

        当消息量特别大时,使用kafka之类的message queue自然是首选,但更多的时候,我们想用更加轻量的方案来解决这个问题。


  • 消息聚合后处理(最大条数为BatchSize)
  • 延迟处理(延迟时间为LingerTime)
  • 自定义错误处理
  • 并发处理


var (
    eventQueue     = make(chan interface{}, 4)
    batchSize      = 8
    workers        = 2
    batchProcessor = func(messages []interface{}) {
        fmt.Printf("%+v \n", messages)

for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
    go func() {
        var batch []interface{}
        for {
            msg := <-eventQueue
            batch = append(batch, msg)
            if len(batch) == batchSize {
                batch = make([]interface{}, 0)

for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
    eventQueue <- i


  • 带buffer的channel相当于一个FIFO的队列
  • 多个常驻的goroutine来提高并发
  • goroutine之间是并行的,但每个goroutine内是串行的,所以对batch操作是不用加锁的。


var (
    eventQueue     = make(chan interface{}, 4)
    batchSize      = 8
    workers        = 2
    lingerTime     = 14 * time.Millisecond
    batchProcessor = func(batch []interface{}) error {
        fmt.Printf("%+v \n", batch)
        return nil
    errHandler = func(err error, batch []interface{}) {
        fmt.Println("some error happens")

for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
    go func() {
        var batch []interface{}
        lingerTimer := time.NewTimer(0)
        if !lingerTimer.Stop() {
        defer lingerTimer.Stop()

        for {
            select {
            case msg := <-eventQueue:
                batch = append(batch, msg)
                if len(batch) != batchSize {
                    if len(batch) == 1 {

                if err := batchProcessor(batch); err != nil {
                    errHandler(err, batch)

                if !lingerTimer.Stop() {

                batch = make([]interface{}, 0)
            case <-lingerTimer.C:
                if err := batchProcessor(batch); err != nil {
                    errHandler(err, batch)

                batch = make([]interface{}, 0)

for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
    eventQueue <- i
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)




        言归正传,关于代码中为什么使用time.Timer而不是time.After,是因为time.After在for select中使用时,会发生内存泄露。
具体分析,请查看golang time.After内存泄露问题分析和GOLANG中time.After释放的问题。




package channelx

import (

// Represents the aggregator
type Aggregator struct {
	option         AggregatorOption
	wg             *sync.WaitGroup
	quit           chan struct{}
	eventQueue     chan interface{}
	batchProcessor BatchProcessFunc

// Represents the aggregator option
type AggregatorOption struct {
	BatchSize         int
	Workers           int
	ChannelBufferSize int
	LingerTime        time.Duration
	ErrorHandler      ErrorHandlerFunc
	Logger            Logger

// the func to batch process items
type BatchProcessFunc func([]interface{}) error

// the func to set option for aggregator
type SetAggregatorOptionFunc func(option AggregatorOption) AggregatorOption

// the func to handle error
type ErrorHandlerFunc func(err error, items []interface{}, batchProcessFunc BatchProcessFunc, aggregator *Aggregator)

// Creates a new aggregator
func NewAggregator(batchProcessor BatchProcessFunc, optionFuncs ...SetAggregatorOptionFunc) *Aggregator {
	option := AggregatorOption{
		BatchSize:  8,
		Workers:    runtime.NumCPU(),
		LingerTime: 1 * time.Minute,

	for _, optionFunc := range optionFuncs {
		option = optionFunc(option)

	if option.ChannelBufferSize <= option.Workers {
		option.ChannelBufferSize = option.Workers

	return &Aggregator{
		eventQueue:     make(chan interface{}, option.ChannelBufferSize),
		option:         option,
		quit:           make(chan struct{}),
		wg:             new(sync.WaitGroup),
		batchProcessor: batchProcessor,

// Try enqueue an item, and it is non-blocked
func (agt *Aggregator) TryEnqueue(item interface{}) bool {
	select {
	case agt.eventQueue <- item:
		return true
		if agt.option.Logger != nil {
			agt.option.Logger.Warnf("Aggregator: Event queue is full and try reschedule")


		select {
		case agt.eventQueue <- item:
			return true
			if agt.option.Logger != nil {
				agt.option.Logger.Warnf("Aggregator: Event queue is still full and %+v is skipped.", item)
			return false

// Enqueue an item, will be blocked if the queue is full
func (agt *Aggregator) Enqueue(item interface{}) {
	agt.eventQueue <- item

// Start the aggregator
func (agt *Aggregator) Start() {
	for i := 0; i < agt.option.Workers; i++ {
		index := i
		go agt.work(index)

// Stop the aggregator
func (agt *Aggregator) Stop() {

// Stop the aggregator safely, the difference with Stop is it guarantees no item is missed during stop
func (agt *Aggregator) SafeStop() {
	if len(agt.eventQueue) == 0 {
	} else {
		ticker := time.NewTicker(50 * time.Millisecond)
		for range ticker.C {
			if len(agt.eventQueue) == 0 {

func (agt *Aggregator) work(index int) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			if agt.option.Logger != nil {
				agt.option.Logger.Errorf("Aggregator: recover worker as bad thing happens %+v", r)


	defer agt.wg.Done()

	batch := make([]interface{}, 0, agt.option.BatchSize)
	lingerTimer := time.NewTimer(0)
	if !lingerTimer.Stop() {
	defer lingerTimer.Stop()

	for {
		select {
		case req := <-agt.eventQueue:
			batch = append(batch, req)

			batchSize := len(batch)
			if batchSize < agt.option.BatchSize {
				if batchSize == 1 {


			if !lingerTimer.Stop() {
			batch = make([]interface{}, 0, agt.option.BatchSize)
		case <-lingerTimer.C:
			if len(batch) == 0 {

			batch = make([]interface{}, 0, agt.option.BatchSize)
		case <-agt.quit:
			if len(batch) != 0 {

			break loop

func (agt *Aggregator) batchProcess(items []interface{}) {
	defer agt.wg.Done()
	if err := agt.batchProcessor(items); err != nil {
		if agt.option.Logger != nil {
			agt.option.Logger.Errorf("Aggregator: error happens")

		if agt.option.ErrorHandler != nil {
			go agt.option.ErrorHandler(err, items, agt.batchProcessor, agt)
		} else if agt.option.Logger != nil {
			agt.option.Logger.Errorf("Aggregator: error happens in batchProcess and is skipped")
	} else if agt.option.Logger != nil {
		agt.option.Logger.Infof("Aggregator: %d items have been sent.", len(items))

        到此 Go语言 channel 实现消息的批量处理介绍完成。