Could not calculate build plan: Pluginorg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependenciescould not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor fororg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.5
Pluginorg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependenciescould not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor fororg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:jar:2.5
This erroroccurs when you employ a plugin that Maven could not download. Possible causesfor this error are:
- You are referring to a non-existing plugin, e.g. by means of a typo in its group id, artifact id or version.
- You are using a third-party Maven plugin that is not deployed to the central Maven repository and your POM/settings is missing the required <pluginRepository> to download the plugin. Note that <repository> declarations are not considered when looking for the plugin and its dependencies, only <pluginRepositories> are searched for plugins.
- The plugin repository you have configured requires authentication and Maven failed to provide the correct credentials to the server. In this case, make sure your${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml contains a <server> declaration whose <id> matches the <id> of the plugin repository to use. See the Maven Settings Reference for more details.
- There is a general network problem that prevents Maven from accessing any remote repository, e.g. a missing proxy configuration.
- Maven failed to save the files to your local repository, see LocalRepositoryNotAccessibleException for more details.
- The plugin repository you have configured is disabled for the specific version of the plugin you requested. For instance, if you want to use a SNAPSHOT version of a plugin, make sure you don't have <snapshots><enabled>false</enabled></snapshots> configured. Likewise, in order to resolve a released version of the plugin, the plugin repository should not be configured with <releases><enabled>false</enabled></releases>. See the POM Reference for more information on repository configuration.
1. 你引用了一个不存在的插件
<snapshots><enabled>false</enabled></snapshots> 同样,<releases><enabled>false</enabled></releases>.这个也不行。
我出现这个错误的原因是Settings 里没有配置中央仓库,之前做项目时只配置了私服,本地没有的jar包都是由私服拉取的。 这会自己敲例子用到的jar包私服上没有,于是就出现了这个错误。配置好中央仓库就没问题了。
<!--包含需要连接到远程仓库的信息 -->
<!--远程仓库唯一标识 -->
<!--远程仓库名称 -->
<!--如何处理远程仓库里发布版本的下载 -->
<!--true或者false表示该仓库是否为下载某种类型构件(发布版,快照版)开启。 -->
<!--always(一直),daily(默认,每日),interval:X(这里X是以分钟为单位的时间间隔),或者never(从不)。 -->
<!--ignore(忽略),fail(失败),或者warn(警告)。 -->
<!--例如,可能有人会决定只为开发目的开启对快照版本下载的支持。参见repositories/repository/releases元素 -->
<enabled />
<updatePolicy />
<checksumPolicy />
<!--远程仓库URL,按protocol://hostname/path形式 -->
<!--Maven 2为其仓库提供了一个默认的布局;然而,Maven 1.x有一种不同的布局。我们可以使用该元素指定布局是default(默认)还是legacy(遗留)。 -->