



Table 1-1: List of Acronyms Acronym                                                        Stands                                                        For:                                                        ACT Allocation Change Trigger 
API Application Programming Interface. 
AUX Auxiliary                                         
BER Bit Error Rate 
bpc Bits Per Component 
bpp Bits Per Pixel 
BE  Blanking End
BS  Blanking Start
CDR Clock and Data Recovery 
CEA Consumer Electronics Association 
CP  Content Protection
CVT Coordinated Video Timings (VESA) 
DB  Data Byte                                            
DDC/CI Display Data Channel/Command Interface (VESA) 
DPCP DisplayPort Content Protection 
DPCD DisplayPort Configuration Data  
DJ Deterministic Jitter
DMT Discrete Monitor Timing (VESA) 
DP DisplayPort (VESA)                                            
DPCD DisplayPort Configuration Data
eDP Embedded DisplayPort (VESA) 
ECC Error Correcting Code 
ECF Encryption Control Field 
E-DDC Enhanced Display Data Channel (VESA) 
EDID Extended Display Identification Data (VESA) 
EOS Electrical Over-Stress
EMT End of Message Transaction
ESD Electro Static Discharge                                          
GPU Graphics Processor Unit 
GUID Globally Unique ID                                        
HB Header Byte                                            
HBR High Bit Rate (2.7Gbps per lane) 
HBR2 High Bit Rate 2 (5.4Gbps per lane) 
HDCP High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection 
HPD Hot Plug Detect 
I2C Inter-IC                                            
IRQ Interrupt Request
ISI Inter-Symbol Interference                                             
LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register. 
lsb Least Significant Bit 
LPCM Linear Pulse Code Modulation 
LVP Link Verification Pattern 
Maud M value for audio
MCCS Monitor Control Command Set (VESA) 
msb Most Significant Bit
MOT Middle Of Transaction 
MST Multi-Stream Transport 
MTP Multi-stream Transport Packet                                         
MTPH Multi-stream Transport Packet Header 
Mvid M value for video 
Naud N value for audio
nb Nibble                                              
Nvid N value for video 
NORP Number Of Receiver Ports 
OCP  Over Current Protection                                          
OUI  Organizational Unique ID
PB   Parity Byte                                             
PCB Printed Circuit Board 
PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence 
RBR Reduced Bit Rate 
RG  Rate Governing                                           
RGB Red Green Blue                                         
RJ  Random Jitter                                             
RTL Register Transfer Level                                         
RX  Receiver                                           
SDP Secondary-Data Packet                                          
SE  SDP End                                            
SF  Stream Fill                                             
SR  Scrambler Reset                                            
SS  SDP  Start                                             
SSC Spread Spectrum Clock 
SST Single-Stream Transport                                           
TCON Timing Controller
TDR Time Domain Reflectometry 
TIA Timing Interval Analyzer 
TIE Timing Interval Error 
TJ  Total Jitter
TU  Transfer Unit                                            
TX  Transmitter 
UI  Unit Interval                                             
VB-ID Vertical Blanking ID 
VESA Video Electronics Standards Association 
VHDL Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language

DisplayPort架构 display port state_Data



介绍配置和管理协议,数据的传输[host->display]转发传输通道以及辅助双向通道,包括SST[single steam transport]以及MST[multi-stream transport]



DPCP对应的是link policy marker,描述的是接收方的能力;EDID对应的是stream policy marker,描述的是接收设备。
link/stream policy marker分别管理对应的link和stream;流策略制定者管理流的传输。链接策略制定者管理链接并负责保持链接同步。

Displayport 组件

Displayport link,连接source和sink的通路,包含:Main link[不同的位宽,最多4lane,主要数据包传输] + Aux Channel[访问DPCD与EDID的专用链路] + HPD channel[hot-plug检测]

Main link用于传输视频和音频的数据路,main link由多个同时运行的单向串行数据通道组成,一般来说,最多由4条数据通道组成。在标准DisplayPort连接中,每个通道都有一组专用的双绞线,并使用差分信号在整个通道上传输数据。这是一个自计时系统,因此不需要专用的时钟信号通道。当建立连接时,DisplayPort Mainlink使用的传输模式由Source设备和Sink设备通过称为Link training的过程进行协商。此过程确定连接的最大可能速度。例如,如果DisplayPort电缆的质量不足以可靠地处理HBR2速度,则DisplayPort设备将检测到该情况并切换到较低的模式以保持稳定的连接。[听起来和usb的连接方式有点像];在视频消隐间隔(视频数据的每一行和每一帧之间短暂的停顿)期间,音频数据通过主链路传输。

AUX(Auxiliary)的用途包括读取扩展显示识别数据(EDID),以确保DP信号的正确传输;读取显示器所支持的DP接口的信息,如主要通道的数量和DP信号的传输速率;进行各种显示组态暂存器的设定;读取显示器状态暂存器。DisplayPort AUX通道是半双工双向数据通道,用于由设备制造商自行决定是否使用视频和音频以外的其他附加数据(例如I2C或CEC命令)



A resolution can be supported only if the pixel stream BW is less than or equal to link symbol BW
Pixel stream BW = pixel clock * bpp / 8
Link symbol BW = link symbol clock * number of lanes

4K@30fps with 24bpp is supported by 2.7Gbps link @ 4 lanes but 30bpp requires 5.4Gbps link @ 4 lanes

Pixel clock for 4K@30fps is 297MHz
At 24bpp color depth, the pixel stream BW is 297*24/8 = 891 MBps
At 30bpp color depth, the pixel stream BW is 297*30/8 = 1113.75 MBps

For a 2.7Gbps link with 4lanes,
Link symbol clock = link rate * efficiency = 2700Mbps * 0.8
Converting to MBps, link symbol clock is 270MBps
Link symbol BW is 270 * 4 (lanes) = 1080 MBps
Similarly, link symbol BW for a 5.4Gbps lane with 4 lanes is 2160 MBps


DisplayPort架构 display port state_ide_02

DisplayPort架构 display port state_ide_03










In DRM power state and HPD state are controlled separately. HPD
state is updated by hardware directly and power state is controlled
by user space through atomic commit ioctl.
Currently when HPD state is changed, kernel will wait up to 5s
for user to response. If user doesn't update power state, after 5s
kernel will power off the DP controller if cable is disconnected.