
website ['websaɪt]
	例:You can visit our company's website for more detailed information about our company and products.
	商:website development 网站开发/website design 网站设计/website construction 网站建设
shoot up 猛涨
	例:If interest rates keep on shooting up, the real estate market will crack.
pretend [prɪ'tend] v.假装;假扮 adj.假装的;想象的
	例:He went to America to travel, but he pretended to go there on business.
	搭:pretend to sth.自诩,自称有/pretend to do 假装做某事
	派:pretender n.觊觎者/pretension n.虚荣;自命不凡
marketplace ['mɑːkɪtpleɪs] n.市场,集市;商业市场
	例:We should maintain fair and effective competition in the marketplace.
handle ['hændl] vt.处理,应付;操作 vi.操纵 n.柄,把手
	例:It is impossible for the companies to handle this problem all by themselves.
	派:mishandle vt.错误地处理;虐待/handler n.处理者;操作者
first aid 急救
	例:It is quite necessary for every employee to know a little about first aid in the factory.
painkiller ['peɪnkɪlə(r)] n.止痛药
	例:Under the pressure of inflation, what we need is not a painkiller, but an effective prescription.
	派:painkilling adj.止痛的(例:painkilling drugs 止痛药)
adhere [əd'hɪə(r)] vi.附着;坚持;支持 vt.使黏附
	例:All the staff must strictly adhere to the code of practice in the company.
	搭:adhere to 坚持/adhere to the principle of scientific development 坚持科学发展的原则
	派:adherence n.坚持(例:strict adherence to the constitution 严格遵守宪法)/adherent n.支持者,拥护者 adj.附着的
liquid ['lɪkwɪd] adj.液体的;易转换成现款的 n.液体 
	例:Residents prefer to hoard their wealth in liquid assets rather than invest them in new capital projects because of uncertainty in economic development.
	商:liquid assets 流动资产
	派:liquidity n.资产流动性;资产变现能力(例:liquidity ratio 流动比率;清偿能力比率)
style [staɪl] n.风格,文体;式样;流行式样,时尚 vt.(根据新款式)设计
	例:The car manufactures changed the design styles of their cars to meet the demand of different consumers.
	商:leadership style 领导风格/product style 产品风格/classical style 经典款式
	搭:style...on 模仿...的风格/in great/great style 气派;气势非凡
	派:stylish adj.时髦的;新潮的;高雅的/stylistic adj.文体的

keep [ki:p] vt.保持;经营;遵守 vi.保持;(商店等)开着;逗留 n.保持;生计;生活费
	例:Despite the financial crisis, China still keeps a robust development momentum in the national economy.
	商:keep a restaurant 开了一家餐馆/earn one's keep 赚取生活费
	搭:keep abreast of 与...并驾齐驱;了解...的最新情况/keep up with 赶得上;和...保持联系/keep promise 信守诺言
	派:keeper n.看守人;保管人
focus ['fəʊkəs] n.焦点;中心;清晰;焦距 v.集中;聚焦
	例:The international community is now focusing on the issue of greenhouse gases emissions.
	搭:focus group 焦点小组;(为民意测验而选定的)典型群众/focus on 集中于
	派:focused adj.注意力集中的
round [raʊnd] adj.用整数表示的;圆形的;来回的 adv.循环地;在周围,到处 prep.环绕;绕过 vt.绕过;使...成圆形
	例:The production manager and workers had to work round the clock to meet the deadline of the delivery.
	搭:in round figures 以整数计算(或表示)/round about 在附近;大约/ 使...圆满结束
clutter ['klʌtə(r)] n.杂乱,混乱 vt.使凌乱;胡乱地填满
	例:There are fewer ads on each page of the newspaper, which reduces visual clutter for the viewers.
	派:cluttered adj.杂乱的;凌乱的(例:a cluttered mind 杂乱无序的思路)
undertake [,ʌndə'teɪk] vt.承担;着手做;同意,保证
	例:The property developer undertakes that they will greatly reduce the housing price to address the needs of common people.
	派:undertaking n.承诺,事业(例:commercial/financial undertaking 商业/金融事业)/undertaker n.承办人;殡仪业者
regime [reɪ'ʒi:m] n.政体,社会制度;管理体制
	商:tax regime 税收管理体制/drastic regime of economic reform 雷厉风行的经济改革
	搭:totalitarian/military regime 集权政体/军事政权
yield [ji:ld] n.产量;收益 vi.屈服;让步 vt.生产,产出;沉溺于
	商:gross yield 毛收益/dividend yield 股息生息率/yield curve 收益率曲线/yield gap 收益差额
	搭:yield to 屈从于;让位于
	派:yielding adj.带来收益的;柔软的;顺从的(例:high yielding crops 高作产物)
	We are happy that our investment in the emerging market yielded high profits.
disposable [dɪ'spəʊzəbl] adj.一次性的;可自由支配的
	商:disposable income 可支配收入/disposable assets/capital/resources 可支配财产/资本/资源
	搭:disposable camera 一次性相机
reciprocal [rɪ'sɪprəkl] adj.相互的;互惠的
	商:reciprocal trading 互惠贸易/reciprocal agreement 互惠协定/reciprocal benefit 互惠互利
	派:reciprocally adv.相互地;互惠地
foundry ['faʊndri] n.铸造车间,铸造厂
	搭:iron founfry 铸铁厂/foundry worker 铸造工人

receipt [rɪ'si:t] n.收条,收据;收到;[pl.]收入,进款
	商:net/gross receipt 净/总收入/make out a receipt 填写收据
	搭:in receipt of 收到/on/upon receipt of 一收到...即
	M: When will we get the payment?
	W: It will be arranged upon receipt of the goods.
cement [sɪ'ment] vt.用水泥黏合;加强,巩固 vi.粘紧,凝结 n.水泥;纽带,凝聚力
	例:Frequent economic cooperation could cement the friendship between different countries.
	搭:the cement of society 社会维系的纽带/cement floor 水泥地板
	派:cementation n.胶结,黏结
recoup [rɪ'ku:p] vt.收回(成本);弥补(亏损),补偿
	例:It is difficult for the investors to recoup their investment from the project in the short run.
	商:recoup the losses 弥补损失
risk [rɪsk] n.危险,风险;保险对象 vt.冒险做;冒...的危险;使遭受...的危险
	例:She is ambitious and risks all her capital on the new project.
	商:financial risk 财政风险/risk capital 风险资本/risk-free investment 零风险投资
	搭:at the risk of 冒着...的风险/risk doing sth.冒险做某事/at one's own risk 自担风险,责任自负
	派:risky adj.危险的;冒险的(例:a risky investment 有风险的投资)/risk-taker n.冒险者;风险承担者
output ['aʊtput] n.产量;输出,输出功率 vt.输出(信息、数据等)
	商:increase/maintain/reduce output 提高/维持/减少产量
	搭:information output 信息输出/output device 输出设备/output data 输出数据
board [bɔːd] n.木板,纸板;伙食;董事会,理事会 vt.上(船、车或飞机) vi.登机,上传;搭伙,膳宿
	例:Ann will put forward her recommendation to the board before next Monday.
	商:board meeting 董事会议/board of directors 董事会/board of governors 理事会,总裁委员会
	搭:on board 在船(或飞机)上/above board 光明正大的,公开的/remove sb. from the board 取消某人的董事资格
	派:boarder n.付费寄宿者;寄膳宿者
statement ['steɪtmənt] n.陈述,声明,说法;结算单,报表;财务报告;借贷对照表
	例:The official statement reveals that it is very hard to curb the uprising trend of housing prices in the short run.
	商:statement of account 对账单,账目报表/bank statement 银行结单报表/financial statement 财务报表/income statement 损益表
	搭:public/written statement 公开/书面声明/make/issue a statement 发表声明
frame [freɪm] n.框架;结构 vt.表达;制定
	例:The convention is held in emergency to frame a mechanism to cope with the global economic crisis.
	搭:be in/out of frame 参加/不参加/time frame 时间范围
antitrust [,ænti'trʌst] adj.反垄断的,反托拉斯的
	商:antitrust law 反垄断法/antitrust investigation 反垄断调查/antitrust regulator 反垄断监管机构
handout ['hændaʊt] n.捐赠品;救济品;政府拨款;传单;讲义
	例:The poor man lost his job three months ago and he has to live on handouts now.
	搭:circulate/print handouts 传阅/打印宣传材料

favourable ['feɪvərəbl] adj.优惠的;有利的;赞许的;良好的
	商:favourable terms 优惠的条件
	搭:favourable comments 好评/favourable conditions 有利条件
	派:favourably adv.顺利地;优惠地;亲切地
	M: Alan has been promoted three times in two months.
	W: He is very clever and he made a favourable impression on his boss during the interview.
outgoing ['aʊtgəʊɪŋ] n.[pl.]外出;开支 adj.即将离职的;友好的;外向的
	商:incomings and outgoings 收入和支出
	搭:outgoing manager/government 即将离职的经理/下台的政府/outgoing flight 离境航班
exclusive [ɪk'sklu:sɪv] adj.专用的;排外的;排斥的;高档的
	例:The two options are not mutually exclusive. 
	商:exclusive agent 独家代理/exclusive hotel 高档宾馆
	搭:exclusive of 不包括;除...之外
	派:exclusively adv.专门地,单独地
eye contact 眼神交流
	例:Eye contact plays an important role in international business negotiation and it can help you better understand your counterpart's intention.
absent ['æbsənt] adj.缺席的;不在的,不参与的
	商:absent without official leave 擅离职守
	搭:be absent from 缺席 
	M: Why has Jennifer been absent from work recently?
	W: She went to Guangzhou to attend the Canton Fair last week and will be back tomorrow.
perception [pə'sepʃn] n.观念,认识;洞察力
	例:He shows keen perception in his analysis of risk assessment.
	派:perceptible adj.可察觉到的,可感知的(例:perceptible influence 可以察觉的影响)/perceptive adj.有洞察力的;感觉的(例:highly perceptive comment 见地高明的评论)
undercapitalised [,ʌndə'kæpɪtəlaɪzd] adj.资金不足的
	例:The undercapitalised company destroyed itself by overtrading.
up-to-date [,ʌptə'deɪt] adj.最新的;现代的;跟上时代的
	例:For the better development of our enterprise, we have to keep up-to-date on the latest information in our industry.
	商:up-to-date goods/technology 最新的产品/技术
qualified ['kwɒlɪfaɪd] adj.有资格的,合格的;有限制的,有保留的
	例:You are the expert in this field, so you are fully qualified to make some suggestions on the improvement of the performance of the product.
	商:qualified accountant 合格的会计
	搭:qualified support 有限度的支持/be highly qualified 高度合格
diplomatic [,dɪplə'mætɪk] adj.外交的;有手腕的;灵活多变的
	例:We hope to settle the disputes with another company through more diplomatic means.
	搭:establish/break off diplomatic relations 建立/断绝外交关系/Diplomatic Service 外交部门
	派:diplomatically adv.外交上/diplomatist(=diplomat) n.外交官;善于交际的人

Eurocurrency ['jʊərəʊ,kʌrənsi] n.欧洲货币
	商:Eurocurrency loan/market/agreement 欧洲货币贷款/市场/协定
passive ['pæsɪv] adj.被动的
	例:You have no future in the company if you are just so passive and only to what the manager asks you to do.
	派:passively adv.被动地/passivity n.被动(性)
motivate ['məʊtɪveɪt] vt.激励,激发;构成...的动机
	例:They motivated the workers to work more efficiently by providing them with better welfare.
	派:motiavted adj.有动机的;有积极性的(例:highly motivated employees 积极性很高的雇员)/motivation n.积极性;动机
anniversary [,ænɪ'vɜːsəri] n.周年纪念日
	例:All the Chinese people warmly celebrated the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China on October 1st,2009.
	搭:wedding anniversary 结婚周年纪念日/anniversary celebrations 周年庆活动/commemorate the anniversary 庆祝周年纪念日
designate ['dezɪgneɪt] vt.指定;指派;标出 adj.已任命未就职的
	例:Our product is designated as the only dairy product for government procurement.
	搭:designate sb. to do 指派某人做/designate sb./sth. as 指定...为;任命...为
	派:designated adj.指定的(例:designated supplier 指定的供应商)
downturn ['daʊntɜːn] n.低迷时期;下降趋势
	商:economic downturn 经济低迷/downturn in sales/business 销售/营业额下降/undergo a downturn 经历低迷期
	The influential leaders are discussing how to cope with the impact of the global downturn.
emotional [ɪ'məʊʃənl] adj.感情的,情绪的
	例:A successful businessman should reduce the influence of emotional problems on his work to the minimum.
	派:emotionally adv.感情地
proceeds ['prəʊsi:dz] n.实收款项;收入,收益
	例:You must pay tax for proceeds from the lottery.
	商:gross proceeds 总收入/net proceeds 净收入
infrastructure ['ɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)] n.基础建设;基础设施
	例:The government plans to increase investment on infrastructure to bolster employment.
	派:infrastructural adj.基础建设的;基础设施的(例:infrastructural development 基础建设的发展)
billboard ['bɪlbɔːd] n.(路边)广告牌,招贴板 vt.宣传
	搭:commercial billboard 商业广告牌/walking billboard 活动广告牌





To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.

uniform ['ju:nɪfɔːm] n.制服 adj.相同的,一律的;不变的,始终如一的
	例:The pricing of our products is uniform across the country.
	商:uniform rates of pay 统一的薪资标准/uniform regulations 统一的规章制度
	搭:school uniform 校服
	派:uniformity n.一致,统一/uniformly adv.一致地;相同地/uniformed adj.穿制服的;穿军服的
perk [pɜːk] n.额外补贴,津贴 vi.活跃起来
	例:He was offered a company car and private medical insurance as perks for his excellent performance.
	搭:perk up 振作起来
	派:perky adj.自信的;活泼的
convey [kən'veɪ] vt.运输;传达,表达;通知
	例:In today's meeting, the president conveyed his worries about the difficulties of the enterprise reform.
	搭:convey from ... to 从...传递到
	派:conveyor/conveyer n.运送者;(财产)转让人/conveyance n.运输;运输工具
channel ['tʃænl] n.(商品流通的)渠道
	商:sales channel 销售渠道/circulation channel 流通渠道/broaden business channels 拓宽业务渠道
	搭:the Channel Tunnel 英吉利海峡隧道/news channel 新闻频道
rack up 累积;聚集;累计(得分)
	例:If Japan keeps on racking up big surpluses over the coming months without increasing the value of its currency, it will lead to a trade war.
appraiser [ə'preɪzə(r)] n.鉴定人;估价人;评估人
	商:real estate appraiser 不动产评估人/appraiser of intellectual property 知识产权鉴定人
legal ['li:gl] adj.律师的;法律方面的;合法的;法定的
	商:legal person 法人/legal reserve 法定准备金/legal tender 法定货币
	搭:legal holiday 法定假日/legal action 法律诉讼/legal aid 法律援助/legal adviser 法律顾问/legal expenses 律师费用
	派:legalise vt.使合法化/legally adv.法律上地;合法地
intended recipient 目标接收者
	例:Only the intended recipient has the right to review and transmit this information.
knowledge ['nɒlɪdʒ] n.知识,学问;知道,认识;学科
	商:knowledge industry 知识产业/knowledge economy 知识经济/knowledge worker 知识工作者
	搭:to one's knowledge 据某人所知/common knowledge 常识
	派:knowledgeable adj.博学的,有见识的
bulletin ['bʊlətɪn] n.公报,公告;(报纸、电台等的)新闻快报,最新消息;学报、期刊 vt.公布,公告
	例:Bulletin board advertising has a significant influence in the local market.
	商:bulletin board 布告栏
	搭:news bulletin 新闻简报