The Bible ("the books" in Koine Greek) is a collection of religious texts or scriptures sacred to Christians, Jews, Samaritans, Rastafari and others. 圣经(古希腊语中的“书”)是基督徒、犹太人、撒马利亚人、拉斯塔法里和其他人的宗教经文或圣经的集合。Those books included in the Bible by a tradition or group are called canonical, indicating that the tradition/group views the collection as the true representation of God's word and will. 那些由传统或团体收录在《圣经》中的书籍被称为正统书籍,这表明传统或团体认为这些藏书是上帝话语和意志的真实体现。

The Hebrew Bible overlaps with the Greek Septuagint and the Christian Old Testament. The Christian New Testament is a collection of writings by early Christians, believed to be mostly Jewish disciples of Christ, written in first-century Koine Greek. 希伯来圣经与希腊的《旧约》和基督教的《旧约》重叠。《基督教新约》是早期基督徒的著作集,据信大部分是基督的犹太门徒,用一世纪的古希腊语写成。

Attitudes towards the Bible also differ among Christian groups. Roman Catholics, high church Anglicans, Methodists and Eastern Orthodox Christians stress the harmony and importance of both the Bible and sacred tradition, while many Protestant churches focus on the idea of sola scriptura, or scripture alone. This concept rose to prominence during the Reformation, and many denominations today support the use of the Bible as the only infallible source of Christian teaching. Others, though, advance the concept of prima scriptura in contrast. 基督教团体对圣经的态度也各不相同。罗马天主教徒、英国圣公会高等教会教徒、卫理公会教徒和东正教基督徒都强调圣经和神圣传统的和谐和重要性,而许多新教教派只关注《圣经》本身。这一概念在宗教改革期间变得突出,今天许多教派都支持使用《圣经》作为基督教教义的唯一可靠来源。然而,与此相反,其他人则提出了元始圣经的概念。


露娜的说的是“后土的光辉!” 后土,又称後土。源于母系社会自然崇拜中的土地与女性崇拜。全称承天效法厚德光大后土皇地祇qí,是道教尊神“四御/六御”中的第四位天帝,她掌阴阳,育万物,因此被称为大地之母。

The Bible has had a profound influence on literature and history, especially in the Western world, where the Gutenberg Bible was the first book printed using movable type.《圣经》对文学和历史产生了深远的影响,尤其是在西方世界,《古腾堡圣经》是第一本使用活字印刷的书。

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism are Russia's traditional religions, deemed part of Russia's "historical heritage" in a law passed in 1997. Russian Orthodoxy is the dominant religion in Russia. 95% of the registered Orthodox parishes belong to the Russian Orthodox Church while there are a number of smaller Orthodox Churches. However, the vast majority of Orthodox believers do not attend church on a regular basis. Nonetheless, the church is widely respected by both believers and nonbelievers, who see it as a symbol of Russian heritage and culture. 基督教、伊斯兰教、佛教和犹太教是俄罗斯的传统宗教,在1997年通过的一项法律中被视为俄罗斯“历史遗产”的一部分。俄罗斯东正教是俄罗斯占主导地位的宗教。95%的注册东正教牧区属于俄罗斯东正教,还有一些较小的东正教教派。然而,绝大多数东正教信徒并不定期去教堂。尽管如此,俄罗斯东正教仍然受到信徒和非信徒的广泛尊重,他们将其视为俄罗斯传统和文化的象征。

The ancestors of many of today's Russians adopted Orthodox Christianity in the 10th century. According to a poll by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 63% of respondents considered themselves Russian Orthodox, 6% of respondents considered themselves Muslim and less than 1% considered themselves either Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant or Jewish. Another 12% said they believe in God, but did not practice any religion, and 16% said they are non-believers. 今天许多俄罗斯人的祖先在10世纪接受了东正教。根据俄罗斯民意研究中心的一项民意调查,63%的受访者认为自己是俄罗斯东正教,6%的受访者认为自己是穆斯林,不到1%的人认为自己是佛教徒、天主教徒、新教徒或犹太人。另有12%的人说他们相信上帝,但不信奉任何宗教,16%的人说他们不信教。
