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#切换数据库 use
use shopping ;

语法:select 字段 from 表明 where 条件
select * from student; #从student 里查询所有字段(*代表所有信息)
select name from student; #从student 里查询name栏
select age ,name from student; #从student 里查询name和age栏,字段之间用英文逗号隔开。
select * from student where name=‘周瑜’; #查询周瑜信息
select age,name from student where name=‘周瑜’; #查询周瑜的年龄信息

2.模糊查 like(一般和通配符%连用)
select * from student where name like ‘曹%’; #首字是曹的
select * from student where name like ‘%操’; #尾字是操的
select * from student where name like ‘%貂%’; #名字中带貂字的
select * from student where name like ‘曹_’; #下划线占位,一个下划线代表后面有一个字
select * from student where name like '曹
_’; #_下划线占位,两个下划线代表后面有两个字
select * from student where tel like ‘%5670’; #Tel字段尾号为5670的人的所有信息
select * from student where tel like ‘%5670%’; #Tel字段中有5670的人的所有信息

3.大于 小于 等于 不等于
select * from student where age =‘21’; #查找21岁的人的所有字段(id name age sex home tel bbb称为字段)
select * from student where age<=‘50’ and age>=‘20’;
select * from student where age<=‘20’ or age>=‘50’;
select * from student where age<‘40’ or age>‘40’; #年龄不是四十岁的人的所有字段
select * from student where age<>‘40’; #年龄不是四十岁的人的所有字段
select * from student where age!=‘40’; #年龄不是四十岁的人的所有字段
select name,age,tel from student where name =‘周瑜’ or name=‘小乔’; #查询周瑜和小乔的姓名 年龄 电话信息
select * from student where age =‘40’ and home=‘信阳’; #查询信阳的40岁的人
select * from score where score<‘80’ and subject=‘语文’; #查询语文成绩小于80的所有人的信息

4.between and
select * from student where age between ‘20’ and ‘50’;
select * from student where age between 20 and 50;#查找年龄在20与50之间的人的所有信息

5.统计 count(默认不包含空值)
select * from score;
select COUNT(distinct name) from score ;#distinct 区别 用于,统计去重后有几个人
select count(*) from (select distinct age, name from score) ss ;

6.去重 distinct
select distinct subject from score;
select distinct NAME,score from score;#对name 和xcore 相同的数据去重。
select * from student where name in (‘张飞’,‘周瑜’,‘小乔’,‘关羽’,‘孙权’);
select * from student where name not in (‘张飞’,‘周瑜’,‘小乔’,‘关羽’,‘孙权’);#查询不包含张飞…的信息
select * from student where name in (‘张飞’);
select * from student where tel is null;
select * from student where tel is not null;#查询电话号码不是空值的所有信息

select *from student;
Select sex,avg(age) from student where sex=‘男’;
select sum(age) from student;
select min(age) from student;
select max(age) from student;
select count(id) from student;#统计有多少个id,count后不能有空格

8.分组 group by
select avg(score) from score where subject =‘英语’; #求score 表里的英语成绩的平均分
select subject,avg(score) from score group by subject; #求score 表里的各科成绩的平均分
select subject,avg(score) from score group by subject order by avg (score) desc;
#求score 表里的各科成绩的平均分并把平均分按照降序排列
select name, avg(score) from score group by name; #求score 表中的每个人的成绩的平均分

Select name from score group by name having min(score)>80
select name,sum(score) from score group by name having sum(score)>500 ;
#求 score表中各科成绩总分大于500的人及对应成绩
select subject,sum(score) from score group by subject having sum(score)>411 order by sum(score) asc ;

10.排序 ORDER BY
select * from student order by age #字段后不加 asc 或 desc mysql 默认升序排列
select * from student where sex=‘男’ order by age desc;#男的降序排列
select * from student ORDER BY age asc,id desc;#先按照年龄升序排列,如果年龄一样则再按照ID降序排列
select * from student order by id desc ,age asc ;#如果di后不加desc
SELECT * from student order by CAST(age AS SIGNED) ASC ;
SELECT * from student order by age+0 ASC ;

11.取前几行 limit
select * from student limit 5;#取前五行(LIMIT 限制)
select * from student limit 5,3;#取过滤到前五行的下三行(取原表的6.7.8行)(偏移五个取三个)
select * from student where sex=‘男’ limit 3;
select * from student where sex =‘男’ order BY age asc limit 3;#将性别为男的按照年龄升序排列并取前三行

1.select 字段1,字段2 from 表格名 where 条件 group by 字段 having 条件 order by 字段1 desc,字段2 asc limit 3,3
select name,subject,sum(score)from score where name in(‘曹操’,‘孙权’) GROUP BY name having sum(score)>100 orDER BY sum(score) desc limit 1,2;
select id,age,sex,home from student
where age>'20’and age!=‘40’ and sex='男order by age desc,id desc limit 3,3;

**13.临时重命名 as **
对于字段太长时,可临时重命名,使结构看着简单易懂(在本语句中起作用,可加as 也可不加)。
select min(age)最小年龄 from student;
select max(age) as 最大年龄 from student;
select name 姓名,sex 性别 from student ;
select st.age,st.name from student st;#完整形式select student.age,student.name from student ;

14.多表联查 join on
条件 两个表至少有一个字段相同(无论内外连接)
把两个表格匹配条件相同的输出 ;
select * from student join score on student .name =score.name;
select student.name from student join score on student .name =score.name;
select * from student join score on student .name =score.name and student.name=‘曹操’;
select * from student join score on student .name =score.name where student.name=‘曹操’;
select * from student inner join score on student .name =score.name;#inner join 是join的完整写法
select * from student st join score sc on st .name =sc.name; #重命名
select * from student left join score on student.name = score.name;
select * from student left outer join score on student .name =score.name;#完整写法
select * from student right outer join score on student .name =score.name;
三表联查 找到一个中间表使,这个表分别至少有一个字段和另外两个表相同
select * from student st right outer join subject su on st.name =su.name
join score sc on su .subject =sc.subject;
select * from student;
select * from subject;
select * from score;
select * from student right join subject on student.name=subject.name join score on subject.subject=score.subject;

Select * from bao1,exelf;
#拼接两个字段无关联的两个表格 笛卡尔积(如果表1有三行数据,表2有四行数据,则拼接后的表格有12行数据。)

就是嵌套 一个SQL语句里面还有一个SQL语句。
select count(name) from (select name from student_transcript group by name having min(score)>80 )ss ;
#一张表A 中有id和home两个字段查询出name 重复的所有数据
select * from a where name in (select name from a group by name having count(name)>1 )

select count(distinct name) from student where age>40;
select count(name) from (select age,name from student group by name having age>40)cc;
select count(name) from student where name in (select name from student where age>40 group by name);

select * from account;
start transaction;
update account set account=account+5000 where name=‘小白’;
update account set account=account-5000 where name=‘小明’;

select * from information_schema.innodb_trx; #查询数据库正在执行的事务
show profiles; #查看数据库的历史SQL的执行时间
show PROCESSLIST; #查看数据库当前执行的sql
show tables; #查询数据库里的所有表格
desc student; #显示student表格中所有字段信息。