reference from :

fundamentals   n. 基本面;基本原理(fundamental的复数)
hesitate  vt. 踌躇,犹豫;有疑虑,不愿意
confusing section 令人困惑的部分
reclaimed  v. 回收利用;改造(reclaim的过去分词);开垦土地
prevents  v. 阻止(prevent的第三人称单数);预防
lifecycle n. 生活周期;生活过程;生命循环
Common adj. (common) 常见的,普通的
survives  vt. 幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长
reaches v. 伸出;到达(reach第三人称单数)
accumulation n. 积聚,累积;堆积物
correctly adv. 正确地;得体地
distinct adj. 明显的;独特的;清楚的;有区别的

prevent...from doing sth	阻止...做某事, 防止...做某事
due to 由于

The fundamentals describe how LeakCanary works and how to use it to detect and fix memory leaks. This documentation is designed to help developers of all levels, so please don’t hesitate to report any confusing section.


What is a memory leak?
In a Java based runtime, a memory leak is a programming error that causes an application to keep a reference to an object that is no longer needed. As a result, the memory allocated for that object cannot be reclaimed, eventually leading to an OutOfMemoryError (OOM) crash.



For example, an Android Activity instance is no longer needed after its onDestroy() method is called, and storing a reference to that instance in a static field prevents it from being garbage collected.

例如,一个Android Activity的实例当onDestroy()函数被调用后就不再被需要,一个静态域实例的强引用会阻止垃圾的回收。

Common causes for memory leaks
Most memory leaks are caused by bugs related to the lifecycle of objects. Here are a few common Android mistakes:



1、Adding a Fragment instance to the backstack without clearing that Fragment’s view fields in Fragment.onDestroyView() (more details in this StackOverflow answer).
2、Storing an Activity instance as a Context field in an object that survives activity recreation due to configuration changes.
3、Registering a listener, broadcast receiver or RxJava subscription which references an object with lifecycle, and forgetting to unregister when the lifecycle reaches its end.


Why should I use LeakCanary?
Memory leaks are very common in Android apps and the accumulation of small memory leaks causes apps to run out of memory and crash with an OOM. LeakCanary will help you find and fix these memory leaks during development. When Square engineers first enabled LeakCanary in the Square Point Of Sale app, they were able to fix several leaks and reduced the OOM crash rate by 94%.


内存泄漏在安卓应用中是非常常见的,同时很小的内存泄漏堆积会使应用内存溢出导致OOM异常。LeakCanary将在开发过程中帮助你找到并修复内存它们。当Square的工程师第一次在Square Point Of Sale应用中使用LeakCanary时,他们就可以修复一些内存泄漏同时减少94%的OOM奔溃。

Your crash reporting tool might not correctly report OOMs. When memory is low because of memory leak accumulation, an OOM can be thrown from anywhere in the app code, which means that every OOM has a different stacktrace. So instead of one crash entry with a 1000 crashes, OOMs get reported as 1000 distinct crashes and hide in the long tail of low occuring crashes.

