Windows无法连接到System Event Notification Service服务”,对System Event Notification Service服务手动配置并且重启后问题仍然存在。

windows10无法连接到Remote Desktop Configuration服务 window10无法连接到system event notification_System


Could not connect to System Event Notification Service》的帖子,其中也提到了这个问题是由于字体缓存造成的。Kaijia按照帖子中提供的基础方法尝试清除字体缓存但是并没有成功,然后一位名叫Lany Zhang的用户回帖说注意微软的热修补KB2590550。

于是Kaijia找到这篇编号为KB2590550的微软知识库文章《The desktop does not load and only displays a black or blue background after you log on to a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2》,文章描述的现象为

You may experience the following issues after you log on to a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2:
当你在登录到一台安装有Windows 7或者Windows Server 2008 R2的电脑时,你可能遇到以下问题:

  • Your desktop does not load. You only see a blue or black background image.
  • Windows Explorer does not run, and you cannot access your data.
    Windows Explorer没有运行,并且你无法访问你的数据。
  • You receive the following message in a notification balloon: Failed to connect to a windows service. Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service. This problem prevents limited users from logging on to the system. As an administrative user, you can review the System Event Log for details about why the service didn’t respond.
    你收到了一个提示信息:无法连接一个Windows服务。Windows无法连接到System Event Notification Service服务。此问题阻止标准用户登录系统。作为管理员用户,您可以复查系统事件日志,以获得有关此服务未响应的详细信息。

System Event Notification Service和Themes,于是Kaijia文章中描述的情况适用于Kaijia遇到的问题。


