Garbage in, garbage out. You depend on Excel spreadsheets to show accurate data and analysis. Enter the wrong data and the results will be incorrect, and that could have a negative impact on your business or reputation.

垃圾进垃圾出。 您依靠Excel电子表格来显示准确的数据和分析。 输入错误的数据,结果将不正确,这可能会对您的业务或声誉产生负面影响。

Here are 3 ways to help safeguard your data entry. I'm sure you use a few other methods in your worksheets.

这是3种有助于保护数据输入的方法。 我确定您在工作表中使用了其他几种方法。

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(Use Keyboard Shortcuts)

Keyboard shortcuts save you time and can prevent errors. Quickly enter the current date and time, or copy the cell above, instead of re-typing.

键盘快捷键可以节省您的时间,并可以防止出现错误。 快速输入当前日期和时间,或复制上面的单元格,而不用重新键入。

  • To enter the current date: Ctrl + ;
    要输入当前日期: Ctrl + ;
  • To enter the current time: Ctrl + :
    要输入当前时间: Ctrl +
  • To copy from the cell above: Ctrl + D
    要从上方的单元格复制: Ctrl + D

(Use Drop Down Lists)

Instead of allowing freeform data entry, you can add drop down lists to the worksheet. For example, create a list of product names, and select from that list.

您可以将下拉列表添加到工作表中,而不是允许输入自由格式的数据。 例如,创建一个产品名称列表,然后从该列表中进行选择。

This prevents typos, and only valid entries are allowed. Then, if a product is discontinued, remove it from the list, and it won't appear in the drop down for new entries.

这可以防止输入错误,并且仅允许有效条目。 然后,如果产品停产,请从列表中将其删除,并且该产品不会出现在新条目的下拉菜单中。

To create a drop down list:


  1. On a blank worksheet, create a list of items for the drop down list.
  2. To name the list, select all the items, then click in the Name Box, at the left of the formula bar. Type a one word name for the list, such as Product_List then press the Enter key.
    要命名列表,请选择所有项目,然后在编辑栏左侧的“名称框”中单击。 为列表键入一个单词名称,例如Product_List,然后按Enter键。
  3. On the data entry sheet, select the cells where you want the drop down list.
  4. On the Excel Ribbon, click the Data tab, then click Data Validation.
    在Excel功能区上,单击“数据”选项卡,然后单击“ 数据验证”
  5. In the Data Validation dialog box, for Allow, select List.
    在“数据验证”对话框中,对于“ 允许” ,选择“列表”。
  6. In the Source box, type an equal sign, then the name of your list: =Product_List
    在“ 源”框中,键入等号,然后输入列表名称: = Product_List
  7. Click OK.

(Highlight Missing Data With Color)

Use a bright color to highlight data entry cells that are empty. This makes it easy to spot the cells that have to be filled in.

使用明亮的颜色突出显示为空的数据输入单元格。 这使发现需要填充的单元格变得容易。

To highlight an empty cell:


  1. Select the cells that you want to highlight (to select non-adjacent cells, press the Ctrl key, then click on cells)
  2. On the Excel Ribbon, click the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting, and click New Rule
    在Excel功能区上,单击“主页”选项卡,单击“ 条件格式” ,然后单击“新建规则”。
  3. In the Select a Rule Type section, click Use a Formula to Determine Which Cells to Format
    在“ 选择规则类型”部分中,单击“ 使用公式来确定要格式化的单元格”
  4. In the Format Values Where This Formula is True box, type a formula that checks the active cell (Name Box shows active cell address), using double quote marks ("") to test for an empty string. For example: =A3=""
    在“设置此公式为真的值格式”框中,键入一个公式,该公式检查活动单元格(名称框显示活动单元格地址),并使用双引号(“”)测试空字符串。 例如: = A3 =“”
  5. Click Format, on the Fill tab select a color, then click OK, twice.
