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Services that offer public APIs often get their best tools from third-party developers. Social platform Twitter is no exception: almost anyone who uses Twitter professionally will have TweetDeck on their desktop, which started out as an independent tool before Twitter acquired the project.

提供公共API的服务通常会从第三方开发人员那里获得最佳工具。 社交平台Twitter也不例外:几乎任何专业使用Twitter的人都将在其台式机上安装TweetDeck,该程序最初是Twitter收购该项目之前的独立工具。

If only the company was so proactive with its mobile apps. The official Twitter app can get the job done, but updates tend to focus on Twitter’s branding and questionably useful new features rather than the usability or quality of the app itself. Here’s a selection of alternatives you should try if you’re a Twitter addict on Android.

如果该公司对移动应用程序如此主动。 官方的Twitter应用程序可以完成工作,但是更新往往侧重于Twitter的品牌和可疑有用的新功能,而不是应用程序本身的可用性或质量。 如果您是Android上的Twitter迷,那么可以尝试以下替代方法。

(Fenix (Free For 2.0 Preview))

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I can’t tell if the developer of Fenix is a poor speller or just a really big Starcraft fan, but either way, it’s the Twitter app I use on my personal phone and tablet. The interface is clean without being too minimal, it offers advanced features like saving drafts and an internal browser, and it supports multiple accounts used at once. Best of all, it has the best scrolling Android home screen widget I’ve seen in any Twitter app (something that’s essential to me for quickly catching up on my main feed).

我不能说Fenix的开发者是拼写不佳还是仅仅是Starcraft的忠实粉丝,但无论哪种方式,这都是我在个人手机和平板电脑上使用的Twitter应用程序。 该界面简洁明快,提供了诸如保存草稿和内部浏览器之类的高级功能,并且支持一次使用多个帐户。 最棒的是,它拥有我在任何Twitter应用程序中都看到过的最佳滚动Android主屏幕小部件(这对我来说是快速赶上我的主要feed所必需的)。

The developer constantly updates the application for bug fixes and compatibility with Twitter’s platform. The interface can be customized with background and accent colors, and columns for mentions and direct messages are easy to navigate. I only wish there was some way to add Lists to the main tabs. Right now the preview version for the big 2.0 update is free for all users, but it will probably be $3-4 when it becomes stable.

开发人员会不断更新应用程序,以修复错误并与Twitter平台兼容。 该界面可以使用背景和重点色进行自定义,提及和直接消息的列易于浏览。 我只希望有某种方法可以将列表添加到主选项卡。 现在,所有用户都可以免费下载Big 2.0更新的预览版,但稳定下来的价格可能是3-4美元。

(Flamingo ($2))

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Most of the modern Twitter apps seem to share a similar columned layout and a focus on dark, high-contrast user interfaces. Flamingo keeps the former but ditches the latter for bright colors in the default theme with a focus on photos and videos. The app’s signature feature is “hover,” which allows users to tap and hold images to blow them up or start a video preview, then release to go back to the main feed.

大多数现代Twitter应用程序似乎都具有相似的列式布局,并且着重于深色,高对比度的用户界面。 火烈鸟保留了前者,但在默认主题中将后者保留为明亮的颜色,重点放在照片和视频上。 该应用程序的签名功能是“悬停”,它允许用户点击并按住图像以放大图像或开始视频预览,然后释放以返回主供稿。

Flamingo supports “tweetstorming” if you’ve got a lot to say in Twitter’s arbitrary character limit, and it can apply different themes to different Twitter accounts if you’re using more than one. “Advanced muting” lets you silence specific users for a time without unfollowing them. Its scrolling widget is much more customizable than most, and even includes image previews.

如果您在Twitter的任意字符限制中有很多话要说的话,Flamingo支持“ tweetstorming”,如果您使用多个,则可以将不同的主题应用于不同的Twitter帐户。 “高级静音”使您可以静默特定用户一段时间,而不必关注它们。 它的滚动小部件比大多数滚动部件更具可定制性,甚至包括图像预览。

(Plume (Free, $5 for Ad-Free Version))

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One of the older go-to Android Twitter clients, Plume still has loyal users who wouldn’t consider anything else. While its interface is a little dated by Twitter client (and general Android) standards, it’s one of the few apps that takes tablet support seriously, with multiple columns visible at once if your screen is large enough to support them—great if you use your tablet as a desktop notification center. The app can also double as a Facebook client, if you’re not a fan of the dedicated apps for that other social network.

Plume是较老的Android Twitter客户端之一,仍然拥有忠实的用户,他们不会考虑其他任何事情。 尽管其界面略微符合Twitter客户端(和一般的Android)标准的日期,但它是少数几款认真考虑平板电脑支持的应用程序之一,如果屏幕足够大,可以同时显示多列,如果您使用平板电脑作为桌面通知中心。 如果您不喜欢其他社交网络的专用应用程序,则该应用程序还可以兼作Facebook客户端。

Plume includes an optional internal browser and wide image sharing support, along with URL sharing if that’s your jam. Muting tools are extended to words or phrases, for when you just can’t stand to see “covfefe” one more time. Plume is a must-have for tablet enthusiasts, and they might just like it so much it because their go-to on the smartphone as well. The standard app is free, but the $5 “Premium” add-on will remove the app’s advertising.

Plume包括可选的内部浏览器和广泛的图像共享支持,以及 URL共享(如果您遇到了麻烦)。 静音工具已扩展到单词或短语,因为当您无法忍受再次看到“ covfefe”时。 Plume是平板电脑爱好者必不可少的工具,他们可能会非常喜欢它,因为他们同样会在智能手机上使用。 标准应用程序是免费的,但5美元的“高级”附加组件将删除该应用程序的广告。

(Talon ($3))

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Talon was one of the new batch of “next-gen” Twitter apps that began appearing a few years ago, and its developer has diligently kept it at the front of the pack with maintenance updates and feature improvements. Though it only supports two accounts out of the box, it goes above and beyond an internal browser with an “article reader” that strips most of the formatting from web pages to let you focus on readable text.

Talon是几年前开始出现的新一批“下一代” Twitter应用程序之一,其开发人员通过维护更新和功能改进努力将其放在首位。 尽管它仅支持开箱即用的两个帐户,但它超出了带有“文章阅读器”的内部浏览器的范围,该“文章阅读器”从网页上剥离了大多数格式,使您可以专注于可读文本。

The column interface can be re-arranged and removed as the user sees fit, and the app supports videos and images competently, though easy sharing doesn’t appear to be a primary focus. Powerful filters, a scrolling widget, and support for Android Wear watches round out the $3 package.

列界面可以按照用户认为合适的方式进行重新排列和删除,并且该应用程序可以很好地支持视频和图像,尽管轻松共享似乎并不是主要重点。 强大的过滤器,滚动小部件以及对Android Wear手表的支持使该套装的价格达到了3美元。

(Tweetings (Free))

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Tweetings shares most of the modern features with the above Twitter clients, but its “stacked timeline” view is the most interesting to me. This allows you to separate tweets by user, with a nested list showing which followed accounts have been tweeting the most. It’s a great tool if you’d like to focus on a few specific accounts. Tweetings also includes built-in statistics and advanced tablet views in the Settings menu.

Tweetings与上述Twitter客户共享大多数现代功能,但其“堆叠的时间轴”视图对我而言最有趣。 这样,您就可以按用户分隔推文,并显示一个嵌套列表,其中显示了关注最多的推文帐户。 如果您想专注于一些特定的帐户,这是一个很好的工具。 推文还包括“设置”菜单中的内置统计信息和高级平板电脑视图。

Tweetings is free: though there are in-app purchases to tip the developer, they’re optional and they don’t unlock any features. They make this particular app one that’s worth looking into if you’d rather not spend any money on a premium client.

推文是免费的:尽管有应用内购买可向开发人员提示,但它们是可选的,并且不会解锁任何功能。 如果您不想花任何钱在高级客户上,他们会让这款特别的应用值得一看。
