windows rockemq 主题添加 rocketdock主题包_qt


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Have you tried one of the Windows 8 Preview releases and found you like the Charms bar on the Metro Start Screen? If you’re not quite ready to give up Windows 7, there is a way to get the Charms bar from Windows 8.

您是否尝试过Windows 8 Preview版本之一,并发现自己喜欢Metro“开始”屏幕上的“魅力”栏? 如果您还没有准备好放弃Windows 7,可以使用一种方法从Windows 8中获取Charms栏。

You can easily add the Charms bar to your desktop in Windows 7 using a RocketDock skin. RocketDock is a free, customizable application launcher for Windows. See our article about RocketDock to learn how to add it to your Windows Desktop. You can also use a portable version of RocketDock.

您可以使用RocketDock外观轻松将“魅力”栏添加到Windows 7中的桌面。 RocketDock是Windows的免费,可自定义的应用程序启动器。 请参阅有关RocketDock的文章,以了解如何将其添加到Windows桌面 。 您还可以使用便携式版本的RocketDock 。

To add a “Charms bar” to your Windows 7 desktop, extract the .rar file you downloaded (see the link at the end of this article). RAR files are associated with WinRAR, which is shareware.

要将“超级按钮栏”添加到Windows 7桌面,请解压缩下载的.rar文件(请参阅本文结尾处的链接)。 RAR文件与WinRAR关联,后者是共享软件。

NOTE: You can use WinRAR free of charge for 40 days but then you have to buy it ($29.00). However, you can also use the free program 7-Zip to extract RAR files.

注意:您可以免费使用WinRAR 40天,但随后必须购买($ 29.00)。 但是,您也可以使用免费程序7-Zip提取RAR文件。

Once you extract the file, you’ll see three folders and a StartMenu.exe file. Copy the “Charmbar transparent” folder to the Skins folder in the RocketDock program folder.

提取文件后,您将看到三个文件夹和一个StartMenu.exe文件。 将“透明透明”文件夹复制到RocketDock程序文件夹中的“皮肤”文件夹。

NOTE: If you’re using a installed version of RocketDock (not on a USB flash drive, or other location), the RocketDock program folder will be in C:\Program Files for 32-bit Windows or in C:\Programs Files (x86) for 64-bit Windows.

注意:如果您使用的是RocketDock的安装版本(不在USB闪存驱动器上或其他位置),则RocketDock程序文件夹将位于32位Windows的C:\ Program Files或C:\ Programs Files中( x86)(适用于64位Windows)。

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Before continuing, if you want to be able to go back to the previous setup of RocketDock before adding the Charms bar skin, make a backup copy of the Icons folder and the Settings.ini file, if one exists, in the RocketDock program folder.


NOTE: The Settings.ini file is created if you select to store the settings in a portable .ini file to make RocketDock portable, or even just to be able to backup your settings.

注意:如果您选择将设置存储在可移植的.ini文件中以使RocketDock可移植 ,甚至只是为了备份您的设置,则会创建Settings.ini文件。

Copy the new Icons folder to the RocketDock program folder, replacing the existing one and the files in it.


The Settings folder you extracted contains two settings files, Settings.ini and Settingstransparent.ini. The Settings.ini will give you a Charms bar with a black background, like the one in Windows 8. To get a Charms bar with a black background, copy the Settings.ini file to the root of the RocketDock program folder, replacing the current Settings.ini file, if there is one. However, if you want a transparent Charms bar, rename the Settingstransparent.ini file to Settings.ini and copy that file to the RocketDock program folder.

您提取的Settings文件夹包含两个设置文件Settings.ini和Settingstransparent.ini。 Settings.ini将为您提供带有黑色背景的Charms栏,就像Windows 8中的一样。要获得具有黑色背景的Charms栏,请将Settings.ini文件复制到RocketDock程序文件夹的根目录,替换当前目录。 Settings.ini文件(如果有)。 但是,如果要使用透明的超级按钮,请将Settingstransparent.ini文件重命名为Settings.ini,然后将该文件复制到RocketDock程序文件夹中。

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The next time you start RocketDock, it will automatically use the new skin, icons, and settings and place a Charms bar on the right side of your Windows 7 desktop. You won’t see the bar at first because you must move your mouse to the right side of the screen to access the Charms bar.

下次启动RocketDock时,它将自动使用新的皮肤,图标和设置,并在Windows 7桌面的右侧放置一个超级按钮栏。 一开始您不会看到该栏,因为必须将鼠标移至屏幕右侧才能访问超级按钮栏。

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Here is a list of what the icons on the Charms bar do:


  • Search – Opens up an Explorer window with the Search box active
  • Share – Opens up Network Connections
  • Start – Opens the Start Menu
  • Devices – Opens the Device Manager
  • Settings – Opens the Control Panel

NOTE: As mentioned earlier, if you are using the 64-bit version of Windows 7, the RocketDock program folder is stored in C:\Program Files (x86). By default, the Start icon accesses the StartMenu.exe file in the C:\Program Files folder. Therefore, you have to manually edit the settings for the Start icon. Right-click on the icon on the Charms bar and select Icon Settings from the popup menu. Change the path in the Target edit box and click OK.

注意:如前所述,如果您使用的是Windows 7的64位版本,则RocketDock程序文件夹存储在C:\ Program Files(x86)中。 默认情况下,“开始”图标访问C:\ Program Files文件夹中的StartMenu.exe文件。 因此,您必须手动编辑“开始”图标的设置。 右键单击超级按钮栏上的图标,然后从弹出菜单中选择“图标设置”。 在“目标”编辑框中更改路径,然后单击“确定”。

The Settings icon may not work, either. If it doesn’t open the Control Panel, edit the Target on the Icon Settings dialog box for that icon, as well. For us, we had to change the drive letter, which, for some reason, was assigned the capital letter ‘I’ (i).

设置图标也可能不起作用。 如果它没有打开控制面板,则还要在该图标的“图标设置”对话框上编辑“目标”。 对于我们来说,我们必须更改驱动器号,由于某种原因,该驱动器号被指定为大写字母“ I”(i)。

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Remember that you can go back to your previous RocketDock skin, icons, and settings by replacing the Icons folder and Settings.ini file with the backed up copies.


Download the Charms bar skin for RocketDock from


