
1. 如何确定字符串为空?

2. How to check if the string is empty?


  • Python里面有类似下面的办法来判断空字符串吗:
  • if myString == string.empty:
  • 或者有没有最优雅的方式来确定空字符串?我觉得直接用"“不太合适。
  • Answers:
  • Andrew Clark – vote: 2602
  • 空字符串为false(参考 python 2python 3 ),这意味着它在布尔语句下被判断为false,所以可以这么做:
  • if not myString:
  • 如果你确定变量是字符串的话,这个方法更好一点。但如果它可能是其他类型,还是得选择用myString == “”。见文档Truth Value Testing中布尔语句下其它等效为false的变量值。
  • zenpoy – vote: 474
  • PEP 8 标准, “Programming Recommendations” 节:
  1. 对于序列来说(字符串、列表、元组),空序列为false。
  • 所以可以这么做
  • if not some_string:
  • 或:
  • if some_string:
  • 但要澄清,空/非空序列会在布尔语句下被认为是False/True,但并不等价。
  • Bartek – vote: 288
  • 最优雅的方式可能是确定它是true还是false,例如:
  • if not my_string:
  • 不过你可能需要strip掉空白字符,因为:
>>> bool(”")


>>> bool("   “)


>>> bool(”   ".strip())

  • 更明确的说,你要确保字符串会通过某种验证,并且字符串可以以上面形式通过测试。

How to check if the string is empty?

  • Does Python have something like an empty string variable where you can do:
  • if myString == string.empty:
  • Regardless, what\’s the most elegant way to check for empty string values? I find hard coding "" every time for checking an empty string not as good.
  • Answers:
  • Andrew Clark – vote: 2602
  • Empty strings are falsy (python 2 or python 3 reference), which means they are considered false in a Boolean context, so you can just do this:
    空字符串为false(参考 python 2python 3 ),这意味着它在布尔语句下被判断为false,所以可以这么做:
  • if not myString:
  • This is the preferred way if you know that your variable is a string. If your variable could also be some other type then you should use myString == "". See the documentation on Truth Value Testing for other values that are false in Boolean contexts.
    如果你确定变量是字符串的话,这个方法更好一点。但如果它可能是其他类型,还是得选择用myString == ""。见文档Truth Value Testing中布尔语句下其它等效为false的变量值。
  • zenpoy – vote: 474
  • From PEP 8, in the “Programming Recommendations” section:
    PEP 8 标准, “Programming Recommendations” 节:
  1. For sequences, (strings, lists, tuples), use the fact that empty sequences are false.
  • So you should use:
  • if not some_string:
  • or:
  • if some_string:
  • Just to clarify, sequences are evaluated to False or True in a Boolean context if they are empty or not. They are not equal to False or True.
  • Bartek – vote: 288
  • The most elegant way would probably be to simply check if its true or falsy, e.g.:
  • if not my_string:
  • However, you may want to strip white space because:
>>> bool("")
>>> bool("   ") 
>>> bool("   ".strip()) 
  • You should probably be a bit more explicit in this however, unless you know for sure that this string has passed some kind of validation and is a string that can be tested this way.