最近看到一个有意思的树形结构,为每个节点添加了lft 和 rgt 两个属性。这样查找该节点的子节点、 查找该节点所有父节点,就不用去递归查询,只需要用 between 、 and

parentid 来区分该节点属于哪个父节点。数据库的设计如下图:


1.查找该节点的所有子节点,则需要采用 sql


  1. select  *  from  tableName  connect   by   prior  id=sj_parent_id start  with

select * from tableName connect by prior id=sj_parent_id start with  id=1


( oracle 写法, mysql 目前不支持,如果 mysql ).

2.查找该节点的父节点 的 sql


  1. select  *  from  tableName  connect   by   prior  sj_parent_id =id start  with

select * from tableName connect by prior sj_parent_id =id start with  id=1




   “任何树形结构都可以用二叉树来表示”。其实我们创建的栏目树就是一个简型的二叉树。根据数据结构里面二叉树的遍历,再稍微修改下,将数据库设计如下图 所示:


这样我们查找该节点的所有子节点,则只需要查找id 在 lft 和 rgt

1.查找该节点的所有子节点的 S ql语句为:




  1. select  *  from  tb_subject s,tb_subject t  where  s.lft  between  t.lft  and  t.rgt  and

select * from tb_subject s,tb_subject t where s.lft between t.lft and t.rgt and t.id=1


2.查找该节点的所有父节点的 sql


  1. select  s.*  from  tb_subject s,tb_subject t  where  s.lft<t.lft  and  (s.rgt-s.lft)>1  and  s.rgt>t.rgt  and

select s.* from tb_subject s,tb_subject t where s.lft<t.lft and (s.rgt-s.lft)>1 and s.rgt>t.rgt and t.id=1




 1.  新增节点


 A.  查找当前插入节点的父节点的lft

 B.  将树形中所有lft 和 rgt 节点大于父节点左值的节点都 +2

 C.  将父节点左值+1 ,左值 +2 分别作为当前节点的 lft 和 rgt



1. public   boolean
2.             String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) {   
3. if  (entity  instanceof
4.             HibernateTree tree = (HibernateTree) entity;   
5.             Long parentId = tree.getParentId();   
6.             String beanName = tree.getClass().getName();   
7.             Session session = getSession();   
8.             FlushMode model = session.getFlushMode();   
9.             session.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL);   
10. new  Integer( 0
11. //查找父节点的左值
12. if  (parentId !=  null
13. "select b.lft from "
14. " b where b.id=:pid"
15. "pid"
16.                         parentId).uniqueResult();   
17.             }   
18. //将树形结构中所有大于父节点左值的右节点+2
19. "update "
20. " b set b.rgt = b.rgt + 2 WHERE b.rgt > :myPosition"
21. //将树形结构中所有大于父节点左值的左节点+2
22. "update "
23. " b set b.lft = b.lft + 2 WHERE b.lft > :myPosition"
24. if
25. " and ("  + tree.getTreeCondition() +  ")"
26. " and ("  + tree.getTreeCondition() +  ")"
27.             }   
28. "myPosition"
29.                     .executeUpdate();   
30. "myPosition"
31.                     .executeUpdate();   
32.             session.setFlushMode(model);   
33. //定位自己的左值(父节点左值+1)和右值(父节点左值+2)
34. for  ( int  i =  0
35. if
36. 1
37.                 }   
38. if
39. 2
40.                 }   
42.             }   
43. return   true
44.         }   
45. return   false
46.     }

public boolean onSave(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state,
			String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) {
		if (entity instanceof HibernateTree) {
			HibernateTree tree = (HibernateTree) entity;
			Long parentId = tree.getParentId();
			String beanName = tree.getClass().getName();
			Session session = getSession();
			FlushMode model = session.getFlushMode();
			Integer myPosition = new Integer(0);
			if (parentId != null) {
				String hql = "select b.lft from " + beanName
						+ " b where b.id=:pid";
				myPosition = (Integer) session.createQuery(hql).setLong("pid",
			String hql1 = "update " + beanName
					+ " b set b.rgt = b.rgt + 2 WHERE b.rgt > :myPosition";
			String hql2 = "update " + beanName
					+ " b set b.lft = b.lft + 2 WHERE b.lft > :myPosition";
			if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tree.getTreeCondition())) {
				hql1 += " and (" + tree.getTreeCondition() + ")";
				hql2 += " and (" + tree.getTreeCondition() + ")";
			session.createQuery(hql1).setInteger("myPosition", myPosition)
			session.createQuery(hql2).setInteger("myPosition", myPosition)
			for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) {
				if (propertyNames[i].equals(HibernateTree.LFT)) {
					state[i] = myPosition + 1;
				if (propertyNames[i].equals(HibernateTree.RGT)) {
					state[i] = myPosition + 2;

			return true;
		return false;


2.  修改节点


lft 和 rgt 之前,当前节点的父节点 id

a.  查出当前节点的左右节点(nodelft 、 nodergt ),并 nodergt-nodelft+1 = span ,获取父节点的左节点 parentlft

b.  将所有大于parentlft 的 lft( 左节点 ) 、 rgt( 右节点 ) 的值 +span

c.  查找当前节点的左右节点(nodelft 、 nodergt ),并 parentlft-nodelft+1 = offset

d.  将所有lft( 左节点 ) between nodelft and nodergt 的值 +offset

e.  将所有大于nodergt 的 lft( 左节点 ) 、 rgt( 右节点 ) 的值 -span

 J ava代码如下:


1. public   void
2.             HibernateTree curParent) {   
3. if  (preParent !=  null  && preParent !=  null
4.                 && !preParent.equals(curParent)) {   
5.             String beanName = tree.getClass().getName();   
6. // 获得节点位置
7. "select b.lft,b.rgt from "
8. " b where b.id=:id"
9. super
10. "id"
11. "| id = "
12. int  nodeLft = ((Number) position[ 0
13. int  nodeRgt = ((Number) position[ 1
14. int  span = nodeRgt - nodeLft +  1
15. // 获得当前父节点左位置
16. "select b.lft from "  + beanName +  " b where b.id=:id"
17. int  parentLft = ((Number)  super .createQuery(hql).setLong( "id"
18.                     curParent.getId()).uniqueResult()).intValue();   
20. "| id = "
21. // 先空出位置
22. "update "  + beanName +  " b set b.rgt = b.rgt + "
23. " WHERE b.rgt > :parentLft"
24. "update "  + beanName +  " b set b.lft = b.lft + "
25. " WHERE b.lft > :parentLft"
26. if
27. " and ("  + tree.getTreeCondition() +  ")"
28. " and ("  + tree.getTreeCondition() +  ")"
29.             }   
30. super .createQuery(hql1).setInteger( "parentLft"
31.                     .executeUpdate();   
32. super .createQuery(hql2).setInteger( "parentLft"
33.                     .executeUpdate();   
35. "| parentLft = "
36. "| parentLft = "
38. // 再调整自己
39. "select b.lft,b.rgt from "  + beanName +  " b where b.id=:id"
40. super .createQuery(hql).setLong( "id"
41.                     tree.getId()).uniqueResult();   
42. "| id = "
43. 0
44. 1
45. int  offset = parentLft - nodeLft +  1
46. "update "
47.                     + beanName   
48. " b set b.lft=b.lft+:offset, b.rgt=b.rgt+:offset WHERE b.lft between :nodeLft and :nodeRgt"
49. if
50. " and ("  + tree.getTreeCondition() +  ")"
51.             }   
52. super .createQuery(hql).setParameter( "offset"
53. "nodeLft" , nodeLft).setParameter( "nodeRgt"
54.                             nodeRgt).executeUpdate();   
55. "| offset = " +offset+ " | nodelft = " +nodeLft+ " | nodergt = "
56. // 最后删除(清空位置)
57. "update "  + beanName +  " b set b.rgt = b.rgt - "
58. " WHERE b.rgt > :nodeRgt"
59. "update "  + beanName +  " b set b.lft = b.lft - "
60. " WHERE b.lft > :nodeRgt"
61. if  (tree.getTreeCondition() !=  null
62. " and ("  + tree.getTreeCondition() +  ")"
63. " and ("  + tree.getTreeCondition() +  ")"
64.             }   
65. super .createQuery(hql1).setParameter( "nodeRgt"
66.                     .executeUpdate();   
67. super .createQuery(hql2).setParameter( "nodeRgt"
68.                     .executeUpdate();   
69. "| nodeRgt = "
70. "| nodeRgt = "
72.         }   
73.     }

public void updateParent(HibernateTree tree, HibernateTree preParent,
			HibernateTree curParent) {
		if (preParent != null && preParent != null
				&& !preParent.equals(curParent)) {
			String beanName = tree.getClass().getName();
			// 获得节点位置
			String hql = "select b.lft,b.rgt from " + beanName
					+ " b where b.id=:id";
			Object[] position = (Object[]) super.createQuery(hql).setLong(
					"id", tree.getId()).uniqueResult();
			System.out.println(hql+"| id = "+tree.getId()); 
			int nodeLft = ((Number) position[0]).intValue();
			int nodeRgt = ((Number) position[1]).intValue();
			int span = nodeRgt - nodeLft + 1;
			// 获得当前父节点左位置
			hql = "select b.lft from " + beanName + " b where b.id=:id";
			int parentLft = ((Number) super.createQuery(hql).setLong("id",

			System.out.println(hql+"| id = "+curParent.getId());
			// 先空出位置
			String hql1 = "update " + beanName + " b set b.rgt = b.rgt + "
					+ span + " WHERE b.rgt > :parentLft";
			String hql2 = "update " + beanName + " b set b.lft = b.lft + "
					+ span + " WHERE b.lft > :parentLft";
			if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tree.getTreeCondition())) {
				hql1 += " and (" + tree.getTreeCondition() + ")";
				hql2 += " and (" + tree.getTreeCondition() + ")";
			super.createQuery(hql1).setInteger("parentLft", parentLft)
			super.createQuery(hql2).setInteger("parentLft", parentLft)

			System.out.println(hql1+"| parentLft = "+parentLft);
			System.out.println(hql2+"| parentLft = "+parentLft);
			// 再调整自己
			hql = "select b.lft,b.rgt from " + beanName + " b where b.id=:id";
			position = (Object[]) super.createQuery(hql).setLong("id",
			System.out.println(hql+"| id = "+tree.getId());
			nodeLft = ((Number) position[0]).intValue();
			nodeRgt = ((Number) position[1]).intValue();
			int offset = parentLft - nodeLft + 1;
			hql = "update "
					+ beanName
					+ " b set b.lft=b.lft+:offset, b.rgt=b.rgt+:offset WHERE b.lft between :nodeLft and :nodeRgt";
			if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tree.getTreeCondition())) {
				hql += " and (" + tree.getTreeCondition() + ")";
			super.createQuery(hql).setParameter("offset", offset)
					.setParameter("nodeLft", nodeLft).setParameter("nodeRgt",
			System.out.println(hql+"| offset = "+offset+" | nodelft = "+nodeLft+" | nodergt = "+ nodeRgt);
			// 最后删除(清空位置)
			hql1 = "update " + beanName + " b set b.rgt = b.rgt - " + span
					+ " WHERE b.rgt > :nodeRgt";
			hql2 = "update " + beanName + " b set b.lft = b.lft - " + span
					+ " WHERE b.lft > :nodeRgt";
			if (tree.getTreeCondition() != null) {
				hql1 += " and (" + tree.getTreeCondition() + ")";
				hql2 += " and (" + tree.getTreeCondition() + ")";
			super.createQuery(hql1).setParameter("nodeRgt", nodeRgt)
			super.createQuery(hql2).setParameter("nodeRgt", nodeRgt)
			System.out.println(hql1+"| nodeRgt = "+nodeRgt);
			System.out.println(hql2+"| nodeRgt = "+nodeRgt);


 3.  删除节点


 A.  查找要删除节点的lft

 B.  将所有lft 和 rgt 大于删除节点 lft 值的都 -2

 J ava代码如下:






1. public   void
2.             String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) {   
3. if  (entity  instanceof
4.             HibernateTree tree = (HibernateTree) entity;   
5.             String beanName = tree.getClass().getName();   
6.             Session session = getSession();   
7.             FlushMode model = session.getFlushMode();   
8.             session.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL);   
9. //查找要删除的节点的左值
10. "select b.lft from "  + beanName +  " b where b.id=:id"
11.             Integer myPosition = (Integer) session.createQuery(hql).setLong(   
12. "id"
13. //将所有大于删除节点左值的rgt都-2
14. "update "
15. " b set b.rgt = b.rgt - 2 WHERE b.rgt > :myPosition"
16. //将所有大于删除节点左值的lft都-2
17. "update "
18. " b set b.lft = b.lft - 2 WHERE b.lft > :myPosition"
19. if  (tree.getTreeCondition() !=  null
20. " and ("  + tree.getTreeCondition() +  ")"
21. " and ("  + tree.getTreeCondition() +  ")"
22.             }   
23. "myPosition"
24.                     .executeUpdate();   
25. "myPosition"
26.                     .executeUpdate();   
27.             session.setFlushMode(model);   
28.         }   
29.     }

public void onDelete(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state,
			String[] propertyNames, Type[] types) {
		if (entity instanceof HibernateTree) {
			HibernateTree tree = (HibernateTree) entity;
			String beanName = tree.getClass().getName();
			Session session = getSession();
			FlushMode model = session.getFlushMode();
			String hql = "select b.lft from " + beanName + " b where b.id=:id";
			Integer myPosition = (Integer) session.createQuery(hql).setLong(
					"id", tree.getId()).uniqueResult();
			String hql1 = "update " + beanName
					+ " b set b.rgt = b.rgt - 2 WHERE b.rgt > :myPosition";
			String hql2 = "update " + beanName
					+ " b set b.lft = b.lft - 2 WHERE b.lft > :myPosition";
			if (tree.getTreeCondition() != null) {
				hql1 += " and (" + tree.getTreeCondition() + ")";
				hql2 += " and (" + tree.getTreeCondition() + ")";
			session.createQuery(hql1).setInteger("myPosition", myPosition)
			session.createQuery(hql2).setInteger("myPosition", myPosition)























