python中英文翻译有道翻译api pythons翻译_python




打开源代码,找到s生成的位置 (漫长~~),可以按Ctrl+Shift+F调出搜索功能,全局搜索's',也可以在所有的js文件中Ctrl+F搜索's'。

's'生成位置:top/美观化后的第2962行 稍微往上看一下(2951行)会发现s就是"".concat(p).concat(m).concat(l).concat(O))。

python中英文翻译有道翻译api pythons翻译_json_02

 有一个Python第三方库叫execjs可以运行javascript脚本,牢记缺啥补啥大法 利用断点调试 将每一个需要的 函数 都复制到本地的一个(*.js)文件里。




python中英文翻译有道翻译api pythons翻译_json_03



function rotl(t, n) {
	return t << n | t >>> 32 - n

function crypt_endian(t){
    if (t.constructor == Number)
        return 16711935 & rotl(t, 8) | 4278255360 & rotl(t, 24);
    for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
        t[n] = crypt_endian(t[n]);
    return t

function _ff(t, n, r, e, o, i, u) {
	const a = t + (n & r | ~n & e) + (o >>> 0) + u;
	return (a << i | a >>> 32 - i) + n
function _gg(t, n, r, e, o, i, u) {
	const a = t + (n & e | r & ~e) + (o >>> 0) + u;
	return (a << i | a >>> 32 - i) + n
function _hh(t, n, r, e, o, i, u) {
	const a = t + (n ^ r ^ e) + (o >>> 0) + u;
	return (a << i | a >>> 32 - i) + n
function _ii(t, n, r, e, o, i, u) {
	const a = t + (r ^ (n | ~e)) + (o >>> 0) + u;
	return (a << i | a >>> 32 - i) + n

function crypt_bytesToWords(t) {
    for (var n = [], r = 0, e = 0; r < t.length; r++,
    e += 8)
        n[e >>> 5] |= t[r] << 24 - e % 32;
    return n

function isBuffer(t){
    return null != t && (r(t) || function(t) {
        return "function" == typeof t.readFloatLE && "function" == typeof t.slice && r(t.slice(0, 0))
    }(t) || !!t._isBuffer)

function utf8_stringToBytes(t){
	return bin_stringToBytes(unescape(encodeURIComponent(t)))

function bin_stringToBytes(t){
    for (var n = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
        n.push(255 & t.charCodeAt(r));
    return n

function crypt_wordsToBytes(t){
	for (var n = []  , r = 0; r < 32 * t.length; r += 8)
		n.push(t[r >>> 5] >>> 24 - r % 32 & 255);
	return n

function md5(t ,n){
	t.constructor == String ? t = n && "binary" === n.encoding ? bin_stringToBytes(t) : utf8_stringToBytes(t) : isBuffer(t) ? t =  , 0) : Array.isArray(t) || (t = t.toString());
	const r = crypt_bytesToWords(t)
	    , e = 8 * t.length;
	let o = 1732584193
	    , i = -271733879
	    , u = -1732584194
	    , a = 271733878;
	for (var c = 0; c < r.length; c++)
r[c] = 16711935 & (r[c] << 8 | r[c] >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (r[c] << 24 | r[c] >>> 8);
	r[e >>> 5] |= 128 << e % 32  ,
	r[14 + (e + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = e;
	const f = _ff
	  , s = _gg
	  , l = _hh
	  , h = _ii;
	for (c = 0; c < r.length; c += 16) {
		const t = o
		  , n = i
		  , e = u
		  , p = a;
		o = f(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 0]  , 7  , -680876936)  ,
		a = f(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 1]  , 12  , -389564586)  ,
		u = f(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 2]  , 17  , 606105819)  ,
		i = f(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 3]  , 22  , -1044525330)  ,
		o = f(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 4]  , 7  , -176418897)  ,
		a = f(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 5]  , 12  , 1200080426)  ,
		u = f(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 6]  , 17  , -1473231341)  ,
		i = f(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 7]  , 22  , -45705983)  ,
		o = f(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 8]  , 7  , 1770035416)  ,
		a = f(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 9]  , 12  , -1958414417)  ,
		u = f(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 10]  , 17  , -42063)  ,
		i = f(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 11]  , 22  , -1990404162)  ,
		o = f(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 12]  , 7  , 1804603682)  ,
		a = f(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 13]  , 12  , -40341101)  ,
		u = f(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 14]  , 17  , -1502002290)  ,
		i = f(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 15]  , 22  , 1236535329)  ,
		o = s(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 1]  , 5  , -165796510)  ,
		a = s(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 6]  , 9  , -1069501632)  ,
		u = s(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 11]  , 14  , 643717713)  ,
		i = s(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 0]  , 20  , -373897302)  ,
		o = s(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 5]  , 5  , -701558691)  ,
		a = s(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 10]  , 9  , 38016083)  ,
		u = s(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 15]  , 14  , -660478335)  ,
		i = s(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 4]  , 20  , -405537848)  ,
		o = s(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 9]  , 5  , 568446438)  ,
		a = s(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 14]  , 9  , -1019803690)  ,
		u = s(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 3]  , 14  , -187363961)  ,
		i = s(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 8]  , 20  , 1163531501)  ,
		o = s(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 13]  , 5  , -1444681467)  ,
		a = s(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 2]  , 9  , -51403784)  ,
		u = s(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 7]  , 14  , 1735328473)  ,
		i = s(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 12]  , 20  , -1926607734)  ,
		o = l(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 5]  , 4  , -378558)  ,
		a = l(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 8]  , 11  , -2022574463)  ,
		u = l(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 11]  , 16  , 1839030562)  ,
		i = l(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 14]  , 23  , -35309556)  ,
		o = l(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 1]  , 4  , -1530992060)  ,
		a = l(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 4]  , 11  , 1272893353)  ,
		u = l(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 7]  , 16  , -155497632)  ,
		i = l(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 10]  , 23  , -1094730640)  ,
		o = l(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 13]  , 4  , 681279174)  ,
		a = l(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 0]  , 11  , -358537222)  ,
		u = l(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 3]  , 16  , -722521979)  ,
		i = l(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 6]  , 23  , 76029189)  ,
		o = l(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 9]  , 4  , -640364487)  ,
		a = l(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 12]  , 11  , -421815835)  ,
		u = l(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 15]  , 16  , 530742520)  ,
		i = l(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 2]  , 23  , -995338651)  ,
		o = h(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 0]  , 6  , -198630844)  ,
		a = h(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 7]  , 10  , 1126891415)  ,
		u = h(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 14]  , 15  , -1416354905)  ,
		i = h(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 5]  , 21  , -57434055)  ,
		o = h(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 12]  , 6  , 1700485571)  ,
		a = h(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 3]  , 10  , -1894986606)  ,
		u = h(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 10]  , 15  , -1051523)  ,
		i = h(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 1]  , 21  , -2054922799)  ,
		o = h(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 8]  , 6  , 1873313359)  ,
		a = h(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 15]  , 10  , -30611744)  ,
		u = h(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 6]  , 15  , -1560198380)  ,
		i = h(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 13]  , 21  , 1309151649)  ,
		o = h(o  , i  , u  , a  , r[c + 4]  , 6  , -145523070)  ,
		a = h(a  , o  , i  , u  , r[c + 11]  , 10  , -1120210379)  ,
		u = h(u  , a  , o  , i  , r[c + 2]  , 15  , 718787259)  ,
		i = h(i  , u  , a  , o  , r[c + 9]  , 21  , -343485551)  ,
		o = o + t >>> 0  ,
		i = i + n >>> 0  ,
		u = u + e >>> 0  ,
		a = a + p >>> 0
	return crypt_endian([o  , i  , u  , a])

function crypt_bytesToHex(t) {
	for (var n = []  , r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
		n.push((t[r] >>> 4).toString(16))  ,
		n.push((15 & t[r]).toString(16));
	return n.join("")

function cal(t  , n){
	if (null == t)
		throw new Error(`Illegal argument ${t}`);
	const r = crypt_wordsToBytes(md5(t  , n));
	return n && n.asBytes ? r : n && n.asString ? bin_bytesToString(r) : crypt_bytesToHex(r)


import requests;import execjs;import json

class Sougou_Translate_API():
	def __init__(self, word, _from_, _to_):
		zh-CHS(汉语),   en(英语),     ar(阿拉伯语),
		pl(波兰语),    da(丹麦语),     de(德语),
		ru(俄语),      fr(法语),      fi(芬兰语),
		ko(韩语),     nl(荷兰语),     cs(捷克语),
		pt(葡萄牙语),   ja(日语),      sv(瑞典语),
		th(泰语),     tr(土耳其语),    es(西班牙语),
		hu(匈牙利语), it(意大利语),   vi(越南语)

		self.word   = word
		self._from_ = _from_
		self._to_   = _to_

		self.url = ''
		self.Cookie = self.get_Cookie()
		self.headers = {
		'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
		'Cookie': self.Cookie,
		'User-Agent': '您的User-Agent'

		self.s = self.get_s()
		self.uuid = 'a9d37792-8b7b-4428-be78-929f4d67f23f'#没有啥特别影响的参数直接找一个就行 = {
		"exchange": 'true'#也可以是'false'

		r =, data=json.dumps(, headers=self.headers)
		self.response = r.json()

	def get_Cookie(self):
		with open('Cookie.txt', 'r') as f:
			Cookie =
		return Cookie

	def get_s(self):
		t = self._from_+self._to_+self.word+"您的秘密代码"#断一下点,自己去找
		with open('JSON.js', encoding='utf-8') as f:
			ctx = execjs.compile(js)
		result ='cal',t)#调用JSON.js里的cal函数
		return result

	def result(self):#翻译结果
		return self.response['data']['translate']['dit']

	def film_example(self):#影视原声
		book = self.response['data']['book']
		if bool(book):
			return None
			return book

	def bilingual_example(self):#双语例句
		know = self.response['data']['detail']
		if bool(know):
			return None
			if 'bilingual' in know:
				return know["bilingual"]		

	def entry(self):#百科知识
		know = self.response['data']['detail']
		if bool(know):
			return None
			if 'baike' in know:
				return know["baike"]["list"]

	def word_group(self):#词组
		know = self.response['data']['detail']
		if bool(know):
			return None
			if 'word_group' in know:
				wg = know["word_group"]
				ret = []
				for i in wg:
				return ret

	def slef_info(self):#输入文本的信息
		return {"detect":self.response["data"]["detect"]["detect"],"language":self.response["data"]["detect"]["language"]}

	def voice(self):#输入文本的读音
		return self.response["data"]["voice"]




python中英文翻译有道翻译api pythons翻译_JSON_04


python中英文翻译有道翻译api pythons翻译_爬虫_05


python中英文翻译有道翻译api pythons翻译_JSON_06


python中英文翻译有道翻译api pythons翻译_爬虫_07




>>>import execjs