Android下定时关闭音频播放 安卓 定时关闭音乐_安全

Have you ever wished you could make your computer start and stop playing music without reaching for the keyboard and mouse? If you have an Android device, you can do this with just two free applications!

您是否曾经想过可以让计算机启动和停止播放音乐而无需伸手去拿键盘和鼠标? 如果您有Android设备,则只需两个免费应用程序即可完成!

(Installing Foobar2000)

Foobar2000 is a Swiss-army knife music player, and this is what we’re going to control remotely using Android. We’ve discussed it briefly when showing you How to Convert an MP4 Video into an MP3 Audio File. If you don’t have it yet, go to the Foobar2000 website, download it and install it.

Foobar2000是一款瑞士军刀音乐播放器,这就是我们将要使用Android进行远程控制的功能。 在向您展示如何将MP4视频转换为MP3音频文件时,我们已经简要讨论了它。 如果还没有,请访问Foobar2000网站,下载并安装。

(Installing the Remote Control Components)

Foobar2000 is modular; rather than include every possible feature, many features are implemented as optional “components”. If you don’t need a feature, there’s no reason for it to weigh down your computer. Remote control is one of those optional features, so let’s set it up now.  Go to the Foobar2000 Controller page and download the all-in-one package:

Foobar2000是模块化的; 除了包含所有可能的功能外,许多功能还作为可选的“组件”实现。 如果您不需要某个功能,则没有理由让它降低计算机重量。 远程控制是这些可选功能之一,所以现在就进行设置。 转到Foobar2000控制器页面并下载多合一软件包:

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Next, make sure Foobar2000 is not running, run the installer and step through it, next-next-next, all the way to the end. You don’t need to modify any options.

接下来,确保Foobar2000没有运行,运行安装程序并逐步完成安装,next-next-next,直到最后。 您不需要修改任何选项。

Once that’s done, run Foobar2000. At this point you may get a firewall warning asking if you want to let Foobar2000 access the network. Let it through – we need it to be able to communicate over the network for what we’re doing. To verify the component loaded correctly, go into Preferences (Ctrl+P) > Tools > HTTP Control. You should see something like this:

完成后,运行Foobar2000。 此时,您可能会收到防火墙警告,询问您是否要让Foobar2000访问网络。 让它通过-我们需要它能够通过网络针对我们正在做的事情进行通信。 要验证组件是否正确加载,请进入“首选项(Ctrl + P)”>“工具”>“ HTTP控制”。 您应该会看到以下内容:

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The last thing we’re going to do on the PC is find out what’s the local IP. Start a console window (Start > type CMD) and type ipconfig. You should see something like this:

我们要在PC上做的最后一件事是找出什么是本地IP。 启动控制台窗口(开始>输入CMD),然后输入ipconfig。 您应该会看到以下内容:

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Our IP address is Yours will probably be different. Write it down somewhere.

我们的IP地址是192.168.2.15。 您的可能会有所不同。 把它写下来。

At this point we’re done setting things up on the PC. Let’s move on to the Android part.

至此,我们已经完成了在PC上的设置。 让我们进入Android部分。

(Installing the Android Remote Control Client)

We’ll be using an Android application called Foobar2000 Remote Control. Click the link and install it on your device.

我们将使用一个名为Foobar2000 Remote Control的Android应用程序。 单击链接并将其安装在您的设备上。

Now, make sure you’re connected to your home network over WiFi, and run the application. You will be greeted with a configuration screen.

现在,请确保您已通过WiFi连接到家庭网络,然后运行该应用程序。 您将看到一个配置屏幕。

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Tap IP Address and enter the IP address of your computer:

点击“ IP地址”,然后输入计算机的IP地址:

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Scroll down and tap Test connection. You should see a pop-up (“toaster”) message saying “Connected successfully!”

向下滚动并点击测试连接。 您应该看到一条弹出消息(“烤面包机”),显示“连接成功!”。

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If you’re curious, you can keep scrolling down – there are many other settings you can customize. But if you just want to see if it works, tap the Back button on your device to exit the settings. You should now see the main interface. Hitting the large Play button should make your PC start playing music.

如果您好奇,可以继续向下滚动–您可以自定义许多其他设置。 但是,如果您只是想看看它是否有效,请点按设备上的“后退”按钮以退出设置。 现在您应该看到主界面。 按下较大的“播放”按钮应使您的PC开始播放音乐。

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The seekbar works, and you can even use your device’s volume buttons to change the PC’s playback volume!

