
[oracle@rhel5 ~]$ /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_disk --h
check_disk v1.4.15 (nagios-plugins 1.4.15)
Copyright (c) 1999 Ethan Galstad <nagios@nagios.org>
Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Nagios Plugin Development Team

This plugin checks the amount of used disk space on a mounted file system
and generates an alert if free space is less than one of the threshold values

 check_disk -w limit -c limit [-W limit] [-K limit] {-p path | -x device}
[-C] [-E] [-e] [-g group ] [-k] [-l] [-M] [-m] [-R path ] [-r path ]
[-t timeout] [-u unit] [-v] [-X type]

 -h, --help
    Print detailed help screen
 -V, --version
    Print version information
 -w, --warning=INTEGER
    Exit with WARNING status if less than INTEGER units of disk are free
 -w, --warning=PERCENT%
    Exit with WARNING status if less than PERCENT of disk space is free
 -c, --critical=INTEGER
    Exit with CRITICAL status if less than INTEGER units of disk are free
 -c, --critical=PERCENT%
    Exit with CRITCAL status if less than PERCENT of disk space is free
 -W, --iwarning=PERCENT%
    Exit with WARNING status if less than PERCENT of inode space is free
 -K, --icritical=PERCENT%
    Exit with CRITICAL status if less than PERCENT of inode space is free
 -p, --path=PATH, --partition=PARTITION
    Path or partition (may be repeated)
 -x, --exclude_device=PATH <STRING>
    Ignore device (only works if -p unspecified)
 -C, --clear
    Clear thresholds
 -E, --exact-match
    For paths or partitions specified with -p, only check for exact paths
 -e, --errors-only
    Display only devices/mountpoints with errors
 -g, --group=NAME
    Group paths. Thresholds apply to (free-)space of all partitions together
 -k, --kilobytes
    Same as '--units kB'
 -l, --local
    Only check local filesystems
 -L, --stat-remote-fs
    Only check local filesystems against thresholds. Yet call stat on remote filesystems
    to test if they are accessible (e.g. to detect Stale NFS Handles)
 -M, --mountpoint
    Display the mountpoint instead of the partition
 -m, --megabytes
    Same as '--units MB'
 -A, --all
    Explicitly select all paths. This is equivalent to -R '.*'
 -R, --eregi-path=PATH, --eregi-partition=PARTITION
    Case insensitive regular expression for path/partition (may be repeated)
 -r, --ereg-path=PATH, --ereg-partition=PARTITION
    Regular expression for path or partition (may be repeated)
 -I, --ignore-eregi-path=PATH, --ignore-eregi-partition=PARTITION
    Regular expression to ignore selected path/partition (case insensitive) (may be repeated)
 -i, --ignore-ereg-path=PATH, --ignore-ereg-partition=PARTITION
    Regular expression to ignore selected path or partition (may be repeated)
 -t, --timeout=INTEGER
    Seconds before connection times out (default: 10)
 -u, --units=STRING
    Choose bytes, kB, MB, GB, TB (default: MB)
 -v, --verbose
    Show details for command-line debugging (Nagios may truncate output)
 -X, --exclude-type=TYPE
    Ignore all filesystems of indicated type (may be repeated)

 check_disk -w 10% -c 5% -p /tmp -p /var -C -w 100000 -c 50000 -p /
    Checks /tmp and /var at 10% and 5%, and / at 100MB and 50MB
 check_disk -w 100 -c 50 -C -w 1000 -c 500 -g sidDATA -r '^/oracle/SID/data.*$'
    Checks all filesystems not matching -r at 100M and 50M. The fs matching the -r regex
    are grouped which means the freespace thresholds are applied to all disks together
 check_disk -w 100 -c 50 -C -w 1000 -c 500 -p /foo -C -w 5% -c 3% -p /bar
    Checks /foo for 1000M/500M and /bar for 5/3%. All remaining volumes use 100M/50M

Send email to nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net if you have questions
regarding use of this software. To submit patches or suggest improvements,
send email to nagiosplug-devel@lists.sourceforge.net

    Usage: check_disk -w limit -c limit {-p path | -x device}
    格式:check_disk -w 低限% -c 低限% -p 磁盘设备文件或则分区文件的绝对路径
    -w, --warning=PERCENT%
    -c, --critical=PERCENT%
    -p, --path=PATH, --partition=PARTITION
    check_disk -w 80% -c 90% -p /dev/hda1   #-p后面接需要监控的硬盘分区,如果是SCSI硬盘就是sda1,当然此时被监控端的nrpe配置文件要进行相应的修改

[root@rhel5 ~]# cat /usr/local/nagios/etc/services.cfg 

define service{
         use    generic-service
         host_name oracle
         service_description check-disk
         check_command    check_nrpe!check_orcl


[root@rhel5 ~]# cat /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg

command[check_orcl]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_disk -w 20% -c 10% -p /dev/mapper/vg_orcl-orcl
[oracle@rhel5 orcl]$ df -h
文件系统              容量  已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
/dev/sda1             7.8G  3.4G  4.1G  46% /
tmpfs                 355M  196M  159M  56% /dev/shm
                       15G  8.4G  5.6G  60% /u01
                      1.9G  576M  1.3G  32% /mysql


nagios check_disk nagios check_disk加密_ios


    拷贝一些文件到/u01目录下,再df -h查看一下:

[oracle@rhel5 oradata]$ df -h
文件系统              容量  已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
/dev/sda1             7.8G  3.4G  4.1G  46% /
tmpfs                 355M  196M  159M  56% /dev/shm
                       15G   12G  3.0G  80% /u01
                      1.9G  576M  1.3G  32% /mysql


nagios check_disk nagios check_disk加密_mysql_02