利用 TextRank 提取关键词
- 1.PageRank 简介
- 2.PageRank 实现
- 3.TextRank 原理
- 4.TextRank 提取关键词
TextRank 是一种基于 PageRank 的算法,常用于关键词提取和文本摘要。在本文中,我将通过一个关键字提取示例帮助您了解 TextRank 如何工作,并展示 Python 的实现。
使用 TextRank、NER 等进行关键词提取
1.PageRank 简介
关于 PageRank 的文章有很多,我只简单介绍一下 PageRank。这将有助于我们稍后理解 TextRank,因为它是基于 PageRank 的。
PageRank (PR) 是一种用于计算网页权重的算法。我们可以把所有的网页看成一个大的有向图。在此图中,节点是网页。如果网页 A 有指向网页 B 的链接,则它可以表示为从 A 到 B 的有向边。
这是一个示例,可以更好地理解上面的符号。我们有一个图表来表示网页如何相互链接。每个节点代表一个网页,箭头代表边。我们想得到网页 e 的权重。我们可以将上述函数中的求和部分重写为更简单的版本。
我们可以通过下面的函数得到网页 e 的权重。
我们可以看到网页 e 的权重取决于其入站页面的权重。我们需要多次运行此迭代才能获得最终权重。初始化时,每个网页的重要性为 1。
2.PageRank 实现
我们可以用一个矩阵来表示图中 a、b、e、f 之间的入站和出站链接。
一行中的每个节点表示来自其他节点的入站链接。例如,对于 e 行,节点 a 和 b 具有指向节点 e 的出站链接。本演示文稿将简化更新权重的计算。根据 ,从函数中,我们应该规范化每一列。
这只是一次没有阻尼系数 d 的迭代。
我们可以使用 Python 进行多次迭代。
import numpy as np
g = [[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0.5, 0, 0],
[0, 0.5, 0, 0]]
g = np.array(g)
pr = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]) # initialization for a, b, e, f is 1
d = 0.85
for iter in range(10):
pr = 0.15 + 0.85 * np.dot(g, pr)
[0.15 0.15 1.425 0.575]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
[0.15 0.15 0.34125 0.21375]
所以 e 的权重(PageRank值)为 0.34125。
import numpy as np
g = [[0, 0, 0.5, 0],
[0, 0, 0.5, 1],
[1, 0.5, 0, 0],
[0, 0.5, 0, 0]]
g = np.array(g)
pr = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]) # initialization for a, b, e, f is 1
d = 0.85
for iter in range(10):
pr = 0.15 + 0.85 * np.dot(g, pr)
[0.575 1.425 1.425 0.575]
[0.755625 1.244375 1.244375 0.755625]
[0.67885937 1.32114062 1.32114062 0.67885937]
[0.71148477 1.28851523 1.28851523 0.71148477]
[0.69761897 1.30238103 1.30238103 0.69761897]
[0.70351194 1.29648806 1.29648806 0.70351194]
[0.70100743 1.29899257 1.29899257 0.70100743]
[0.70207184 1.29792816 1.29792816 0.70207184]
[0.70161947 1.29838053 1.29838053 0.70161947]
[0.70181173 1.29818827 1.29818827 0.70181173]
所以 e 的权重(PageRank值)为 1.29818827。
3.TextRank 原理
TextRank 和 PageTank 有什么区别呢?
简而言之 PageRank 用于网页排名,TextRank 用于文本排名。 PageRank 中的网页就是 TextRank 中的文本,所以基本思路是一样的。
我们将一个文档分成几个句子,我们只存储那些带有特定 POS 标签的词。我们使用 spaCy 进行词性标注。
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
content = '''
The Wandering Earth, described as China’s first big-budget science fiction thriller, quietly made it onto screens at AMC theaters in North America this weekend, and it shows a new side of Chinese filmmaking — one focused toward futuristic spectacles rather than China’s traditionally grand, massive historical epics. At the same time, The Wandering Earth feels like a throwback to a few familiar eras of American filmmaking. While the film’s cast, setting, and tone are all Chinese, longtime science fiction fans are going to see a lot on the screen that reminds them of other movies, for better or worse.
doc = nlp(content)
for sents in doc.sents:
The Wandering Earth, described as China’s first big-budget science fiction thriller, quietly made it onto screens at AMC theaters in North America this weekend, and it shows a new side of Chinese filmmaking — one focused toward futuristic spectacles rather than China’s traditionally grand, massive historical epics.
At the same time, The Wandering Earth feels like a throwback to a few familiar eras of American filmmaking.
While the film’s cast, setting, and tone are all Chinese, longtime science fiction fans are going to see a lot on the screen that reminds them of other movies, for better or worse.
因为句子中的大部分词对确定重要性没有用,我们只考虑带有 NOUN、PROPN、VERB POS 标签的词。这是可选的,你也可以使用所有的单词。
candidate_pos = ['NOUN', 'PROPN', 'VERB']
sentences = []
for sent in doc.sents:
selected_words = []
for token in sent:
if token.pos_ in candidate_pos and token.is_stop is False:
[[Wandering, Earth, described, China, budget, science, fiction, thriller, screens, AMC, theaters, North, America, weekend, shows, filmmaking, focused, spectacles, China, epics],
[time, Wandering, Earth, feels, throwback, eras, filmmaking],
[film, cast, setting, tone, science, fiction, fans, going, lot, screen, reminds, movies]]
每个词都是 PageRank 中的一个节点。我们将窗口大小设置为 k。
我们以 [time, wandering, earth, feels, throwback, era, filmmaking]
为例,设置窗口大小 ,所以得到 4 个窗口,[time, Wandering, Earth, feels]
,[Wandering, Earth, feels, throwback]
,[Earth, feels, throwback, eras]
,[feels, throwback, eras, filmmaking]
对于窗口 [time, Wandering, Earth, feels]
,任何两个词对都有一条无向边。所以我们得到 (time, Wandering)
,(time, Earth)
,(time, feels)
,(Wandering, Earth)
,(Wandering, feels)
,(Earth, feels)
4.TextRank 提取关键词
这里我用 Python 实现了一个完整的例子,我们使用 spaCy 来获取词的词性标签。
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import spacy
from spacy.lang.en.stop_words import STOP_WORDS
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
class TextRank4Keyword():
"""Extract keywords from text"""
def __init__(self):
self.d = 0.85 # damping coefficient, usually is .85
self.min_diff = 1e-5 # convergence threshold
self.steps = 10 # iteration steps
self.node_weight = None # save keywords and its weight
def set_stopwords(self, stopwords):
"""Set stop words"""
for word in STOP_WORDS.union(set(stopwords)):
lexeme = nlp.vocab[word]
lexeme.is_stop = True
def sentence_segment(self, doc, candidate_pos, lower):
"""Store those words only in cadidate_pos"""
sentences = []
for sent in doc.sents:
selected_words = []
for token in sent:
# Store words only with cadidate POS tag
if token.pos_ in candidate_pos and token.is_stop is False:
if lower is True:
return sentences
def get_vocab(self, sentences):
"""Get all tokens"""
vocab = OrderedDict()
i = 0
for sentence in sentences:
for word in sentence:
if word not in vocab:
vocab[word] = i
i += 1
return vocab
def get_token_pairs(self, window_size, sentences):
"""Build token_pairs from windows in sentences"""
token_pairs = list()
for sentence in sentences:
for i, word in enumerate(sentence):
for j in range(i+1, i+window_size):
if j >= len(sentence):
pair = (word, sentence[j])
if pair not in token_pairs:
return token_pairs
def symmetrize(self, a):
return a + a.T - np.diag(a.diagonal())
def get_matrix(self, vocab, token_pairs):
"""Get normalized matrix"""
# Build matrix
vocab_size = len(vocab)
g = np.zeros((vocab_size, vocab_size), dtype='float')
for word1, word2 in token_pairs:
i, j = vocab[word1], vocab[word2]
g[i][j] = 1
# Get Symmeric matrix
g = self.symmetrize(g)
# Normalize matrix by column
norm = np.sum(g, axis=0)
g_norm = np.divide(g, norm, where=norm!=0) # this is ignore the 0 element in norm
return g_norm
def get_keywords(self, number=10):
"""Print top number keywords"""
node_weight = OrderedDict(sorted(self.node_weight.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True))
for i, (key, value) in enumerate(node_weight.items()):
print(key + ' - ' + str(value))
if i > number:
def analyze(self, text,
candidate_pos=['NOUN', 'PROPN'],
window_size=4, lower=False, stopwords=list()):
"""Main function to analyze text"""
# Set stop words
# Pare text by spaCy
doc = nlp(text)
# Filter sentences
sentences = self.sentence_segment(doc, candidate_pos, lower) # list of list of words
# Build vocabulary
vocab = self.get_vocab(sentences)
# Get token_pairs from windows
token_pairs = self.get_token_pairs(window_size, sentences)
# Get normalized matrix
g = self.get_matrix(vocab, token_pairs)
# Initionlization for weight(pagerank value)
pr = np.array([1] * len(vocab))
# Iteration
previous_pr = 0
for epoch in range(self.steps):
pr = (1-self.d) + self.d * np.dot(g, pr)
if abs(previous_pr - sum(pr)) < self.min_diff:
previous_pr = sum(pr)
# Get weight for each node
node_weight = dict()
for word, index in vocab.items():
node_weight[word] = pr[index]
self.node_weight = node_weight
这个 TextRank4Keyword
text = '''
The Wandering Earth, described as China’s first big-budget science fiction thriller, quietly made it onto screens at AMC theaters in North America this weekend, and it shows a new side of Chinese filmmaking — one focused toward futuristic spectacles rather than China’s traditionally grand, massive historical epics. At the same time, The Wandering Earth feels like a throwback to a few familiar eras of American filmmaking. While the film’s cast, setting, and tone are all Chinese, longtime science fiction fans are going to see a lot on the screen that reminds them of other movies, for better or worse.
tr4w = TextRank4Keyword()
tr4w.analyze(text, candidate_pos = ['NOUN', 'PROPN'], window_size=4, lower=False)
science - 1.717603106506989
fiction - 1.6952610926181002
filmmaking - 1.4388798751402918
China - 1.4259793786986021
Earth - 1.3088154732297723
tone - 1.1145002295684114
Chinese - 1.0996896235078055
Wandering - 1.0071059904601571
weekend - 1.002449354657688
America - 0.9976329264870932
budget - 0.9857269586649321
North - 0.9711240881032547