

本文深度解析NULL值陷阱出现的根本原因,总结了简单有效的判断逻辑;同时针对日常开发中四种常见陷阱,解释其适用条件及解决方案;最后介绍了PawSQL Advisor中和NULL值处理相关的优化规则及其实现原理。看完本篇文章,解决关于NULL值处理的所有疑问。



  1. NULL参与的所有的比较和算术运算符(>,=,<,<>,<=,>=,+,-,*,/)结果为unknown
  2. unknown的逻辑运算(ANDORNOT)遵循三值运算的真值表
  3. 如果运算结果直接返回用户,使用NULL来标识unknown
  4. 如果运算结果是作为条件判断真假,那么需要通过三值逻辑进行运算,并最终通过以下映射逻辑确定整体判定
  1. {falseunknown} -> false
  2. {true} ->true
  1. UNIONINTERSECT等集合运算中,NULL 被视为彼此相等。




GREATEST 排除null值 sql排除null_GREATEST 排除null值


1. 比较谓词与NULL

  • 结论:= null并不能判断表达式为空, 判断表达式为空应该使用is null


CREATE TABLE customer (
	c_custkey int4 NOT NULL,
	c_name varchar(25) NOT NULL,
	c_nationcode char(8) NULL,
	c_phone varchar(15) NULL,
    c_regdate date NULL,
	CONSTRAINT customer_pkey PRIMARY KEY (c_custkey)
insert into customer values(1, 'Randy', 'en', '13910010010', '20210911');
insert into customer values(2, 'Mandy', null, '13910010012', '20200211');
insert into customer values(3, 'Ray', 'us', null, '20180902');


select * from customer where c_phone = null;


select * from customer where c_phone is null;

原因是:根据第一章节里的结论第一条c_phone = null的结果是unknown;然后根据结论里的4.1条unknown判断真假为false.

-> unknown 
-> false;

2. Case When与NULL

  • 结论:case expr when nulll并不能判断表达式为空, 判断表达式为空应该case when expr is null

在where/having的筛选条件的错误写法还比较容易发现并纠正,而在藏在case 语句里使用null值判断就比较难以被发现,一般的SQL审核工具也难以处理。

譬如我们想要获取客户名称和国家的名称, 如果为空,默认是China:

select c_name, case c_nationcode 
				when 'us' then 'USA' 
				when 'cn' then 'China'
                when null then 'China' 
                else 'Others' end 
from customer

以上的语句并不会把国家代码为null转换为China;因为when null实际上是安c_nationcode=null进行运算的;正确的写法应该是:

select c_name, case when c_nationcode = 'us' then 'USA' 
					when c_nationcode = 'cn' then 'China'
                	when c_nationcode is null then 'China' 
                	else 'Others' end 
from customer

Note: PawSQL Advisor会分析输入SQL所有的case expr when null的条件,并重写为 case expr is null


  • 结论:NOT IN子查询且选择列可空,这种情况不会返回任何记录


	o_orderkey int4 NOT NULL,
	o_custkey int4 NULL,
	o_orderdate date NULL,
	CONSTRAINT orders_pkey PRIMARY KEY (o_orderkey)
insert into orders values(1, 1, '2021-01-01');
insert into orders values(2, null, '2020-09-01');
insert into orders values(3, 3, null);


select * from customer where c_custkey not in (select o_custkey from orders)

而事实上,上面的sql并没有返回我们预期的结果。原因就是子查询里的o_custkey有空值,而NOT IN的处理逻辑是这样的

c_custkey not in (1,3, null) 
→ c_custkey<>1 and c_custkey<>3 and c_custkey<>null 
→ c_custkey<>1 and c_custkey<>3 and unknown 
→ unknown 
-> false



  • 在子查询里加上非空限制
select * from customer where c_custkey not in (select o_custkey from orders where o_custkey is not null)
  • 将NOT IN子查询改写为not exists子查询
select * from customer where not exists (select o_custkey from orders where o_custkey=c_custkey)

Note: PawSQL Advisor的采用第一种方式来进行重写优化,但是它的功能更强大,PawSQL Advisor先判定子查询里的列是否可能为空的,如果可能为空,它才会向用户推荐重写后的SQL。

4. 修饰符ALL与NULL

  • 结论:ALL修饰的子查询选择列可空,这种情况不会返回任何记录


select * from customer where c_regdate > all(select o_orderdate from orders)

和上面的NOT IN类似的,由于子查询的结果中存在NULL,这个sql不会返回预期的结果。ALL 运算实际执行时也是与返回的结果集一一比较,然后进行AND的运算,最终结果unknown。而unknown作为条件进行评估是,结果为false.


  • 在子查询里加上非空限制
select * from customer where c_regdate > all(select o_orderdate from orders where o_orderdate is not null)
  • expr > allexpr >= all改写为聚集函数 expr > (select max()...)(如果expr < allexpr <= all,则改写为expr < (select min() ...)
select * from customer where c_regdate > (select max(o_custkey) from orders)

Note: PawSQL Advisor的采用第二种方式来进行重写优化,原因是PawSQL Advisor对第二种重写后的sql还可以进一步通过重写(max/min子查询重写规则)进行性能优化。

PawSQL Advisor关于NULL的重写优化

PawSQL Advisor 关于NULL处理的重写优化规则有三个,对应与上面的四种情况。




=null或是case when null并不能判断表达式为空, 判断表达式为空应该使用is null


NOT IN子查询且选择列可空,这种情况不会返回任何记录



PawSQL Advisor的功能更加强大,它会根据DDL中列的定义是否为nullable,以及作用在列上的运算是否会产生nullable的结果,来确定子查询里的查询列是否nullable的,如果可能为空,它才会向用户推荐重写后的SQL。


1. 遍历Query语法树,获取所有的NOT IN 谓词
  2. 如果这个谓词是PredicateInValueSelect( 样式`expr not in (select ....)`)
     1. 判断子查询结果集的列是否可以为空
        1. 不可以为空,返回
        2. 可以为空,为结果集里的每个可以为空的列rc,判定在子查询的where条件里是否有 `rc is not null`谓词
           1. 如果没有,新增一个 `rc is not null`谓词,通过and连接符合并到子查询的where条件里
           2. 如果有,继续判定下个列
  3. 如果这个谓词是PredicateInValueList (`expr not in values(1,2,null)`)
     1. 如果值为null,删除


	if (expr是数据库表的列) {
        if (列定义可以为NULL)
            return true;
            return true;
	} else if (选择列是NULL) {
		return true;
	} else if (选择列是非NULL常量或是变量) {
		return false;
	} else if (选择列是组合表达式){
		return 组合表达式的每个分项 的 or 结果;
	}else if (选择列是函数) {
			return false;
            return isNullable(函数参数)
	} else if (expr是标量子查询) {
		return isNullable(标量子查询的选择列)
	} else{
		return true;

PawSQL Advisor关于NULL值处理优化的评测



-- 案例1: = null 重写为 is null
select count(*) from customer where c_phone=null;  
-- 案例2:case expr when null 重写为 case when expr is null
select case c_phone when null then 1 when '139%' then 0 else -1 end from customer where not c_phone = null;
-- 案例 3: c_nationkey可空,增加 c_nationkey  is not null条件
select count(*) from nation where n_nationkey not in (select c_nationkey from customer);
-- 案例 4: c_nationkey可空,所以max(c_nationkey)可空, 增加 c_nationkey is not null条件
select count(*) from nation where n_nationkey not in (select max(c_nationkey) from customer group by c_mktsegment);
-- 案例 5: count()/sum() 永远不为空,所以无需重写
select count(*) from nation where (n_name,n_nationkey) not in (select 'China',c_nationkey from customer);
-- 案例 6: c_name不为空,但是c_nationkey可空,所以需增加 c_nationkey is not null 条件
select count(*) from nation where n_nationkey not in (select count(c_nationkey) from customer group by c_mktsegment);
-- 案例 7:  c_nationkey可空,所以重写为 > (select min(c_nationkey) from customer)
select count(*) from customer where n_nationkey > all(select c_nationkey from customer);
PawSQL Advisor 输出(概要)
 *                                                                   *
 *                PawSQL Optimization Summary                        *
 *                                                                   *
 *                 Powered by PawSQL(2021- )                         *
 *                                                                   *

1. Optimization Summary
 - There are 7 query analyzed;
 - There are 6 optimization rewrites for 6 queries;
 - There are 9 violations of optimization rule against 6 queries;
 - There are 1 indices recommended for 4 queries;
 - There is 12.91% performance improvement.

2. Optimization Rule Violations
 - RuleUseEqual4Null: [null.sql-stmt2, null.sql-stmt1]
 - RuleAllQualifierSubQueryRewrite: [null.sql-stmt7]
 - RuleNoCond4NonAggSelect: [null.sql-stmt3, null.sql-stmt6, null.sql-stmt7]
 - RuleNotInNullableSubQueryRewrite: [null.sql-stmt4, null.sql-stmt3, null.sql-stmt6]
PawSQL Advisor 输出(单SQL详情)
  • 案例 1: = null 重写为 is null
-- 原SQL
select count(*) from customer where c_phone=null; 

-- 重写后的SQL
select count(*) from customer where customer.c_phone is null;
  • 案例 2:case expr when null 重写为 case when expr is null
-- 原SQL
select case c_phone when null then 1 when '139%' then 0 else -1 end from customer;

-- 重写后的SQL
select case
         when c_phone is null then 1 
         when c_phone = '139%' then 0 
         else -1 
  from customer;
  • 案例 3: c_nationkey可空,增加 c_nationkey is not null条件
-- 原SQL
select count(*) from nation where n_nationkey not in (select c_nationkey from customer);

-- 重写后的SQL
select count(*) from nation where n_nationkey not in ( select c_nationkey from customer
               where c_nationkey is not null)
  • 案例 4: c_nationkey可空,所以max(c_nationkey)可空, 增加 c_nationkey is not null条件
-- 原SQL
select count(*) from nation where n_nationkey not in (select max(c_nationkey) from customer group by c_mktsegment);

-- 重写后的SQL
select count(*) from nation where n_nationkey not in (
             select max(customer.c_nationkey)
               from customer
               where c_nationkey is not null
               group by c_mktsegment)
  • 案例 5: count(c_nationkey )永远不为空,所以无需重写
select count(*) from nation where n_nationkey not in (select count(c_nationkey) from customer group by c_mktsegment);
  • 案例 6: c_name不为空,但是c_nationkey可空,所以需增加 c_nationkey is not null 条件
-- 原SQL
select count(*) from nation where (n_name,n_nationkey) not in (select 'China',c_nationkey from customer);

-- 重写后的SQL
select count(*) from nation where (n_name,n_nationkey) not in ( select 'China', c_nationkey from customer
               where customer.c_nationkey is not null)
  • 案例 7: c_nationkey可空,所以重写为 > (select min(c_nationkey) from customer)
-- 原SQL
select count(*) from customer where n_nationkey > all(select c_nationkey from customer);

-- 重写后的SQL
select count(*)
  from customer
  where n_nationkey > (select min(c_nationkey) from customer)