
进入jenkins,系统管理,管理节点,新建节点,创建一个dumb slave。

进去其配置页面,主要说明的是launch method

选择 launch slave agents on unix machinesvia ssh


credentials:授权信息(可在jenkins里配置 add credentials)

选择launchslave agent via java web start,这个方式建议在windows上使用

Fill outthe following:

1.           Set a number of executors (one ormore) as needed.

2.           Set a Remote FS Root, a home directory for themaster on the slave machine.

1.                 For a Windows slave, use something like:"C:\Jenkins\"

2.                 TODO: add details.

3.           Select the appropriate Usage setting:

1.                 For an additional worker: Utilizethis slave as much as possible 

2.                 For specialized jobs: Leave thismachine for tied jobs only

4.           Launch Method:

1.                 An easy way to control a Windows slaveis by using Launchslave agents via Java Web Start  (Recommendedfor Windows)

2.                 TODO: add steps for other methods.

5.           Availability --> Keep thisslave online as much as possible

1.                 TODO: add details for each option.

6.           Press OK.

7.           Now you need to connect your slavemachine to the master using the following steps.

1.                 Open a browser on the slavemachine and go tothe Jenkinsmaster server url (http://yourjenkinsmaster:8080).

2.                 Go to Manage Jenkins > ManageNodes, Click onthe newly created slave machine. You will need to login as someone that has the"Connect" Slave permission if you have configured global security.

3.                 Click on the Launch button tolaunch agent from browser on slave.

4.                Run the program.

5.                 Nowyou should see the Slave machine connected under Nodes.






问题一,确认slave-agent.jnlp 是用javaws来运行的,而不是java.exe 或者是javaw.exe来运行,因为一般的机器默认是采用java.exe启动的。我曾经因为这个问题折腾了好久。


<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://jenkins.meilishuo.com/computer/">
<title>Slave Agent for</title>
<vendor>Jenkins project</vendor>
<homepage href="https://jenkins-ci.org/"/>
<resources><j2se version="1.5+"/><jar href="http://jenkins.meilishuo.com/jnlpJars/remoting.jar"/><property name="hudson.showWindowsServiceInstallLink" value="true"/>
</resources><application-desc main-class="hudson.remoting.jnlp.Main">




命令1: javawshttp://jenkins.meilishuo.com/computer/irshost12.tc.com.com/slave-agent.jnlp

命令2: java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://jenkins.meilishuo.com/computer/ -secret xxxxx(该字符串就在slave-agent.jnlp文件中)

如果上面的正常的话,过一会几分钟后,这个界面应该就会变成下面的界面,就是多了一个File菜单,下拉这个File菜单就有一个选项他会提示你是否想设置为一个自启动的服务。可能将当前的slave设置成一个服务,每次机器重启的时候都自动启动slave服务,这样就不能每次都去启动这个slave agent了。

#     Master Jenkins服务器端的配置细节                         


Two solutions seem to becoming up:

8.  Download the JNLP file (via browser, wget, curl,whatever) then run locally - may require extra parameters.

9.  Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security, andunder Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy, enable “connect” in the“slave” section, for user “Anonymous”. This would leave you open to attackwhere someone emulates a slave (but in my case, on a private work network -that's not an issue.)

具体操作是进入jenkins主界面,然后进入Manage Jenkins ->Configure Global Security ,勾选其中的anonymous用户的slave部分的权限。
