试了各种方法最后都提示 迁移用户数据失败,最后还是 磁盘工具里抹掉盘,重新安装系统,终于安装好







  • 前言
  • 开始前准备
  • 准备备份包
  • 修复
  • 修改访问权限
  • 装载 .sparsebundle
  • 重整文件系统
  • 正式修复
  • 修改配置
  • 恢复
  • 总结


最近用了4年的MBP的主板突然嗝屁了,大概可能应该是因为使用的第三方电源突然坏了。更惨的是遇上了苹果TimeMachine的备份缺陷/Bug导致几乎所有重要数据都无法恢复,300G的备份中恢复的系统只有几十G的数据,整个Documents文件夹是空空的,包括图片文件夹也是缺失很多数据。 在经历了一个星期的不断爬坑、尝试、重装N次系统等过程后最终找回了我想要找回的大部分数据,这篇文章把相关过程和经验简单整理一下,希望遇到同样问题的时候能给到一些帮助。


这篇文章里讨论的所有操作都是基于你手上有TimeMachine功能所生成的备份包,大部分系统上都是用 .sparsebundle 后缀来进行存储的,不管是备份到移动硬盘还是NAS上都会有这个包,先把这个备份包找出来。


  1. 不要盲目的去点击重新备份这个选项,甚至是覆盖原有备份等操作。网上有一类解决方案提到当发现丢失一些文件或文件夹后可以先在TimeMachine设置中进行过滤这些文件 -> 进行新的备份 -> 取消过滤操作 -> 再进行新的备份方式来触发恢复操作。我自己的血的教训就是原先300G的备份包经过这个操作后变成了180G左右,应该是彻底丢失了那些想要的数据。但是这个操作肯定也是能适用于一些场景的,如果想尝试可以先把原始备份包复制一份出来再尝试。
  2. 任何的修复、恢复、重新备份等操作前一定要确保,确保,确保永远都存在着一份原始备份包,以免各类操作导致原始备份包彻底变成垃圾。
  3. 可以考虑使用容量大一点的移动硬盘(1T及以上)来把备份包拷贝出来进行各类修复、恢复等操作。因为一般备份包都是几百G以上的大小,各类操作都是几个小时起步,基于稳定的物理连接进行各类操作还是有必要的,如果想通过WIFI来进行数据传输和修复那这个耗时可能是按天来算了。
  4. 进行任何操作时尽可能的把设备放在不容易动到的地方,以免误触导致断开链接,可能N个小时的操作需要从头再来。
  5. 恢复目标不要设定成完整的系统级别的恢复,我自己实际尝试结果来看的话几乎是不可能恢复100%。可以把目标设定成我只需要恢复重要的Documtents、重要的图片、重要的其他文件等,剩下的系统的东西我完全可以重新配置,一旦恢复到一些数据后一定要及时拷贝出来。

如果你觉得你的备份包损坏不严重,同时只是需要其中的一小部分文档,可以直接跳到最后的 恢复 那一节先进行尝试,如果失败责回到第一步重新开始。


苹果的TimeMachine备份包有两种后缀,分别是 .sparsebundle 和 .backupbundle.backupbundle 后缀是在 Catalina OS 中临时引入的,目前的系统中又恢复成了 .sparsebundle,这一系列骚操作应该也是导致各种数据丢失的原因之一。同时我也发现苹果的不同系统之间( Big sur 和 Catalina 或更早的系统)的备份包是无法100%互通的,比如你的最新备份是在 Big Sur 里面生成的,你想恢复数据最好是先把系统升级上来再用迁移助手进行恢复,在其他版本系统里是无法识别这个备份包的,这时候千万不要误认为这个备份包已经损坏而进行删除。

苹果还有一个骚操作就是有时会生成 .purgeable.sparsebundle,名称上也可以想到这个是废弃的备份包,产生的时机是苹果的TimeMachine提示原有备份已损坏是否要生成一个新备份时你点击了确认按钮,大概长这样:

timemachine备份位置 timemachine找不到备份_Apple


所以你需要准备的是 .sparsebundle 或 .purgeable.sparsebundle 两者其一,然后将其复制到移动硬盘中。






chflags -R nouchg "/Volumes/<TM backup name>/<mybackupname>.sparsebundle"

装载 .sparsebundle


hdiutil attach -nomount -readwrite -noverify -noautofsck "/Volumes/<TM backup name>/<mybackupname>.sparsebundle"


/dev/disk5 GUID_partition_scheme
/dev/disk5s1 EFI
/dev/disk5s2 Apple_HFS     <Your Volume name>

这里面有用的是第三行盘符,格式标记为 Apple_HFS,也就是备份包里面主要存储内容的地方,记住这个盘符名称 /dev/disk5s2,里面的 disk5s2 中数字5是每次装载的时候都有可能在变的。


//           -p      Preen the specified file systems.

fsck_hfs -p /dev/disk5s2

网上的有些方案中没有这一步,但是针对有损坏的备份包的话最好还是执行这一步。实际执行过程中可以观察到这一步是在不断循环的检测,修复大小错误,修复索引错误,会一直循环到没有发现问题为止。我自己的 .purgeable.sparsebundle 大小是700G左右,完整执行完这个命令大概花了7,8个小时,也是整个过程中耗时最长的一段。



//           -d      Display debugging information.  This option may provide useful information when fsck_hfs cannot repair a damaged file system.
//           -r      Rebuild the catalog btree.  This is synonymous with -Rc.
//           -f      When used with the -p option, force fsck_hfs to check `clean` file systems, otherwise it means force fsck_hfs to check and repair journaled HFS+ file systems.
//           -y      Always attempt to repair any damage that is found.

fsck_hfs -drfy /dev/diskxs2




每个备份包里面都会有几个配置文件,其中我们需要修改的是 com.apple.TimeMachine.MachineID.plist ,文件位置如下:

/Volumes/<TM backup name>/<mybackupname>.sparsebundle/com.apple.TimeMachine.MachineID.plist

可以使用 vi 命令或者直接使用文本编辑器找到如下地方并修改:


这样整个修复过程都结束,但是现不要着急拿着去恢复系统,先继续看下节 恢复。




// 装载正常的TimeMachine的.sparsebundle
hdiutil attach /Volumes/<TM backup name>/<mybackupname>.sparsebundle -readonly

然后就可以在终端或者Finder中直接访问到装载的备份包(在Finder中的话会显示在左侧中间 位置 那一块,就像挂载的移动硬盘一样,针对备份包可以右键显示包内容来查看里面内容),不断剥开文件夹,层层进入到里面就会发现备份包里的数据都按照之前备份过的日期为名称一个个的躺在那里,你需要的做的就是进入到需要的文件夹进行需要的拷贝。



至此整个过程都已结束,你可能意识到为什么没有重装系统的部分呢?我自己的踩坑经历来看不管如何修复有问题的备份包也无法做到系统的完全还原,我尝试了3-4次的重装系统,也尝试了不同系统版本的恢复(因为我的备份包里面分别有Catalina和Big Sur的备份),虽然最终恢复过程会走完,但是系统启动时会遇到各类缺失项的问题。


这一次还得到的一个教训就是不要太相信或者太确信一些事情,比如这次的过于相信苹果的TimeMachine功能而完全忽视可能的其他备份方案。如果不是从最后的一线希望 .purgeable.sparsebundle 中恢复到了数据,那就是直接导致我这些积累的重要文档全部丢失。


  1. 每次开始备份尽量让这个过程跑完,不要频繁的去中断它,这可能会加大文档丢失的可能性
  2. 跨系统版本的备份恢复通常兼容性很差,在不同系统中初次备份时尽可能确保之前的备份有拷贝出来,这样在出现异常的时候还可以恢复到旧备份中
  3. 在TimeMachine容量设定的不够大时可以考虑关闭自动备份,改成手动触发加上固定周期去备份,因为容量不够大同时每次需要同步的内容比较大时经常出现备份失败的情况
  4. 当出现系统提示以前的备份出现损坏的时候及时把当前的备份包以及重要数据拷贝出来,以免后患
  5. 重要的数据多一份备份方案永远是值得的





Fix corrupted Time Machine sparse bundles


Daniele Esposti's Blog, in 10 December 2016

I know that on the Internet there is an unlimited amout of articles and posts about how to solve the issue about corrupted Time Machine backups on our NASs. I have tried a lot of them when my backup has been corrupted but even following religiously their steps I didn’t get back a working backup.

This probably because Mac OS X introduced some changes during every release on how Time Machine works, making some repair process obsolete or not effective anymore. In this post I’ll describe the steps I took to fix my backup, bare in mind that it worked for me with Mac OS X 10.12.1 Sierra and I cannot guarantee that it’ll work with the previous and future versions of the OS.

Note: Before proceeding further please make a backup of your sparsebundle just in case something goes wrong and you can revert back to the original state

First become root

sudo su -

then reset the immutable flags in your sparsebundle, replacing network_share with where your sparsebundle resides and backup_name

chflags -R nouchg /Volumes/<network_share>/<backup_name>.sparsebundle

Now, this step is the one missing in the most on the solutions I found and only in some posts they suggest is, in my case this was the key step of the whole recovering process.

Edit the com.apple.TimeMachine.MachineID.plist

vim /Volumes/<network_share>/<backup_name>.sparsbundle/com.apple.TimeMachine.MachineID.plist

set the value of the key VerificationState to 0:


and delete the RecoveryBackupDeclinedDate


We are at the final stage when we first mount the sparse bundle:

hdiutil attach -nomount -noverify -noautofsck /Volumes/<network_share>/<backup_name>.sparsebundle

then looking at the output search for the Apple_HFSX

/dev/diskx Apple_partition_scheme
/dev/diskXs1 Apple_partition_map
/dev/diskXs2 Apple_HFSX

and launch the filesystem recovery tool against /dev/diskXs2, note that this step will take hours to complete so it’s better to let it run overnight:

fsck_hfs -drfy /dev/diskXs2

Once the verification is complete and the filesystem is fixed unmount the sparse bundle:

hdiutil detach /dev/diskXs2

At this point the Time Machine backup should be repaired and if you run the backup it will complete without issues.

I hope this will help and if you have any questions or updates please leave a comment to this post.



  • Jeffs-NT-MBP-2:dev root# hdiutil attach -nomount -noverify -noautofsck "/Volumes/TimeMachine/Jeff's NT MacBook Pro.sparsebundle"
    /dev/disk2 GUID_partition_scheme
    /dev/disk2s1 EFI
    /dev/disk2s2 Apple_HFS
    Jeffs-NT-MBP-2:dev root# fsck_hfs -drfy /dev/disk2s2
    Unable to open block device /dev/disk2s2: Operation not permittedjournal_replay(/dev/disk2s2) returned 1
    ** /dev/rdisk2s2 (NO WRITE)
    Can't open /dev/rdisk2s2: Operation not permitted
    If I mount with this command instead will it verify the file system, it is churning away doing something?
    Jeffs-NT-MBP-2:dev root# hdiutil attach "/Volumes/TimeMachine/Jeff's NT MacBook Pro.sparsebundle"

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timemachine备份位置 timemachine找不到备份_timemachine备份位置_02

yuppymike 3 years ago

When doing "hdiutil attach -nomount -noverify -noautofsck " followed by the sparsebundle location terminal still says "attach failed - image not recognised". And doesn't give any outputs etc.
Where should I be looking for Apple_HFSX? Thanks in advance!

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timemachine备份位置 timemachine找不到备份_bundle_03

Raz Yalov 3 years ago

timemachine备份位置 timemachine找不到备份_timemachine备份位置_04

Although the original post is old, it just saved my old backup and worked for me on the latest MacOS Mojave 10.14.
And the fact is: Apple support didn't know to offer this solution that is fully based on standard tools in the OS, shame.
Note: I have ran multiple disk checks on the physical containing disk itself with no errors found. The error was really inside the sparsebundle disk image itself. It took it a few good hours to complete, but it found and repaired the image and now my backup is working again without losing my backup history.
Thanks for this useful article.
I feel like Apple, or someone else should pick up the glove and turn this into a small Time Machine backup repair tool for remote backups.

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Jeff Lerman 4 years ago

I know this post is nearly 3 years old, but just wanted to say Thank You!! - this worked for me! I'm (still) running High Sierra, and had a NAS (Synology) Time Machine volume fail verification, with the dreaded message to the effect that I could either let the system nuke my old backups and start over, or... delay, and do that later :(.

Following your advice I was able to get the volume repaired, and backups are now succeeding again; I've confirmed that my older snapshots (going back a few years!) are still available in the Time Machine sparsebundle. I now plan to make a backup of my TM volume - I'd never realized how volatile it might be!

I did have to run fsck_hfs a couple of times in a row; the first time it failed (after doing some repair) with the message that it wasn't able to fix things after 3 tries. Second time completed successfully. Also, the chflags step was taking a long time and I think I lost the connection to the volume (machine went to sleep) while it was working; I ended up skipping the remainder of that step and everything else still worked fine.

I definitely recommend using a wired connection rather than WiFi to the network while doing all this; in my case with a 1.4GB TM volume, each run of fsck_hfs took hours (not sure how many - somewhere between 2 and 10).


台湾朋友的文章,跟我的很像,过程也很像,也是恢复的途中,嫌弃速度太慢,更换恢复方式(我是想切换网络),结果,就出现 备份文件中找不到卷宗的提示了



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先前把一顆快要掛掉的外借硬碟用carbon copy cloner做成硬碟映像檔

(sparsebundle非sparseimage, 跟time machine同一格式),然後正努力

把檔案都集中放入NAS主機裡面, 也不確定怎麼發生的,本來是覺得直接







的照片就這樣直接say byebye(好不容易救回來難道又要消失了)





指令為hdiutil attach -nomount -noverify -noautofsck

/Volumes/{name of your disk}/{name of}.sparsebundle

掛載後理論上會出現 /dev/disk1(或其他數字) 映像檔的名稱,

但映像檔掛掉所以出現訊息是/dev/disk4 後面沒有名稱


指令為fsck_hfs -drfy /dev/disk4(看顯示的磁碟代號是什麼,最後就照著輸入)

但輸入後發生B-tree node錯誤,又開始下一輪google,發現是



