单顶部的“存储”,然后在下一个菜单中出现提示时,选择“ SD卡”。

After you change this selection take a test photo and then browse (either on your phone or mount the phone/SD card on your computer USB) to confirm a new /DCIM/ folder was created and populated with your test picture.

更改此选项后,拍摄一张测试照片,然后浏览(在手机上或将手机/ SD卡安装在计算机USB上)以确认创建了一个新的/ DCIM /文件夹,并在其中填充了测试图片。

Once you’ve confirmed that the new folder is there, all you have left to do is migrate the contents of your old /DCIM/ folder over to the SD card and delete the old one to free up space.

确认存在新文件夹后,剩下要做的就是将旧的/ DCIM /文件夹的内容迁移到SD卡上,然后删除旧的文件夹以释放空间。

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