
I'm interviewing my colleague Lennart Frantzell, a fellow developer advocate on the IBM Developer San Francisco team. Inside IBM, Lennart focuses on one of our most technically in-depth communities: Blockchain.

我正在采访我的同事Lennart Frantzell,他是IBM Developer San Francisco团队的开发人员倡导者。 在IBM内部,Lennart专注于技术最深入的社区之一:区块链。

(Q: Your developer advocacy efforts focus on projects with large codebases and technical architectures that requires developers to adapt their mental models. Can you tell us about them? )

When I came to Silicon Valley in the late 80s I worked on one of the most exciting projects imaginable, Expert Systems, the precursor to today's AI systems and IBM's Watson project. I spend four years in Menlo Park in the childhood of Silicon Valley creating language compilers with built-in AI capabilities. As often with leading-edge technology, we didn't quite make it. Fortunately I then had the opportunity to work on a team in IBM's Silicon Valley Lab in southern San Jose that took prototypes from IBM Research and productized them. From there I moved to Object Oriented systems and have really always worked on advanced software systems. Some of which succeeded but many of which did not.  Just like in the start-up world.

80年代末期我来到硅谷时,我从事的是可想象的最令人兴奋的项目之一,专家系统,它是当今AI系统和IBM的Watson项目的先驱。 在硅谷的童年时代,我在Menlo Park呆了四年,创建具有内置AI功能的语言编译器。 与领先技术一样,我们做不到。 幸运的是,然后我有机会在圣何塞南部的IBM硅谷实验室工作,研究了IBM Research的原型并将其产品化。 从那以后,我搬到了面向对象的系统,并且实际上一直在高级软件系统上工作。 其中一些成功,但许多没有成功。 就像在初创世界中一样。

(Q: How did you get started with programming? )

Originally I was majoring in Asian Studies in Sweden and I received my doctorate from the University of Stockholm. After graduation, I realized that there were no jobs in my chosen field, and I began to take an interest in computers. I took a few courses and landed a job in the IT department of the food chain Shoprite on the East Coast of the US.  Two years later IBM was advertising for a job for something called the Series/1 minicomputer, which we used at Shoprite. I was lucky to be accepted and spent the next four years writing assembler code that automated telephone switches in Seattle, which I fell in love with. And which is the reason that my oldest son with his family now lives and works in Seattle.

最初,我主修瑞典的亚洲研究,并获得了斯德哥尔摩大学的博士学位。 毕业后,我意识到所选领域没有工作,于是我开始对计算机产生兴趣。 我参加了几门课程,然后在美国东海岸食品连锁店Shoprite的IT部门找到了工作。 两年后,IBM开始为我们在Shoprite上使用的Series / 1小型计算机做广告。 我很幸运被录取,并在接下来的四年里花了很多时间来编写我喜欢的西雅图自动电话交换机的汇编代码。 这就是我的大儿子和家人现在在西雅图生活和工作的原因。

(Q: How did you make the transition from programmer to developer advocate? )

I have always loved programming but I have also liked working with people, and when I got the opportunity to jump over to one of IBM's Innovation Centers and work with business partners I didn't hesitate.


After a few years this led me to Developer Advocacy which is really great because one meets so many developers and start ups from various geographies and countries with their own perspective on technology.


(Q: How do you find that advocacy for deep technical projects differs from developer advocacy in general? )

IT technology is suddenly eating the world as Marc Andreessen has pointed out. It is no longer a peripheral technology but changing society all around us.

正如Marc Andreessen所指出的那样,IT技术突然吞噬了世界。 它不再是外围技术,而是改变了我们周围的社会。

One compelling example is AI, with image recognition and facial recognition. We have made amazing strides with increased image recognition capabilities, but it turns out there is a flip side to these advances: do we really want AI-systems that can trace our every step.  This is something that we as developer advocates can highlight and make people and ourselves aware of.

一个引人注目的例子是具有图像识别和面部识别的AI。 我们通过增强的图像识别功能取得了惊人的进步,但事实证明,这些进步还有反面:我们是否真的想要能够追踪我们每一步的AI系统。 这是我们作为开发人员倡导者可以强调的并使人们和我们自己意识到的事情。

There is code but code also has a social impact, both good but also from time to time negative.


I enjoy putting together events that focus both on the technical but also on the social aspects of technology. I enjoy looking at the big picture, and it's exciting to work at a company like IBM that gives me free rein to work with developers and startups and not always follow a specific corporate line.

我喜欢组织既关注技术又关注技术社会方面的活动。 我喜欢看全局,在像IBM这样的公司工作很令人兴奋,这使我可以自由地与开发人员和初创公司合作,而不必总是遵循特定的公司方针。

(Q: How do you get introductory programmers interested in a deep or very technical ecosystem? )

Start with the impact on society. I get uneasy when I encounter people who may not see the forest for the trees, i.e. the impact their code may have on society.

从对社会的影响开始。 当我遇到可能看不见森林的人时,会感到不安,即他们的法规可能对社会造成的影响。

I should also mention the IBM Code Patterns -- an innovative approach to providing developers with working code around specific themes. They allow us to quickly get developers up and running in areas such as AI, Blockchain or Machine Learning, to name a few areas. Something that makes our job a lot simpler than before and that allows us and the people we talk to to quickly see how new technology is behaving in real life.

我还应该提到IBM代码模式 -一种创新的方法,可以为开发人员提供围绕特定主题的工作代码。 它们使我们能够在AI,区块链或机器学习等领域Swift吸引开发人员并使其运转,仅举几例。 使我们的工作比以前更加简单的事情,使我们和与我们交谈的人们可以快速了解新技术在现实生活中的表现。

(Q: What technologies that you’ve worked with are you most excited about? )

Blockchain, Machine Learning and AI. These technologies are where the future is, and that are already an important part of our society.

区块链,机器学习和AI。 这些技术是未来的去向,已经成为我们社会的重要组成部分。

For instance, a self-driving car is something you wouldn’t even imagine a few years ago, and now we’re talking not only about the underlying technology and algorithms, but also the impact on society and the freedom it can bring to people around the world.


(Q: Let's talk logistics. What types of events tend to work well for the tech you’re advocating? )

Face to face events with between 50 and 100 people present. You must remember that attendees come to these events to mingle. They want to meet people, talk, exchange opinions -- they’re not really interested  in listening to us talk for an hour or longer. All information is usually out on the web anyway.

有50至100人参加的面对面活动。 您必须记住,与会者参加了这些活动来进行交流。 他们想见面,交谈,交换意见-他们对听我们一个小时或更长时间的交谈并不感兴趣。 无论如何,所有信息通常都在网上发布。

They want to learn and code, sure, but it’s primarily a social event and they want to mingle and get contacts. Being able to read the audience and respond to what they want is an important skill as a developer advocate.

当然,他们想学习和编码,但这主要是社交活动,他们想交流并取得联系。 作为开发者的拥护者,能够阅读观众并回应他们想要的内容是一项重要技能。

Also, we do a lot of hackathons, which are essentially long-running social events. I love working on hackathons more than almost anything else.

此外,我们进行了许多黑客马拉松活动,这些活动实质上是长期运行的社交活动。 我比其他任何事情都更喜欢参与hackathon。

(Q: Any best practices in developer advocacy that you’ve been exposed to? )

I just went to DevRelCon SF 2019 and you could tell from the presentations that developer advocates as a group are really good at talking to an audience -— especially when they are talking about themselves!

我刚刚参加了DevRelCon SF 2019,您可以从演示中看出,开发者倡导者作为一个团队真的很擅长与听众交谈-尤其是当他们在谈论自己时!

Dana Oshiro from Heavybit gave a great talk at DevRelCon SF 2019. It was very factual, and not specific to developer relations but about different aspects of company fundraising, board dynamics and cashflow that are relevant to advocacy but that many advocates may not be exposed to.

Heavybit的Dana Oshiro在DevRelCon SF 2019上进行了精彩演讲。这是事实,并非特定于开发人员关系,而是与倡导相关的公司筹款,董事会动态和现金流的不同方面,但许多倡导者可能没有接触。

(Q: What do you want to learn, and who do you want to meet or partner with?)

I want to spend time combining Blockchain, AI, ML and IoT, and see where that will lead. It would also be interesting to spend more time with larger startup companies who are on the way to building enterprise applications — currently, I spend a lot of time with smaller startups and individual developers, but working with larger companies will give you a more holistic view of what companies are trying to build with IBM Cloud-technology, including Blockchain and AI. I’m not working in that space currently but I am hoping to get into it very soon.

我想花时间将区块链,人工智能,机器学习和物联网相结合,然后看看会导致什么。 将更多的时间花在正在构建企业应用程序的较大的初创公司上,这也很有趣–目前,我在较小的初创公司和个人开发人员上花了很多时间,但是与较大的公司合作将为您提供更全面的看法公司正在尝试使用IBM Cloud技术构建的产品,包括Blockchain和AI。 我目前不在那个领域工作,但我希望很快进入。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/effective-developer-advocacy-for-highly-technical-projects/
