注:以下操作均建立在上篇文章sql Server操作1的数据基础之上




使用SQL查询分析器查询数据,练习查询语句的使用,掌握SELECT 语句的完整结构,包括简单查询、嵌套查询、连接查询等基本实现方法。 


1.计算机及操作系统:PC机,Windows 2000/xp/win7;

2.数据库管理系统:SQL sever 2005/2008; 





1 题目1、查询学生的系别,用小写字母表示。
2  SQL语句
3  select distinct LOWER(Sdept) from S;

1 题目2、查询叫“刘%”的学生学号、系别
2 SQL语句
3 select Sno Sdept from S where Sname like '刘\%' escape'\';
1 题目3、查询教师姓名第二个字是“一”的教师姓名,所教课程名。
2 SQL语句
3 select Tname,Cname from C where Tname like '_一_';

1 题目4、查询没有成绩的学生学号,学号降序排列。
2 SQL语句
3 select S.Sno from S where not exists(
4    select * from Sc where S.Sno=Sc.Sno
5 )
6 order by S.Sno desc;

1 题目5、查询选修课程的学生人数
2 SQL语句
3 select count(distinct Sno) As '学生人数' from Sc
4 --select count(*)
5 --from S 
6 --where exists( select * from Sc where Sc.Sno = S.Sno )

1 题目6、各科选修课成绩及格的选修人数。
2 SQL语句
3 select count(distinct Sno)As'及格人数' from Sc where Grade>=60
4 group by Cno;

1 题目7、各学院男生人数,超过2人的输出学院名和人数,并按男生人数降序排列
2 SQL语句
3 select Ssp,count(*) from S where S.Ssex='男'
4 group by Ssp
5 having count(*)>2
6 order by count(*) desc;

1 题目8、查询IS系男女学生人数各是多少SQL语句
2 select S.Ssex As'性别',count(*) As'IS系人数' from S where S.Sdept='IS'
3 group by Ssex;

1 题目9、找出年龄>23岁,平均成绩不及格的学生学号和平均分
 2 SQL语句
 3 select sno,avg(grade) from SC
 4 where sno in(
 5 select sno from S where getdate()-sbirth>23
 6 )
 7 group by sno
 8 having avg(grade)<60
 9 或者:
10 --获得当前系统时间
11 --跨越表查询要用having,不能用在where
12 Select S.Sno As'学生学号',Avg(Sc.Grade) As'平均成绩'from S,Sc
13     where S.Sno=Sc.Sno and getdate()-Sbirth >23
14     group by S.Sno
15   having AVG(Sc.Grade)<60;

1 题目10、显示所有学生信息,如果该生选修过课程,显示其选修课号和考试成绩
2 SQL语句
3 select S.*,Sc.Cno,Sc.Grade from S left join  Sc on(SC.Sno=S.Sno);

1 题目11、查询每门课都是80分以上的学生的学号与姓名。
 2 SQL语句
 3 --如果没有加"S.Sno=Sc.Sno and"会出现有未选修了课程的学生学号
 4 --如果没有distinct则会出现重复
 5 Select distinct S.Sno As'学生学号',S.Sname As'姓名'from S,Sc
 6     where S.Sno=Sc.Sno and S.Sno not in
 7   (select Sno from Sc where Grade<=80);
 8   或者:
 9 select sno,sname from S where sno in
10   (select sno from sc group by sno
11       having min(grade)>80)

1 题目12、查询学分比“计算机应用”多的课程号和课程名、学分
2 SQL语句
3 Select Cname As'课程名',cCredit As'学分' from C
4   where cCredit>(Select cCredit from C where Cname='计算机应用')
5 group by Cname,cCredit;

1 题目13、查询CS系中年龄比IS系所有人年龄都小的学生学号和姓名
 2 SQL语句
 3 use Student
 4 Select Sno As'学生学号',Sname As'姓名' from S
 5   where Sdept='CS' and Sbirth>(Select Max(sBirth) from S where Sdept='IS')
 6 group by Sno,Sname;
 7 或者:
 8 use Student
 9 Select Sno As'学生学号',Sname As'姓名' from S
10   where Sdept='CS' and Sbirth>all(Select sBirth from S where Sdept='IS')
11 group by Sno,Sname;

1 题目14、is系没有选修02号课程的学生学号和学生姓名
2 SQL语句
3 Select Sno As'学生学号',Sname As'学生姓名' from S
4   where S.Sdept='IS'and not exists (select * from Sc where  Sc.Sno=S.Sno and Sc.Cno=02)
5 group by Sno,Sname;

1 题目15、被全部学生都选修的课程号、课程名
2 SQL语句
3 select Cno As'课程号',Cname As'课程名' from C
4    where not exists(select * from S where not exists (select * from Sc where Sc.Sno=S.Sno and Sc.Cno=C.Cno))

1 题目16、选修了01号课又选修了02号课的学生的学号和姓名
 2 实现代码及查询结果截图:
 3 SQL语句
 4 select S.Sno As'学生学号',S.Sname As'学生姓名' from S,Sc
 5     where  Sc.Sno=S.Sno and Sc.Cno=01
 6 intersect
 7 select S.Sno As'学生学号',S.Sname As'学生姓名' from S,Sc
 8   where  Sc.Sno=S.Sno and Sc.Cno=02;
 9   或者:
10 select Sname,Sno from S
11 where Sno in(
12     select Sno from SC where cno='01' and Sno in(
13         select Sno from SC where Cno='02'))

1 题目17、被全部IS系的学生都选修的课程号和课程名
2 SQL语句
3  select Cno As'课程号',Cname As'课程名' from C
4       where not exists(select * from S where S.Sdept='IS'and not exists (select * from Sc where Sc.Sno=S.Sno and Sc.Cno=C.Cno))

1 题目18、查询选修高等数学与选修数据库的学生差集
 2 SQL语句
 3 select * from S 
 4    where  exists (select *from Sc where Sc.Sno=S.Sno and exists(select * from C where Sc.Cno=C.Cno and C.Cname='高等数学'))
 5 except
 6 select * from S 
 7    where  exists (select *from Sc where Sc.Sno=S.Sno and exists(select * from C where Sc.Cno=C.Cno and C.Cname='数据库'));
 8 或者:
 9 select Sno from SC,C where
10 C.Cname='高等数学' and C.Cno=SC.Cno and SC.Sno not in(
11 select Sno from SC,C where SC.Cno=C.Cno and C.Cname='数据库')

1 题目19、没有选修“李一”老师开设的课程的学生学号、姓名、系别
2 SQL语句
3 select S.Sno As'学生学号',S.Sname As'学生姓名',S.Ssp As'系别' from S 
4     where not exists(
5         select * from SC,C where SC.cno=C.cno and SC.sno=S.sno
6            and tname='李一')

1 题目20、查询各选修学生最高分最低分之差大于30分的学生学号
2 SQL语句
3 select Sc.Sno As'学生学号' from Sc 
4        group by Sno
5        having max(Grade)-min(Grade)>30;






、题目11中,如果没有加"S.Sno=Sc.Sno and"会出现有未选修了课程的学生学号






