

The system tablespace is the storage area for the InnoDB data dictionary, the doublewrite buffer, the change buffer, and undo logs. It may also contain table and index data if tables are created in the system tablespace rather than file-per-table or general tablespaces.

| datadir | /mydata/testdb/data/ |
| innodb_data_file_path | ibdata1:12M:autoextend |


A file-per-table tablespace is created in an .idb data file in a schema directory under the MySQL data directory. The .ibd file is named for the table (table_name.ibd).


root (none)>show global variables like ‘%innodb_autoextend_increment%’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_autoextend_increment | 64 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)


用create tablespace生成的共享表空间,同oracle的普通表空间。


root my1>show global variables like ‘%undo%’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_max_undo_log_size | 1073741824 |
| innodb_undo_directory | ./ |
| innodb_undo_log_truncate | OFF |
| innodb_undo_logs | 128 | ----deprecated
| innodb_undo_tablespaces | 0 | ----deprecated
5 rows in set (0.03 sec)

不为0表示:使用独立的表空间,一般名称为 undo001,undo002,存放地址的配置项为:innodb_undo_directory,即默认是datadir。

innodb_undo_tablespaces is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
innodb_undo_logs :
innodb_undo_logs is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Defines the number of rollback segments used by InnoDB. The innodb_undo_logs option is an alias for innodb_rollback_segments. For more information, see the description of innodb_rollback_segments.

root my1>show global variables like ‘%rollback%’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_rollback_on_timeout | OFF |
| innodb_rollback_segments | 128 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

innodb_rollback_segments :
One rollback segment is always assigned to the system tablespace, and 32 rollback segments are reserved for use by temporary tables and reside in the temporary tablespace (ibtmp1). To allocate additional rollback segment, innodb_rollback_segments must be set to a value greater than 33. If you configure separate undo tablespaces, the rollback segment in the system tablespace is rendered inactive.
When innodb_rollback_segments is set to 32 or less, InnoDB assigns one rollback segment to the system tablespace and 32 to the temporary tablespace.
When innodb_rollback_segments is set to a value greater than 32, InnoDB assigns one rollback segment to the system tablespace, 32 to the temporary tablespace, and additional rollback segments to undo tablespaces, if present. If undo tablespaces are not present, additional rollback segments are assigned to the system tablespace.
Although you can increase or decrease the number of rollback segments used by InnoDB, the number of rollback segments physically present in the system never decreases. Thus, you might start with a low value and gradually increase it to avoid allocating rollback segments that are not required. The innodb_rollback_segments default and maximum value is 128.
For related information, see Section 14.3, “InnoDB Multi-Versioning”. For information about configuring separate undo tablespaces, see Section, “Undo Tablespaces”.

Property Value
Command-Line Format --innodb-undo-log-truncate[={OFF|ON}]
System Variable innodb_undo_log_truncate
Scope Global
Dynamic Yes
Type Boolean
Default Value OFF
When enabled, undo tablespaces that exceed the threshold value defined by innodb_max_undo_log_size are marked for truncation. Only undo tablespaces can be truncated. Truncating undo logs that reside in the system tablespace is not supported. For truncation to occur, there must be at least two undo tablespaces and two redo-enabled undo logs configured to use undo tablespaces. This means that innodb_undo_tablespaces must be set to a value equal to or greater than 2, and innodb_rollback_segments must set to a value equal to or greater than 35.
The innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency variable can be used to expedite truncation of undo tablespaces.
For more information, see Truncating Undo Tablespaces.

(2)事务在undo log segment分配页并写入undo log时会产生redo log,因为undo log也需要持久性的保护。
(3)每个回滚段(undo segment)记录了1024个undo log segment,而在每个undo log segment段中进行undo页的申请。
i)将undo log放入列表中,以供之后purge操作
ii)判断undo log所在的页是否可以重用,若可以则分配给下个事务使用。
(5)事务提交后不能马上删除undo log及undo log所在的页,因为可能还有其它事务需要通过undo log来得到行记录之前的版本。故事务提交时将undo log放到一个链表中,是否可以最终删除undo log及undo log所在页由purge线程来判断。