苹果腕表应用上架 开发要求

Is it weird that my favorite thing about the new Apple Watch Series 6 is the new Solo Loop bands?

对于新的Apple Watch Series 6我最喜欢的东西是新的Solo Loop表带,这很奇怪吗?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m already enjoying the new Apple Watch and my first experience with watchOS 7, but I’ve also had the device for less than 24 hours, not nearly enough time to assess subtle design changes or deeply experience the new features.

不要误会我的意思,我已经很享受新的Apple Watch和我对watchOS 7的初次体验,但是我使用该设备的时间还不到24小时,没有足够的时间来评估微妙的设计更改或深刻的体验。新功能。

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The Solo Loop band is the best watch band I’ve ever used Solo Loop乐队是我用过的最好的表带

The Solo Loop ($49), however, is a constant physical reminder that this is probably how all Apple Watch bands should’ve been designed from the start. As promised, the liquid silicon bands are soft, stretchy, and insanely comfortable. I’m wearing size 6 (I have small wrists), but you’ll have nine options to choose from. I also wore the woven yarn-like textile loop bands and found them almost just as comfortable.

然而,Solo Loop(售价49美元)不断提醒人们,这可能是所有Apple Watch表带从一开始就应该设计的方式。 如所承诺的那样,液态硅带柔软,有弹性且非常舒适。 我穿的是6号(手腕较小),但您有9种选择。 我还穿着编织纱线状的织物环带,发现它们几乎一样舒适。

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One piece bands. Why didn’t Apple think of this before?

一件乐队。 苹果为什么以前没有想到这一点?

Now, why should we care so much about bands? One of the new features included in watchOS 7 is sleep tracking. That means you wear the Apple Watch overnight. Normally, I’d never sleep with a watch on, worrying I’d roll over onto my arm and on top of an uncomfortable clasp. No such worries with the new Loops.

现在,我们为什么要如此关注乐队? watchOS 7包含的新功能之一是睡眠跟踪。 这意味着您过夜需要佩戴Apple Watch。 通常,我永远不会带着手表睡觉,担心我会滑过手臂和不舒服的扣环。 新的Loops无需担心。

Okay, enough obsessing about the Solo Loop bands. We’re here to talk about Apple Watch 6, a smart watch that on the face of it, looks exactly like its predecessor, the Apple Watch 5. Rumors that Apple would ditch the digital crown were wrong. In fact, the crown is completely unchanged. My 44-millimeter Blue Aluminum Apple Watch Series 6’s crown features the tell-tale red circle, indicating this is a cellular model. By the way, I did conduct a half hour call with my mother who, until I told her, had no I idea that I was speaking to her through the Apple Watch.

好吧,对Solo Loop乐队有足够的痴迷。 我们在这里谈论的是Apple Watch 6,这是一款表面上看起来像其前身Apple Watch 5的智能手表。有传言称Apple放弃数字王冠是错误的。 实际上,表冠是完全不变的。 我的44毫米蓝色铝制Apple Watch Series 6的表冠上有一个醒目的红色圆圈,表明这是一个蜂窝模型。 顺便说一句,我确实和母亲打了一个半小时的电话,直到我告诉她,我才不知道我正在通过Apple Watch和她说话。

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The Apple Watch Series 6 doesn’t mess with a good design.

Apple Watch Series 6的设计不错。

The most notable visual difference between the old and new models can be found on the back. The Series 6 has a new array of LEDs and photo diodes that provide new Blood Oxygen reading capabilities. Apple Watch Series 6 also still has a heart rate and ECG capabilities that are virtually unchanged from the Series 5.

新旧型号之间最明显的视觉差异可在背面找到。 Series 6具有新的LED和光电二极管阵列,可提供新的血氧读取功能。 Apple Watch Series 6仍然具有与Series 5相比几乎没有变化的心率和ECG功能。

给我空气 (Gives me air)

I had to try out the Blood Oxygen reader as soon as I finished setting up the watch. With its blue and red curves chasing after each other, the new Blood Oxygen Apple Watch app looks like a tiny commentary on our current political climate. On the other hand, I immediately identified it as “probably the new Blood Oxygen app,” so maybe I’m over-thinking this.

完成设置手表后,我必须尝试使用血氧读取器。 新的Blood Oxygen Apple Watch应用程序的蓝色和红色曲线相互追逐,看起来像是对我们当前政治气候的简短评论。 另一方面,我立即将其标识为“可能是新的Blood Oxygen应用程序”,因此也许我对此考虑过度。

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At left, the Blood Oxygen app icon. Center is the reader in action. Far right is my second reading. 左侧是“血液氧气”应用程序图标。 中心是行动中的读者。 最右边是我的二读。

The app guided me on how to use the on-demand reader (it can also quietly read your blood oxygen levels in the background). I had to put my hand on my lap or some other surface, preferably with the watch face facing up, and I had to sit still. The entire test takes 15 seconds. The first time I did it, I didn’t rest my arm on a surface and the test failed. I placed my arm on a table and retook the test. My blood is oxygenated at 99%. Most healthy people should have ratings between 95% and 100% (a later test after a brisk bike ride put it at 95%).

该应用程序指导了我如何使用按需读取器(它还可以在后台静默读取您的血氧水平)。 我必须将手放在膝盖或其他表面上,最好使表盘面朝上,并且我必须坐着不动。 整个测试需要15秒。 第一次这样做,是因为我没有将手臂放在表面上,所以测试失败了。 我将手臂放在桌子上,然后重新进行测试。 我的血液含氧量为99%。 大多数健康人的评分应该在95%到100%之间(自行车骑行快后将其评估为95%)。

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The watch back has LEDs and Photo diodes. 手表后盖有LED和光电二极管。

Apple Watch Series 6 got that reading by shining the bright green LED array into my wrist and using the photo diodes to read the light bounced back to them. That’s enough, apparently, to tell how well my lungs are oxygenating my blood.

Apple Watch Series 6通过将亮绿色的LED阵列照射到我的手腕上并使用光电二极管读取反射回它们的光来获得读数。 显然,这足以说明我的肺部为我的血液充氧的程度。

Why is Apple measuring Blood Oxygen? According to the Lung Institute, Oxygen-poor blood can lead conditions like hypoxia cyanosis and can be an indicator of serious repository issues like asthma and COPD. Despite the serious nature of this information, Apple is not pitching the Blood Oxygen reader as a health sensor and app. Instead, it’s just a wellness check. FYI: The Lung Institute considers a reading below 90% to be low.

苹果为什么要测量血氧含量? 根据肺研究所的研究,缺氧的血液会导致缺氧紫conditions等症状,并可能指示哮喘和COPD等严重的储存库问题。 尽管此信息具有严重的性质,但Apple并未将“血氧阅读器”推向健康传感器和应用程序。 相反,这只是健康检查。 仅供参考:肺研究所认为低于90%的读数较低。

新运动 (A new movement)

Bigger changes can be found inside the watch. There’s the new S6 System in Package 64-bit processor, which Apple claims adds 20% better performance over the previous S5 chip (which is in the new Apple Watch SE). At this moment, all I can tell you is that the Series 6 seems at least as fast as the Series 5.

手表内部可以找到更大的变化。 有一个新的64位封装的S6系统处理器,Apple声称它比以前的S5芯片(在新的Apple Watch SE中)提高了20%的性能。 目前,我只能告诉您的是Series 6的速度至少与Series 5一样快。

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The Apple Watch Series 6 44mm screen is the same size and resolution as the Series 5 (368 x 448 pixels), but is brighter in Always On Mode. Apple Watch Series 6 44mm屏幕具有与Series 5相同的尺寸和分辨率(368 x 448像素),但在Always On模式下更亮。

That chip, though, also adds better power management, which I think is important for the new, more glanceable always-on display. The Always on Retina display is noticeably brighter in sleep state, which meant that even outside, I had no trouble reading the display without fully waking it up.

不过,该芯片还增加了更好的电源管理,我认为这对于新的,更直观的常亮显示器很重要。 在睡眠状态下,始终处于视网膜状态的显示屏会明显变亮,这意味着即使在室外,也可以完全唤醒它来阅读显示屏。

I think it’s fair to conclude that such a display adjustment might consume more power, but Apple is claiming 18 hours of battery life per charge, which is exactly the same as the Apple Watch Series 5. There’s also the promise of faster charging, which could come in handy if you plan to wear the watch all night and only have time for a quick charge in the morning. In 10 minutes, I picked up approximately 10%. After 20, I added 20%. One can assume that 30 minutes while you’re taking a shower, shaving, and eating breakfast might be enough time to give your watch nine hours of battery life.

我认为得出这样的显示调整可能会消耗更多的电量是很公平的,但是Apple声称每次充电可使用18个小时的电池寿命,这与Apple Watch Series 5完全一样。还有更快充电的希望,这可能会如果您打算整夜佩戴手表,并且仅在早上有时间快速充电,可以派上用场。 在10分钟内,我的学习速度提高了约10%。 20岁以后,我添加了20%。 可以假设,在洗澡,剃须和吃早餐的30分钟内,时间足以使手表的电池续航时间达到9个小时。

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Yes, it’s still okay to get the watch wet. also, how do you like my Memoji watch face? 是的,弄湿手表还是可以的。 另外,您如何看待我的Memoji表盘?

Apple also updated the Altimeter so it can tell you your elevation in real time. I saw a bit of this when I took the Apple Watch Series 6 for a bike ride. I only went up and down some steep suburban hills, so the measured differences were in tens, not hundreds, of feet. Still, this might come in handy if you’re a mountain climber or a diver (the watch is waterproof to 50 meters). There’s even a new watch face and complication that includes live altimeter readings.

苹果还更新了高度计,以便可以实时告诉您海拔高度。 当我骑Apple Watch Series 6时,我看到了一些。 我只是在陡峭的郊区丘陵上上下走,所以测得的差异只有几十英尺,而不是几百英尺。 不过,如果您是登山者或潜水员(手表防水至50米),这可能会派上用场。 甚至还有一个新的表盘和复杂功能,包括实时高度计读数。

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Apple watchOS 7 adds hand-washing detection, which also misidentified dishwashing as handwashing. Apple watchOS 7增加了洗手检测功能,这也将洗碗识别为洗手。

Thanks to watchOS 7, the Apple Watch Series 6 is a mix of existing health and safety features and new ones. There’s the aforementioned heart and oxygen measurement tools, reminders to breathe and stand (how I love those), Activity Tracking, noise measurement, fall detection, and now menstrual-cycle tracking, sleep monitoring, and even automatic handwashing detection. You have to enable some of these features in the Health app, and to get handwashing working you must wash your hands vigorously or do the dishes, since that seems to set it off, too. Still, only the blood oxygen reading is unique to the Apple Watch Series 6.

多亏了watchOS 7,Apple Watch Series 6融合了现有的健康和安全功能以及新功能。 有前面提到的心脏和氧气测量工具,提醒呼吸和站立(我对它们有多爱),活动跟踪,噪声测量,跌倒检测以及现在的月经周期跟踪,睡眠监测,甚至自动洗手检测。 您必须在“健康”应用程序中启用其中的某些功能,并且要开始洗手,您必须大力洗手或洗碗,因为这似乎也会使您感到不适。 不过,Apple Watch Series 6仅具有血液中的氧气读数。

身体健康 (Get fit)

Apple Watch is also a fitness-tacking device and while Series 6 doesn’t add new workout-specific features, watchOS 7 adds four new workout routine options: Core Training, Dance, Functional Strength Training, and Cooldown. I didn’t have time to try all that out, but I did take that bike ride. First, I used Raise to Speak to ask Siri to find a route (surprisingly, traveling by bike still wasn’t available as a mode in Maps) and then set off for a ride. As the watch guided me with haptic and spoken turn-by-turn directions, the watch captured my heartrate, speed, distance, elevation, and my route.

Apple Watch还是健身锻炼设备,而Series 6并未添加特定于锻炼的新功能,而watchOS 7添加了四个新的锻炼常规选项:核心训练,舞蹈,功能力量训练和冷却。 我没有时间尝试所有这些,但是我确实骑了那辆自行车。 首先,我使用Raise说话来要求Siri找到一条路线(令人惊讶的是,在Maps中,骑自行车旅行仍然不适合作为一种模式),然后出发乘车。 当手表为我提供触觉和语音转弯指示时,手表捕捉了我的心跳,速度,距离,海拔和路线。

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I took a little ride with my new Apple Watch. I was surprised that it didn't offer me a bike mode option. 我带着新的Apple Watch骑了一会儿。 我很惊讶它没有为我提供自行车模式选项。

There was no time to take the Apple Watch Series 6 for a swim, but I did run it under some water and then spun the digital crown to sonically eject the water from the speaker slots.

没有时间去游泳Apple Watch Series 6,但是我确实在一些水下运行了它,然后旋转了数字表冠,以超声波方式从扬声器插槽中弹出水。

面对它 (The face of it)

Apple Watch Series 6 has a bunch of new watch faces, though my personal favorite is the Memoji, even if it is a little hidden. First, I had to select the Memoji app, then select a Memoji to edit, scroll past all the image customizations, and then select “Create Watch Face.” Still the cute animated result made it worth the effort.

Apple Watch Series 6有很多新的表盘,尽管我个人最喜欢的是Memoji,即使它有点隐藏。 首先,我必须选择Memoji应用程序,然后选择一个Memoji进行编辑,滚动浏览所有图像自定义设置,然后选择“创建表盘”。 可爱的动画效果仍然值得您付出努力。

韦基觉醒 (Wakey wakey)

I did manage to get in one night of sleep with the new watch. I set a sleep schedule and then watch notified me 45 minutes in advance that it was winding down. By the time I went to bed, the screen was dark. In the morning, the Apple Watch Series 6 woke me with a gentle haptic tap on my wrist and some soothing music. The sleep statistics on my phone showed I slept 6 hours and 47 minutes of the 9 hours and 4 minutes I was in bed. My heart rate ranged from 50 to 70 bpm. I could get used to this.

我确实设法用新表入睡了一个晚上。 我设定了一个睡眠时间表,然后看提前45分钟通知我它快要结束了。 当我上床睡觉时,屏幕已经黑了。 早上,Apple Watch Series 6在我的手腕上轻柔地触摸了一下,并发出了舒缓的音乐,使我惊醒。 手机上的睡眠统计数据表明,我躺在床上的9小时4分钟中,我睡了6小时47分钟。 我的心率从50到70 bpm不等。 我可以适应它。

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The new Sleep control in watchOS 7, my bedtime reminder (center) and the alarm. watchOS 7中的新“睡眠”控件,我的就寝时间提醒(中心)和闹钟。

你得到什么 (What you get)

The new Apple Watch Series 6 starts at $399 for the 40 mm, GPS-only aluminum case. The model I’m wearing is a 44 mm cellular edition for $529. All the Series 6 models come with 32 GB of local storage, which is good news if you plan on storing some podcasts and music before your run. By contrast, the $199 Series 3 has just 8 GB of storage.

新款Apple Watch Series 6 40毫米仅GPS铝制表壳的起价为399美元。 我佩戴的是44毫米蜂窝版,售价529美元。 所有Series 6型号都具有32 GB的本地存储空间,如果您计划在运行之前存储一些播客和音乐,这是个好消息。 相比之下,售价199美元的Series 3只有8 GB的存储空间。

Sadly, Apple Watch Series 6 doesn’t ship with a Solo Loop band. Instead you still get the now classic silicon sport band. Solo Loops cost an additional $49. I would love to see Apple offer the option to buy a watch with Solo Loop instead.

遗憾的是,Apple Watch Series 6并未附带Solo Loop乐队。 取而代之的是,您仍然可以获得现在经典的硅胶运动乐队。 Solo Loops的售价为49美元。 我希望看到Apple提供了购买Solo Loop手表的选项。

This is also the first Apple Watch to ship without a USB charging adapter. There’s just the cable with the conductive charging base. Apple said during the launch that they did it for the environment, but I’m guessing some consumers will feel a little cheated.

这也是第一款不带USB充电适配器的Apple Watch。 只有带有导电充电基座的电缆。 苹果公司在发布会上表示,他们是为了保护环境而设计的,但我猜有些消费者会觉得有点受骗。

While I can’t claim to have fully tested the Apple Watch Series 6, I think this is a solid update, with just enough features to excite Series 3 and 4 owners, or the uninitiated. I’ll be surprised, though, if Series 5 owners jump to upgrade just to get a regular blood oxygen readings.

尽管我不能声称已经对Apple Watch Series 6进行了全面测试,但我认为这是一个可靠的更新,其功能足以激发Series 3和Series 4的所有者,或者引起初学者的兴趣。 但是,如果Series 5的所有者跳到升级以获得常规的血氧读数,我会感到惊讶。

苹果腕表应用上架 开发要求