
方式一:使用ActivityManager的getMemoryInfo(ActivityManager.MemoryInfo outInfo)


private void displayBriefMemory() {

        final ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);    

        ActivityManager.MemoryInfo info = new ActivityManager.MemoryInfo();   


        Log.i(tag,"系统剩余内存:"+(info.availMem >> 10)+"k");   








方式二:ActivityManager的MemoryInfo[] getProcessMemoryInfo(int[] pids)


dalvikPrivateDirty:The private dirty pages used by dalvik。
dalvikPss:         The proportional set size for dalvik.
dalvikSharedDirty: The shared dirty pages used by dalvik.
nativePrivateDirty:The private dirty pages used by the native heap.
nativePss:         The proportional set size for the native heap.
nativeSharedDirty: The shared dirty pages used by the native heap.
otherPrivateDirty: The private dirty pages used by everything else.
otherPss:          The proportional set size for everything else.
otherSharedDirty:  The shared dirty pages used by everything else.

dalvik: 是指dalvik所使用的内存


other:    是指除dalvik和native使用的内存。但是具体是指什么呢?至少包括在C\C++分配的非堆内存,比如分配在栈上的内存。puzlle!

private: 是指私有的,非共享的。

share:   是指共享的内存。

Pss:  实际使用的物理内存(比例分配共享库占用的内存)它是把共享内存根据一定比例分摊到共享它的各个进程来计算所得到进程使用内存。网上又说是比例分配共享库占用的内存,那么至于这里的共享是否只是库的共享,还是不清楚。

PrivateDirty:它是指非共享的,又不能换页出去(can not be paged to disk )的内存的大小。比如Linux为了提高分配内存速度而缓冲的小对象,即使你的进程结束,该内存也不会释放掉,它只是又重新回到缓冲中而已。

SharedDirty:参照PrivateDirty我认为它应该是指共享的,又不能换页出去(can not be paged to disk )的内存的大小。比如Linux为了提高分配内存速度而缓冲的小对象,即使所有共享它的进程结束,该内存也不会释放掉,它只是又重新回到缓冲中而已。

注意1:Android和Linux一样有大量内存在进程之间进程共享。某个进程准确的使用好多内存实际上是很难统计的。因为有paging out to disk(换页)所以如果你把所有映射到进程的内存相加,它可能大于你的内存的实际物理大小。我们可以简单地用dalvikPrivateDirty字段来表示进程App占用的实际内存大小。

注意2:实际上述的所有MemoryInfo 信息都可以通过命令 $adb shell dumpsys meminfo com.teleca.robin.test 得到,可以一一对照。

// 获得系统进程信息  
    private void getRunningAppProcessInfo() {  
        // 通过调用ActivityManager的getRunningAppProcesses()方法获得系统里所有正在运行的进程  
        List<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> appProcessList = mActivityManager  
        for (ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo appProcessInfo : appProcessList) {  
            // 进程ID号  
            int pid =;  
            // 用户ID 类似于Linux的权限不同,ID也就不同 比如 root等  
            int uid = appProcessInfo.uid;  
            // 进程名,默认是包名或者由属性android:process=""指定  
            String processName = appProcessInfo.processName;  
            // 获得该进程占用的内存  
            int[] myMempid = new int[] { pid };  
            // 此MemoryInfo位于android.os.Debug.MemoryInfo包中,用来统计进程的内存信息  
            Debug.MemoryInfo[] memoryInfo = mActivityManager.getProcessMemoryInfo(myMempid);  
            // 获取进程占内存用信息 kb单位  
            int memSize = memoryInfo[0].dalvikPrivateDirty;  
            Log.i(TAG, "processName: " + processName + "  pid: " + pid  
                    + " uid:" + uid + " memorySize is -->" + memSize + "kb");   
            // 获得每个进程里运行的应用程序(包),即每个应用程序的包名  
            String[] packageList = appProcessInfo.pkgList;  
            Log.i(TAG, "process id is " + pid + "has " + packageList.length);  
            for (String pkg : packageList) {  
                Log.i(TAG, "packageName " + pkg + " in process id is -->"+ pid);  

方式三:Debug的getMemoryInfo(Debug.MemoryInfo memoryInfo) 以及 getNativeHeapSize ()、getNativeHeapAllocatedSize ()、getNativeHeapFreeSize ()

1. static void getMemoryInfo(Debug.MemoryInfo memoryInfo)


2. static long getNativeHeapAllocatedSize()


3. static long getNativeHeapFreeSize()


4. static long getNativeHeapSize()



方式四:使用dumpsys meminfo命令

我们可以在adb shell 中运行dumpsys meminfo命令来得到进程的内存信息。在该命令的后面要加上进程的名字,以确定是哪个进程。比如"adb shell dumpsys meminfo com.teleca.robin.test" 将得到com.teleca.robin.test进程使用的内存的信息:

Applications Memory Usage (kB):
Uptime: 12101826 Realtime: 270857936
** MEMINFO in pid 3407 [com.teleca.robin.test] **
                    native   dalvik    other    total
size:             3456     3139      N/A     6595
allocated:     3432     2823      N/A     6255
free:             23      316      N/A      339
(Pss):          724     1101     1070     2895
(shared dirty):     1584     4540     1668     7792
(priv dirty):   644      608      688     1940
Views:              0        ViewRoots:        0
 AppContexts:  0       Activities:        0
Assets:             3    AssetManagers:        3
Local Binders:           5    Proxy Binders:       11
Death Recipients:      0
OpenSSL Sockets:    0
SQL heap:                 0       memoryUsed:        0
pageCacheOverflo:   0  largestMemAlloc:        0
Asset Allocations zip:/data/app/com.teleca.robin.test-1.apk:/resources.arsc: 1K

"size" 表示的是总内存大小KB, 

"allocated" 表示的是已使用了的内存大小KB


方式五:使用 "adb shell procrank"命令

如果你想查看所有进程的内存使用情况,可以使用"adb shell procrank"命令。命令返回将如下:

PID      Vss      Rss      Pss      Uss  cmdline
  188   75832K   51628K   24824K   19028K  system_server
  308   50676K   26476K    9839K    6844K  system_server
2834   35896K   31892K    9201K    6740K
  265   28536K   28532K    7985K    5824K
  100   29052K   29048K    7299K    4984K  zygote
  258   27128K   27124K    7067K    5248K
  270   25820K   25816K    6752K    5420K
1253   27004K   27000K    6489K    4880K
2898   26620K   26616K    6204K    3408K
  297   26180K   26176K    5886K    4548K
3157   24140K   24136K    5191K    4272K  android.process.acore
2854   23304K   23300K    4067K    2788K
3604   22844K   22840K    4036K    3060K  com.wssyncmldm
  592   23372K   23368K    3987K    2812K
3000   22768K   22764K    3844K    2724K  com.tmobile.selfhelp
  101    8128K    8124K    3649K    2996K  /system/bin/mediaserver
3473   21792K   21784K    3103K    2164K
3407   22092K   22088K    2982K    1980K  com.teleca.robin.test
2840   21380K   21376K    2953K    1996K



注意1:这里的PSS和方式四PSS的total并不一致,有细微的差别。为什么呢?这是因为procrank 命令和meminfo命令使用的内核机制不太一样,所以结果会有细微差别

注意2:这里的Uss 和方式四的Priv Dirtyd的total几乎相等,他们似乎表示的是同一个意义。但是现在得到的关于它们的意义的解释却不太相同。难道这里Private的都是dirty(这里指不能换页)? 

方式六:使用"adb shell cat /proc/meminfo" 命令


MemTotal:         395144 kB
MemFree:          184936 kB
Buffers:             880 kB
Cached:            84104 kB
SwapCached:            0 kB

MemTotal :可供系统和用户使用的总内存大小 (它比实际的物理内存要小,因为还有些内存要用于radio, DMA buffers, 等).

MemFree:剩余的可用内存大小。这里该值比较大,实际上一般Android system 的该值通常都很小,因为我们尽量让进程都保持运行,这样会耗掉大量内存。

Cached: 这个是系统用于文件缓冲等的内存. 通常systems需要20MB 以避免bad paging states;。当内存紧张时,the Android out of memory killer将杀死一些background进程,以避免他们消耗过多的cached RAM ,当然如果下次再用到他们,就需要paging. 那么是说background进程的内存包含在该项中吗?

方式七:使用“adb shell ps -x”命令

该方式主要得到的是内存信息是VSIZE 和RSS:

USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME
app_70    3407  100   267104 22056 ffffffff afd0eb18 S com.teleca.robin.test (u:55, s:12)
app_7     3473  100   268780 21784 ffffffff afd0eb18 S (u:16, s:8)
radio     3487  100   267980 21140 ffffffff afd0eb18 S (u:11, s:12)
system    3511  100   273232 22024 ffffffff afd0eb18 S (u:11, s:4)
app_15    3546  100   267900 20300 ffffffff afd0eb18 S (u:15, s:6)
app_59    3604  100   272028 22856 ffffffff afd0eb18 S com.wssyncmldm (u:231, s:54)
root      4528  2     0      0     c0141e4c 00000000 S flush-138:13 (u:0, s:0)
root      4701  152   676    336   c00a68c8 afd0e7cc S /system/bin/sh (u:0, s:0)
root      4702  4701  820    340   00000000 afd0d8bc R ps (u:0, s:5)


(reported as VSZ from ps) is the total accessible address space of a process. This size also includes memory that may not be resident in RAM like mallocs that have been allocated but not written to. VSS is of very little use for determing real memory usage of a process.

RSS is the total memory actually held in RAM for a process. RSS can be misleading, because it reports the total all of the shared libraries that the process uses, even though a shared library is only loaded into memory once regardless of how many processes use it. RSS is not an accurate representation of the memory usage for a single process.

PSS differs from RSS in that it reports the proportional size of its shared libraries, i.e. if three processes all use a shared library that has 30 pages, that library will only contribute 10 pages to the PSS that is reported for each of the three processes. PSS is a very useful number because when the PSS for all processes in the system are summed together, that is a good representation for the total memory usage in the system. When a process is killed, the shared libraries that contributed to its PSS will be proportionally distributed to the PSS totals for the remaining processes still using that library. In this way PSS can be slightly misleading, because when a process is killed, PSS does not accurately represent the memory returned to the overall system.

USS is the total private memory for a process, i.e. that memory that is completely unique to that process. USS is an extremely useful number because it indicates the true incremental cost of running a particular process. When a process is killed, the USS is the total memory that is actually returned to the system. USS is the best number to watch when initially suspicious of memory leaks in a process.


一般来说内存占用大小有如下规律:VSS >= RSS >= PSS >= USS