
If you run a local business and are setting up your first website or updating an existing site, one thing you will need to do is publish content that will attract local customers and enable them to find you. In this post, we’ll explain why this content is so crucial to your business and show you what information you need to put on your site.

如果您经营一家本地企业,并且正在建立自己的第一个网站或更新现有网站,那么您需要做的一件事就是发布吸引本地客户并使他们能够找到您的内容。 在这篇文章中,我们将解释为什么此内容对您的业务如此重要,并向您显示需要在网站上放置哪些信息。

Is your company a local business?


In essence, a local business is one which serves a specific location but that location can be large or small. A newsagent, for example, might focus on customers within a mile radius of where it is situated, the restaurant next door might serve the whole town, the builders across the road might do business across two or three towns. All of them, however, are what you might consider as local businesses but the type of services they offer will determine the locality in which they operate.

本质上,本地企业是为特定位置服务的企业,但是该位置可以大可小。 例如,新闻通讯社可能会关注位于其所在地方圆一英里内的客户,隔壁的餐馆可能会为整个城镇提供服务,马路对面的建筑商可能会在两个或三个城镇开展业务。 但是,所有这些都是您可能会认为是本地企业的东西,但是它们提供的服务类型将决定它们的运营地点。

The important factor, here, is that you need to make it clear on your website where the extent of your locality is so that potential customers know they are in your catchment area.


Why local content is important


Local content is important for both your customers and for search engines. For customers, it enables them to see that the services you offer are relevant to them, both in terms of what you do and where you operate. If they do not see this information, they may take their business elsewhere.

本地内容对您的客户和搜索引擎都非常重要。 对于客户而言,它使他们能够看到您提供的服务与他们相关,无论是您从事的业务和运营的地点。 如果他们看不到此信息,则可能会将其业务转移到其他地方。

For search engines, local content helps them understand where you are operating and this can be very helpful in ensuring your website appears in search engine results for people in your locality. If you are a hair salon in Harrogate, you want your website to show up in results when some searches for a ‘hairdresser in Harrogate.’ Local content can help this happen.

对于搜索引擎,本地内容可以帮助他们了解您在哪里运营,这对于确保您的网站出现在您所在地区的搜索引擎结果中非常有帮助。 如果您是Harrogate的美发沙龙,则希望您的网站在搜索“ Harrogate的美发师”时显示在结果中。 本地内容可以帮助实现这一目标。

What local content do you need on your website?


Here are some of the main things you will need.


1. Name, address and phone number


The most important thing you need to do to establish your locality is to put your company’s name, address and phone number (often referred to a NAP) on your website. In fact, it’s so important, it should be placed in the footer of your website so that it appears on every single page.

建立位置所需要做的最重要的事情是在网站上放置公司的名称,地址和电话号码(通常称为NAP)。 实际上,它是如此重要,应该将其放置在网站的页脚中,以使其出现在每个页面上。

Doing this makes sure that whatever page a visitor lands on, the key information of where you are and how to contact you is always there for them to see. It’s is also a vital piece of information for search engines as it enables them to identify your location and discover how relevant you are to an individual’s search.

这样做可以确保无论访问者访问哪个页面,都可以始终看到您所在的位置以及与您联系的方式的关键信息。 对于搜索引擎来说,这也是至关重要的信息,因为它使搜索引擎能够识别您的位置并发现您与个人搜索的相关性。

One important detail is that you should always use the same NAP for all your business listings on the internet. In other words, if you use street, suburb and town in your address on your website, make sure this is identical to listings on other websites or business directories. Something seemingly as trivial as missing the suburb out could confuse a search engine about whether both NAPs refer to the same business. This could affect your website’s ranking.

一个重要的细节是,对于Internet上的所有企业列表,您应始终使用相同的NAP。 换句话说,如果您在网站上的地址中使用街道,郊区和城镇,请确保该地址与其他网站或企业目录上的列表相同。 似乎缺少郊区的琐碎琐事可能会使搜索引擎对两个NAP是否都引用同一业务产生困惑。 这可能会影响您网站的排名。

2. Customer testimonials


Customer testimonials are a great way to show potential customers how you have provided a good service to customers in the past. In this sense, they can be very helpful for your marketing. However, for local businesses, you should make sure that the location of the person giving the testimonial is also included in the information.

客户推荐是向潜在客户展示您过去如何为客户提供优质服务的好方法。 从这个意义上讲,它们对您的营销非常有帮助。 但是,对于本地企业,您应确保信息中也包括提供证明的人的位置。

By adding the location, you can make your business seem more trustworthy to those who live nearby. Local customers value the opinions of other locals very much, so by including the place where the person giving the testimonial lives, you can prove that other locals like what you do and this can be an effective way to increase leads and sales.

通过添加位置,您可以使您的企业对住在附近的人更加可信。 当地客户非常重视其他当地人的意见,因此,通过包括提供证明人的住所,您可以证明其他当地人喜欢您的所作所为,这可能是增加潜在客户和销量的有效方法。

At the same time, testimonials show customers and search engines that your business specialises in delivering service in your area.


3. Customer reviews


Reviews have a powerful influence on customer purchasing decisions. 7 out of 10 people now read online reviews before making a purchase and two-thirds of customers are more likely to buy from a company which has reviews. This is because reviews are independent and come from genuine customers, and this makes them highly trusted.

评论对客户的购买决定有很大的影响。 现在,十分之七的人会在购买商品之前先阅读在线评论,而三分之二的顾客更有可能从有评论的公司购买商品。 这是因为评论是独立的,并且来自真正的客户,这使它们受到高度信任。

The power of reviews for local businesses can be seen simply by searching for restaurants and takeaways in your own town. If you are looking for somewhere to eat out, you are not going to pick a place with an average one-star review. Even when it comes to the best-ranked restaurants, you’re likely to read the recent reviews to help you make your choice.

只需在您自己的镇上搜索餐馆和外卖店,就可以看到本地企业评论的力量。 如果您正在寻找在外面用餐的地方,那么您将不会选择平均单星级评价的地方。 即使是排名最高的餐厅,您也可能会阅读最近的评论,以帮助您做出选择。

If a company has no reviews, there is no independent evaluation for potential customers to base their choice on. This means using your service is taking a risk with the unknown. For many, that may be a risk not worth taking, especially if there are competitors that do have good reviews.

如果公司没有评论,则没有独立的评估供潜在客户选择。 这意味着使用您的服务会冒着未知的风险。 对于许多人来说,这可能是一个不值得冒险的风险,尤其是在有些竞争对手的评价不错的情况下。

You can collect reviews using a service such as Trustpilot which also enables you to display them on your website. Adding these to your site can be a game changer – provided your service gets good reviews.

您可以使用诸如Trustpilot之类的服务来收集评论,该服务还使您可以在网站上显示评论。 只要您的服务获得好评,将这些内容添加到您的网站就可以改变游戏规则。

4. Contact Us page


Every local business should have a Contact Us page on their website to provide customers with all the information they need to get in touch. If they can contact you easily, there is far more likelihood that you’ll make a sale.

每个本地企业在其网站上都应该有一个“联系我们”页面,以向客户提供他们需要联系的所有信息。 如果他们可以轻松地与您联系,您将更有可能进行销售。

For this reason, there should be a link to your Contact Us page on every page, either in one of your menus or in the footer. The information needed on your Contact US page should include:

因此,每个页面上的菜单或页脚中都应有一个指向“联系我们”页面的链接。 您的“联系我们”页面上所需的信息应包括:

  • Company name and address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address (or addresses for different purposes)
  • A contact form which can be completed there and then
  • Live chat for helping customers in real time whilst on your site
  • Business opening hours
  • A map, preferably with directions
  • Links to your social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

5. Product and service pages


Although providing detailed pages about products and services is vital for any business, for local businesses it is a chance to reinforce the fact that you cater for a specific location. You should make it clear which area your business caters for by including the details in the page’s URL, title, subheadings and in the actual content. For example:

尽管提供有关产品和服务的详细页面对于任何企业都是至关重要的,但对于本地企业而言,这是一个强化您针对特定位置的事实的机会。 您应该通过在页面的URL,标题,副标题和实际内容中包括详细信息,从而明确您的业务范围。 例如:

  • URL:
  • Title: Decorating Services Norwich
  • Subheading: Domestic Decorating Throughout the Norwich Area
  • Content: We offer a specialist decorating service to customers in Norwich and surrounding area.

Including this type of content can have a powerful effect on your search engine ranking and ensure that customers know your business is local to them.




The content you put on your website will have an important role to play in helping customers decide whether to use your company or not. For many people, two of the key factors in making that decision are whether the company they are using is local to them and whether it has a good reputation. Hopefully, this post will have helped you understand how to put that essential information on your own website.

您放置在网站上的内容将在帮助客户决定是否使用您的公司方面发挥重要作用。 对于许多人而言,做出此决定的两个关键因素是他们使用的公司是否本地化以及声誉良好。 希望这篇文章可以帮助您了解如何将这些基本信息放在自己的网站上。

If you run a local business and are considering creating a website, check out our great range of affordable business hosting packages.

如果您经营一家本地企业,并且正在考虑创建一个网站,请查看我们种类繁多的负担得起的企业托管软件包 。

