
我使用Netbeans IDE 7和JDK 7,没有框架.第一个窗口是JFrame,所有其他窗口都是带有modal = true的JDialog.






MyModel model

MyView view(model)


MyController(this, model)



MyModel model

MyView View

MyController controller(view, model)



a. The implementation of a TrayIcon

b. A URL connection class (an HttpsUrlConnection which will update data in the main jframe and also upload/download files)

c. A Directory Monitor (which will update data in the main jframe and also use the urlconnection to download a file)

d. My own implementation of TableModel

e. json



a. View needs some data from the Model?

What I'm doing: using the reference of Model which I keep in the View

b. View needs some data from the Controller?

What I'm doing: using the reference of Controller which I keep in the View

c. Model needs some data from the Controller?

Still didn't happen but I have no idea how to do correctly

d. Model needs some data from the View?

What I'm doing: pulling all my hair from my head...

e. Controller needs some data from the View?

What I'm doing: using the reference of the View which I keep in the Controller

f. Controller needs some data from the Model?

What I'm doing: using the reference of the Model which I keep in the Controller

g. One of FooModel, FooView or FooController needs data from one of BarModel, BarView or BarController?

What I'm doing: thinking of jumping from the highest building...



ArrayList MyModel load()


>我有一个PasswordCheck jDialog来限制对某些视图的访问.我如何在MVC方面重用它,以便我可以使用相同的PasswordCheck对话框来允许/限制对不同视图的访问,而不会在代码中混乱?



我需要在短时间内开发一个Java Swing MVC软件,尽管默认情况下,我不是Java开发人员,而不是用来实现MVC模式,特别是在Java(我得到想法,但有时它缺乏我的知识实现类之间的关系).

应用程序基本上是一个本地/在线文件的监视器,主框架中的JTable显示此数据.我正在使用新的WatchService API来跟踪本地文件,并使用DAO将其信息保存在h2数据库中,并在主框架jtable中重新加载该数据.我还必须通知用户有关新文件(我正在使用TrayIcon).对于在线文件监控/上传/下载我使用HttpsUrlConnection和json.它也可以允许设置自定义.
