
  • 1. 实现步骤
  • 步骤① 分解点集的xyz分量
  • 步骤② 对x、y、z这三个随机变量(一维数组)求协方差矩阵
  • 步骤③ 对步骤②中的协方差矩阵求解特征值与特征向量,特征向量构造列向量矩阵M
  • 步骤④ 将点集的几何中心平移至坐标系原点,并全部乘以M矩阵进行旋转变换
  • 步骤⑤ 将旋转变换后的点的坐标,求xMax、xMin、yMax、yMin、zMax、zMin,进而求出obb中心坐标、obb半长
  • 步骤⑥ 将obb中心坐标左乘M的逆,得到此中心坐标在原来坐标系的坐标值
  • 步骤⑦ 将步骤⑥中得到的原坐标系下的obb中心坐标平移回原处(平移向量与步骤④的平移向量刚好是相反向量)
  • 2. 代码实现OBB
  • 2.1. OOBB in 2D
  • 2.2. OBB in 3D
  • 3. 函数实现



obb的参数(中心点、三轴向量、三轴半长,以确定一个空间中的矩形)= f(点集)

1. 实现步骤

步骤① 分解点集的xyz分量

即把所有点的 x、y、z 值分别放到独立的数组中

步骤② 对x、y、z这三个随机变量(一维数组)求协方差矩阵

步骤③ 对步骤②中的协方差矩阵求解特征值与特征向量,特征向量构造列向量矩阵M

步骤④ 将点集的几何中心平移至坐标系原点,并全部乘以M矩阵进行旋转变换

步骤⑤ 将旋转变换后的点的坐标,求xMax、xMin、yMax、yMin、zMax、zMin,进而求出obb中心坐标、obb半长

步骤⑥ 将obb中心坐标左乘M的逆,得到此中心坐标在原来坐标系的坐标值

步骤⑦ 将步骤⑥中得到的原坐标系下的obb中心坐标平移回原处(平移向量与步骤④的平移向量刚好是相反向量)


其中,计算难点在于步骤③,最经典的做法是使用 Jacobi 迭代计算算法,在数值分析课程中是一节基础,Jacobi 算法还是可以优化的。


2. 代码实现OBB

2.1. OOBB in 2D

是之前讨论过的关于 bounding box,如果使用 AABB 也许不是最紧密的 bounding box,更紧密的有时候也叫 OBB oriented bounding-box 或者 OOBB Object Oriented Bounding Boxes,所以建议可以使用 PCA 来计算。

obs_python obspython教程_协方差矩阵

根据文章OBB generation via Principal Component Analysis,首先有一些例子点:

(3.7, 1.7), (4.1, 3.8), (4.7, 2.9), (5.2, 2.8), (6.0, 4.0), (6.3, 3.6), (9.7, 6.3), (10.0, 4.9), (11.0, 3.6), (12.5, 6.4)

obs_python obspython教程_特征向量_02

然后它算 covarience matrix 是:

obs_python obspython教程_python_03

用 numpy 来处理:

points = np.asarray(  [ (3.7, 1.7), (4.1, 3.8), (4.7, 2.9), (5.2, 2.8), (6.0, 4.0), (6.3, 3.6), (9.7, 6.3), (10.0, 4.9), (11.0, 3.6), (12.5, 6.4) ] )
np.cov( points )
// 上面这个不对,形状都完全不对,然后看了一下,好像应该这么写:

>>> np.cov( points, rowvar = False )
array([[10.09288889,  3.73888889],
       [ 3.73888889,  2.24      ]])

这下形状对了,但是结果还是不一样啊,这个时候机智的我想到了在计算方差等等等老是出现的一个问题,那就是到底除以 N 还是除以 N-1,所以我来试验一下:

np.cov( points, rowvar = False ) / 10 * 9
array([[9.0836, 3.365 ],
       [3.365 , 2.016 ]])

cool! 跟上面的 covarience matrix 一致了, 下一步来计算 covarience matrix 的 eigenvector。Hmmm,既然是计算 eigenvector,那么乘以一个常数是没有影响的,继续使用 numpy:

>>> np.linalg.eig( np.cov( points, rowvar = False ))
(array([11.58827588,  0.74461301]), array([[ 0.92849112, -0.37135459],
       [ 0.37135459,  0.92849112]]))

出了一堆结果,根据这篇NumPy: Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors:

obs_python obspython教程_python_04

来解读,所以知道 eigenvector 是:

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yep,又跟文章对上了, 根据文章,现在要继续的是

Projecting onto these vectors allow us to determine the OBB’s center and half-extent lengths, giving us the following image

然后突然发现了这里: Create the Oriented Bounding-box (OBB) with Python and NumPy

原来上面的除以 N 还是除以 N-1 是可以用 bias = 1 这个参数来描述的,完整的代码此处有:cool!

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

a  = np.array([(3.7, 1.7), (4.1, 3.8), (4.7, 2.9), (5.2, 2.8), (6.0,4.0), (6.3, 3.6), (9.7, 6.3), (10.0, 4.9), (11.0, 3.6), (12.5, 6.4)])
ca = np.cov(a,y = None,rowvar = 0,bias = 1)

v, vect = np.linalg.eig(ca)
tvect = np.transpose(vect)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

#use the inverse of the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix and
#rotate the points so they align with the x and y axes
ar = np.dot(a,np.linalg.inv(tvect))

# get the minimum and maximum x and y 
mina = np.min(ar,axis=0)
maxa = np.max(ar,axis=0)
diff = (maxa - mina)*0.5

# the center is just half way between the min and max xy
center = mina + diff

#get the 4 corners by subtracting and adding half the bounding boxes height and width to the center
corners = np.array([center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]]])

#use the the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix and
#rotate the corners and the centerback
corners = np.dot(corners,tvect)
center = np.dot(center,tvect)




tvect = np.transpose(vect)
ar = np.dot(a,np.linalg.inv(tvect))
mina = np.min(ar,axis=0)
maxa = np.max(ar,axis=0)
diff = (maxa - mina)*0.5
corners = np.array([center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]]])
corners = np.dot(corners,tvect)
center = np.dot(center,tvect)

其实上面的 transpose inverse, 变换 corner, 再变换回来,是不是可以这样理解,这一整个其实在做的就是坐标变换。我们由上图的 xy坐标变换到了 PCA 的轴的方向,然后再变换回来,我们才能得到正确的 center 和 corner.

2.2. OBB in 3D

看见以上的代码,我想直接代入3D points感觉应该也是 ok 的,唯一需要注意的是 3D 的 corners 维度更多,上面的代码基本上可以直接套用到 3D 的情况,令我惊讶的是我用 bunny 看到的结果居然是这样

obs_python obspython教程_特征向量_06

我好惊讶,然后我看到 Fitting Oriented Bounding Boxes 这篇里的例子跟我一样,当用 points 来 fit OBB 的话就会这样

obs_python obspython教程_3D_07

参考:Fitting Oriented Bounding Boxes 参考:Bounding Box - OOBB 参考:Create the Oriented Bounding-box (OBB) with Python and NumPy 参考:OBB generation via Principal Component Analysis

3. 函数实现

# 应用于2D、3D
def PCA(points):
    pointArray = np.array(points)
    ca = np.cov(pointArray,y = None,rowvar = 0,bias = 1)
    v, vect = np.linalg.eig(ca)
    tvect = np.transpose(vect)
    #use the inverse of the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix and
    #rotate the points so they align with the x and y axes
    ar = np.dot(pointArray,np.linalg.inv(tvect))
    # get the minimum and maximum x and y 
    mina = np.min(ar,axis=0)
    maxa = np.max(ar,axis=0)
    diff = (maxa - mina)*0.5
    # the center is just half way between the min and max xy
    center = mina + diff
    #get the 8 corners by subtracting and adding half the bounding boxes height and width to the center
    pointShape = pointArray.shape
    if pointShape[1] == 2:
        corners = np.array([center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]],
    if pointShape[1] == 3:
        #get the 8 corners by subtracting and adding half the bounding boxes height and width to the center
        corners = np.array([center+[-diff[0],-diff[1],-diff[2]],
    #use the the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix and
    #rotate the corners and the centerback
    corners = np.dot(corners,tvect)
    center = np.dot(center,tvect)
    radius = diff
    if pointShape[1] == 2:
        array0,array1 = np.abs(vect[0,:]),np.abs(vect[1,:])
        index0,index1 = np.argmax(array0),np.argmax(array1)
        radius[index0],radius[index1] = diff[0],diff[1]
    if pointShape[1] == 3:
        array0,array1,array2 = np.abs(vect[0,:]),np.abs(vect[1,:]),np.abs(vect[2,:])
        index0,index1,index2 = np.argmax(array0),np.argmax(array1),np.argmax(array2)
        radius[index0],radius[index1],radius[index2] = diff[0],diff[1],diff[2]
    eigenvalue = v
    eigenvector = vect
    return corners, center, radius,eigenvalue,eigenvector


corners, pcaCenter, pcaRadius,eigenvalue,eigenvector = PCA(rasPts)
print("corners", corners)
print("center", center)
print("radius", radius)
print("eigenvalue", eigenvalue)
print("eigenvector", eigenvector)


corners [[-214.08716255 -287.34124873  329.15531199]
 [-206.02520693 -222.36772698  349.92398594]
 [-155.32541073 -228.84508711  350.5074316 ]
 [-163.38736634 -293.81860887  329.73875765]
 [-165.25498872 -305.17224576  365.98288493]
 [-157.1930331  -240.19872401  386.75155889]
 [-207.8928293  -233.72136387  386.16811323]
 [-215.95478492 -298.69488563  365.39943928]
 [-214.08716255 -287.34124873  329.15531199]]
center [-185.64009782 -263.76998637  357.95343544]
radius [25.55761109 34.34345453 19.01334956]
eigenvalue [221.80978801 109.57123123  54.06473478]
eigenvector [[ 0.11737252  0.99187275 -0.04911345]
 [ 0.94593748 -0.12672077 -0.29857014]
 [ 0.30236728  0.01141432  0.95312315]]