
By default, Windows stores your personal folders like Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos in C:\Users. If you want to move them to a secondary drive—say, if you have an SSD that can’t house all your files—you can do so with a simple menu option.

默认情况下,Windows将您的个人文件夹(如文档,音乐,图片和视频)存储在C:\ Users中。 如果要将它们移动到辅助驱动器上(例如,如果您的SSD无法容纳所有文件),则可以使用简单的菜单选项进行操作。

These folders are stored in your user folder (so, if your user account name is Simon, you’d find them at C:\Users\Simon). You could move these folders by dragging them to the new location, but there are a few issues that can arise by doing so, like errors from certain programs. Using the “official” method we outline below ensures that you’re moving only folders that support being moved, and that Windows always knows where those folders are.

这些文件夹存储在用户文件夹中(因此,如果您的用户帐户名为Simon,则可以在C:\ Users \ Simon中找到它们)。 您可以通过将这些文件夹拖到新位置移动它们,但是这样做可能会引起一些问题,例如某些程序的错误。 我们在下面概述的使用“官方”方法可确保您仅移动支持移动的文件夹,并且Windows始终知道这些文件夹在哪里。

Before we get too far into it, here are the exact folders we’re talking about:


  • Contacts
  • Desktop
  • Documents
  • Downloads
  • Favorites
  • Links
  • Music
  • Pictures
  • Saved Games
  • Searches
  • Videos

There will be folders in your user directory that you can’t move this way. The AppData folder, for example, shouldn’t be moved. Some apps may also create folders there—especially cloud storage apps like OneDrive and Dropbox. You can’t move those using the instructions in this post. Instead, you’ll need to follow instructions for those given apps—we have a guide for moving the OneDrive folder and moving the Dropbox folder, for example.

用户目录中将存在无法以这种方式移动的文件夹。 例如,不应移动AppData文件夹。 一些应用程序可能还会在其中创建文件夹,尤其是OneDrive和Dropbox等云存储应用程序。 您不能按照这篇文章中的说明移动这些内容。 相反,您需要按照这些给定应用程序的说明进行操作,例如,我们提供了有关移动OneDrive文件夹移动Dropbox文件夹的指南。

Moving any of the personal folders on that list follows exactly the same procedure and works in every version of Windows from Vista on up—including Windows 7, 8, and 10. The first thing you’ll need to do is close any apps you have running, as open apps can interfere with the move.

移动该列表上的任何个人文件夹都遵循完全相同的步骤,并且可以在Vista以及更高版本的Windows的每个版本中使用,包括Windows 7、8和10。首先,您需要关闭拥有的所有应用程序。正在运行,因为打开的应用可能会干扰移动。

Next, open a File Explorer window and navigate to the following folder (where username is the name of your user account):



Inside that folder, you should see all the personal folders we mentioned.



Right-click on the folder you want to move and then click “Properties.”



In the Properties window for the folder, switch to the “Location” tab. The text box shows the current location of the folder. You can select a new location either by typing the new path directly into the text box or by clicking the “Move” button and browsing for a new location to fill the text box that way. Either way, once the new location is shown, click “OK.”

在文件夹的“属性”窗口中,切换到“位置”选项卡。 文本框显示文件夹的当前位置。 您可以通过在文本框中直接输入新路径或单击“移动”按钮并浏览新位置来填充文本框来选择新位置。 无论哪种方式,一旦显示了新位置,请单击“确定”。


The “Move Folder” confirmation window that pops up next is just badly worded enough that it can be confusing. Click “Yes” if you want to create the new location, have Windows start using it, and move all your files from the old location. Click “No” if you just want to create the folder and have Windows start using it, but don’t want to move your current files for some reason. Click “Cancel” to stop everything and not create the new folder location at all. We highly recommend choosing “Yes” so you don’t end up with files in two locations.

接下来弹出的“移动文件夹”确认窗口的措词不正确,可能会造成混淆。 如果要创建新位置,让Windows开始使用它,然后从旧位置移动所有文件,请单击“是”。 如果您只想创建文件夹并让Windows开始使用它,但由于某种原因不想移动当前文件,请单击“否”。 单击“取消”停止所有操作,而根本不创建新的文件夹位置。 强烈建议您选择“是”,这样您就不会在两个位置出现文件。


You should now see the folder in the new location. Windows and all your apps will now consider that the official location of that personal folder. Go ahead and repeat this process for the other folders you want to move. And, should you ever need to move it back, you can return to the “Location” tab of the folder’s properties window and either select a new location or just click the “Restore Default” button.

现在,您应该在新位置看到该文件夹。 Windows和您所有的应用程序现在都将考虑该个人文件夹的正式位置。 继续并对您要移动的其他文件夹重复此过程。 并且,如果您需要将其移回,则可以返回到文件夹属性窗口的“位置”选项卡,然后选择一个新位置或单击“恢复默认值”按钮。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/moving-your-personal-data-folders-in-windows-vista-the-easy-way/